j**7 发帖数: 143 | 1 第三题的答案:
public class InfixToPostfix {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
String infix="4*((5+6)*7";
String postfix=toPostfix(infix);
//evaluate a postfix equation
static int evaluate(String postfix)
Stack st=new Stack阅读全帖 |
x****a 发帖数: 1229 | 2 在新建的stack中,调用generic method
public E remove()方法出错。如果把E改成char,运行成功。请解惑。谢谢
作业是实现infix, postfix互换,读取string input,把数字push to a stack,遇到
要求stack必须用doublyLinkedList形式生成,就是先建DoublyLinkedList class, 再
创建stack class: DoublyLinkedList stack = new DoublyLinkedList;再创
建新class 里有infix to postfix 和 postfix to infix两个method。
我两个method里,infix to postfix, 用stack1; postfix to infix
there i... 阅读全帖 |
E*****m 发帖数: 25615 | 3 原來不知道可以用括號,改了一下
ev(('-',XT,YT),Z):-!,ev(XT,X),ev(YT,Y), Z is X-Y.
ev(('+',XT,YT),Z):-!,ev(XT,X),ev(YT,Y), Z is X+Y.
ev(('*',XT,YT),Z):-!,ev(XT,X),ev(YT,Y), Z is X*Y.
ev(('/',XT,YT),Z):-!,ev(XT,X),ev(YT,Y), Y =\= 0, Z is X/Y.
ev(X, X).
term([X,Y], (Op1, X,Y), Ops):-member(Op1, Ops).
term([H|T], (Op1, H,YT), Ops):- member(Op1, Ops), term(T,YT,Ops).
term([X,Y|T], (Op1, (Op2, X,Y), YT), Ops):- member(Op1, Ops), member(Op2,
solve1(List, Target, Term):- permutation(List, L1), ter... 阅读全帖 |
s*******3 发帖数: 134 | 4 各位大牛好,经常在看amazon面经的时候发现他家貌似狠喜欢考:prefix postfix
不尽! |
g**u 发帖数: 583 | 5 今天刚面的Amazon,求祝福
面的题目如下:面的是5个人,第一个是HR, 就聊了些大概的问题,关于Amazon,有关
面试安排, 面试的语言和他们的工作流程之类,略无不表。后面面了4个engineer,把
每轮面试45 minutes, Interviewer will come to the office.
有个的题目是:如何找到bst中第二大的数;可以用in order visit,然后返回倒数第二
个,但是时间和空间都是O(n);要求improve,一个方案是寻找最大值(right most
nodes),然后寻找bst中最后一个小于该node的节点(log n),要求code实现第二个方法
;然后是要在hash table中实现一个function可以按照插入的顺序打印出来;接着是实
现linux下面的count words,用了2个whileloop分别处理当前指针在word中和word间的
有一个题目是关于C++和Java中的内存分配的;然后问了关于3-tier(UI, middle-tier
... 阅读全帖 |
p**o 发帖数: 3409 | 6
You may define the precedence levels for operators. E.g.,
precedence = {
'(': 0, ')': 0,
'+': 1, '-': 1,
'*': 2, '/': 2, '//': 2, '%': 2,
'^': 3, '**': 3,
operators = set(precedence.iterkeys())
right_associative_ops = {'^', '**',}
def infix_to_postlist (infix):
""" Simplified Shunting-yard algorithm. E.g.,
30 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3
<==> 30 + ((4 * 2) / ((1 - 5) ^ (2 ^ 3)))
<==> 30 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +
postlist = []
opstack = ... 阅读全帖 |
y*c 发帖数: 904 | 7 好难。
Calculator 是不是实现 infix->postfix 然后从postfix evaluate? |
g**u 发帖数: 583 | 8
面试完了就想到其实我们需要的是一个从 infix expression-->postfix expression的
转变,binary tree就可以了,但是那时候时间快没了... |
d********w 发帖数: 363 | 9 infix expression to prefix expression.
3 * x + ( 9 + y ) / 4 ->
(+ (* 3 x) (/ (+ 9 y) 4))
参考了网上的一个递归写法,总体挺简洁的,这个复杂度是多少, 有没有O(N)的解法么?
#reduce 用来标注是否能计算数值
def parse(s, reduce):
for operator in ["+-", "*/"]:
depth = 0
for p in xrange(len(s) - 1, -1, -1):
if s[p] == ')': depth += 1
if s[p] == '(': depth -= 1
if not depth and s[p] in operator:
left = parse(s[:p], reduce)
right = parse(s[p+1:], reduce)
... 阅读全帖 |
i*****e 发帖数: 63 | 10 convert it to postfix(or prefix) first and then convert it back to infix?? |
r**********g 发帖数: 22734 | 11 trie 的话只能从头搜。想fancy一点,prefix, suffix, infix都搜的话用suffix tree
想再fancy点,模糊匹配的话用inverted document |
e****e 发帖数: 418 | 12 写了一个infix to postfix,实现起来简单, 不知道思路还真不好想,面试的时候我肯
public List toPostfix(String[] in) {
List pf = new ArrayList();
Stack stack = new Stack();
for ( String s : in ) {
int p = getPrecedence( s );
if ( p == 0 )
pf.add( s );
else if ( stack.empty() )
stack.push( s );
else {
while( !stack.isEmpty() && getPrecedence( stack.peek() ) >= p )
pf.add( ... 阅读全帖 |
e****e 发帖数: 418 | 13 写了一个infix to postfix,实现起来简单, 不知道思路还真不好想,面试的时候我肯
public List toPostfix(String[] in) {
List pf = new ArrayList();
Stack stack = new Stack();
for ( String s : in ) {
int p = getPrecedence( s );
if ( p == 0 )
pf.add( s );
else if ( stack.empty() )
stack.push( s );
else {
while( !stack.isEmpty() && getPrecedence( stack.peek() ) >= p )
pf.add( ... 阅读全帖 |
s********u 发帖数: 1109 | 14 我自己小结的是,面试碰到:
3.infix即中缀表达式,不要求括号的话用longway大侠的方法,要求的话太麻烦了gg。 |
j**7 发帖数: 143 | 15 第三题应该用stack把infix expression转换成一个postfix expression,然后用stack
计算postfix expression. |
j*****0 发帖数: 160 | 16 自我介绍一下先……某崽,美国某鸟不拉屎小学校念大三中,大二时半路出家读的CS从
Amazon: Jan 29, 12pm PST - 2pm PST
Cracking the code interview》还一本《Programming interview exposed》。然后面
右。。。大概就是每... 阅读全帖 |
j********x 发帖数: 2330 | 17 PS1: 1. Merge sorted linked lists; 2. Iterative inorder traversal of
binary tree
PS2: 1. Inorder successor of binary search tree;
onsite: 1. infix expression evaluation of integers and + - * /; 2.
implement a system to route packets based on their priority; implement
associative container Map; 3. Given n nodes, each node has 2 blocking
functions: send(int to_id, int msg); recv(int from_id); each node has a
value; design a method to distribute the sum of all values on every node to
all nodes; 4. ... 阅读全帖 |
j********x 发帖数: 2330 | 18 PS1: 1. Merge sorted linked lists; 2. Iterative inorder traversal of
binary tree
PS2: 1. Inorder successor of binary search tree;
onsite: 1. infix expression evaluation of integers and + - * /; 2.
implement a system to route packets based on their priority; implement
associative container Map; 3. Given n nodes, each node has 2 blocking
functions: send(int to_id, int msg); recv(int from_id); each node has a
value; design a method to distribute the sum of all values on every node to
all nodes; 4. ... 阅读全帖 |
t********e 发帖数: 12 | 20 the benefit of postfix or reverse polish expression is that it's a no
brainer evaluation. i.e. when you see a operator, just do evaluation.
the order of operands is actually the same as infix expression.
so ab+c/ => (a+b) c/ => ((a+b)/c) |
o*********r 发帖数: 203 | 21 You need to:
1) convert it into post-fix expression by using stack, which will eliminate
any brackets ( ).
2) compute result using stack.
There are many resources available online about 'Infix to postfix expression
' algorithm.
s******e 发帖数: 128 | 22 Given a sequence, 3 + 4 * 5 * 6 + 3 + 7 + ... of single digits, + and *,
Evaluate it.
就是infix polish notation. 我想不出如果用 inorder recursive 或stack 怎么做。 |
y***n 发帖数: 1594 | 23 Infix 如何做? 不要考虑先乘除,后加加减 |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 24 多谢
那个prefix polish notation expression evaluation 你怎么做的?
infix 超难, postfix 很简单, refix 看一眼觉得很难, 但con右边scan 基本跟
postfix 差不多
onsite |
f****e 发帖数: 923 | 25 亲身经历,candidate 是个烙印, 小印是面试官之一, 面完之后向烙印manager报告
,说出了2个题, 第一个是string infix 转 postfix, 只写了70%
不来没问题, 第二题完美解出来了, 所以总体coding非常不错
如果换成某些中国面试官, 第二题如果没写出o(1) space, o(n) time的 解法,基本
废了 |
n******n 发帖数: 409 | 26 我面试从来不出题。基本看完简历就大概知道这个人合不合适了。然后就是聊天看看性
[在 fcwrme (刷题转码,脱贫致富,奔小康) 的大作中提到:]
:亲身经历,candidate 是个烙印, 小印是面试官之一, 面完之后向烙印manager报告
:,说出了2个题, 第一个是string infix 转 postfix, 只写了70%
:不来没问题, 第二题完美解出来了, 所以总体coding非常不错
:如果换成某些中国面试官, 第二题如果没写出o(1) space, o(n) time的 解法,基
:废了 |
f****e 发帖数: 923 | 27 亲身经历,candidate 是个烙印, 小印是面试官之一, 面完之后向烙印manager报告
,说出了2个题, 第一个是string infix 转 postfix, 只写了70%
不来没问题, 第二题完美解出来了, 所以总体coding非常不错
如果换成某些中国面试官, 第二题如果没写出o(1) space, o(n) time的 解法,基本
废了 |
n******n 发帖数: 409 | 28 我面试从来不出题。基本看完简历就大概知道这个人合不合适了。然后就是聊天看看性
[在 fcwrme (刷题转码,脱贫致富,奔小康) 的大作中提到:]
:亲身经历,candidate 是个烙印, 小印是面试官之一, 面完之后向烙印manager报告
:,说出了2个题, 第一个是string infix 转 postfix, 只写了70%
:不来没问题, 第二题完美解出来了, 所以总体coding非常不错
:如果换成某些中国面试官, 第二题如果没写出o(1) space, o(n) time的 解法,基
:废了 |
Y********6 发帖数: 28 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 Computation 讨论区 】
发信人: Yolanda886 (Yolanda886), 信区: Computation
标 题: 准备100个包子求大神帮下忙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 26 10:02:58 2013, 美东)
In reverse Polish notation the operators follow their operands;
To add 3 and 4, one would write "3 4 +" rather than "3 + 4".
If there are multiple operations, the operator is given immediately after
its second operand
The expressi... 阅读全帖 |
x****a 发帖数: 1229 | 30 // public void postfix (String input)
// {
// Stack s1 = new Stack();
// String output = "";//to store the postfix expression
// for (int i =0; i
// {
// //get the single letter
// char letter = input.charAt(i);
// //convert infix to postfix
// if (letter =='1'||letter =='2'|| letter =='3'||letter =='4'||
letter =='5'||letter =='6'||
// letter =='7'||le... 阅读全帖 |
w*********n 发帖数: 439 | 31 A calculator application that allows prefix, infix, and postfix expressions
to be evaluated (i.e., allows all 3 types of expressions).
Binary tree
Binary search tree
B tree
Priority Queue
Graph |
r*********r 发帖数: 3195 | 32 scheme/lisp 的语法其实是最简单的, 只有 function calling.
(foo x y) 就相当于 c 里的 foo(x,y)
难看懂是因为没有 c 里的 infix 的 operator, 所以 x+y/z 要写成 (+ x (/ y z)). |
n******n 发帖数: 12088 | 33 其实infix没有任何优点,就是个习惯。如果从小教育post or pre fix,大家也不会觉
). |
G****A 发帖数: 4160 | 34 need it in c++. any thoughts? |
g*********s 发帖数: 1782 | 35 homework? find a compiler text book. usually a typical example. |
g*********s 发帖数: 1782 | 37 E ::= T | T + E
T ::= F | F * T
F ::= | ( E )
sth like that. |
E*****m 发帖数: 25615 | 38
看了一下, 語法不太好。
(define swap
{(A * B) --> (B * A)}
(@p X Y) -> (@p Y X))
既然是 Lisp, 為啥 --> 和 -> 是 infix 呢? 這樣 macro 不是很難寫嗎?
什麼都抄一點, 太亂了。 |
l**********n 发帖数: 8443 | 39 scala code is a mixture of postfix, infix and prefix code. it is really hard
to read. even an function is an object. so you don't know whether it is a
function or an object.
you can write + X Y or X + Y or X Y +. |
x***4 发帖数: 1815 | 40 我的愿望:出一个scala lite
没有implicit conversion,implicit parameter。
禁infix notation(这个可能不现实)
Protected 和private跟java的convention.
基本原则就是explicit,避免同一样事情有n种做法。 |
Y********6 发帖数: 28 | 41 马上去找人买100个包子,求哪位大神能赐教帮忙提点一下怎么写下面这个project,谢
In reverse Polish notation the operators follow their operands;
To add 3 and 4, one would write "3 4 +" rather than "3 + 4".
If there are multiple operations, the operator is given immediately after
its second operand
The expression written "3 − 4 + 5” would be written "3 4 − 5 +"
in RPN: first subtract 4 from 3, then add 5 to that
An advantage of RPN is th... 阅读全帖 |
z*******n 发帖数: 1034 | 42 来自主题: MobileDevelopment版 - Swift 出现了个func,既不是个word也不是众所周知的abbreviation
Keywords and Punctuation
The following keywords are reserved and can’t be used as identifiers,
unless they’re escaped with backticks, as described above in Identifiers.
Keywords other than inout, var, and let can be used as external parameter
names in a function declaration or function call without being escaped with
Keywords used in declarations: associatedtype, class, deinit, enum,
extension, func, import, init, inout, internal, let, operator, p... 阅读全帖 |