

全部话题 - 话题: infaltor
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: Automobile版 - 请问需要备一个胎气泵吗?
is a tire inflator useful and economical?
The cheapest price for a tire infaltor is around $40.
But if you inflat your time $1 each time each year, $40 can let you inflat
for 40 years.
please give you some advice whether it is worth to buy a tire inflator and
put it in your trunk.
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: Living版 - tire inflator
is a tire inflator useful and economical?
The cheapest price for a tire infaltor is around $40.
But if you inflat your time $1 each time each year, $40 can let you inflat
for 40 years.
please give you some advice whether it is worth to buy a tire inflator and
put it in your trunk.