h****g 发帖数: 2216 | 1 某id自称曾投票给Trump,现在是川黑了。这个id自我定位是observer,这个倒是和我
要尊重基本的游戏规则吧。等大选结束,民主党立刻上演resistance, 要求impeach
我记得2015年的时候,国会通过了废除health care的法案,当时WV的 Shelley Moore
Capito和AK的 Lisa Murkowski
一方面,共和党这头,有分量的政客没有... 阅读全帖 |
h****g 发帖数: 2216 | 2 她们当然可以说出无数理由。一模一样的法案,2015年投赞成,2017就反对了。真正的
修改health care的法案。
至于resistance 和 impeachment 这可是民主党带领下左派集体狂欢。说民主党,那是
她连任。 |
发帖数: 1 | 3 健保的事情我不知道,但是 Feinstein 的事情,你的推论就是扯淡了。她一向是左边
偏中,从支持死刑到反对 single payer,民主党人反对他连任的理由多了去了,你硬
至于什么 “民主党带领下的集体狂欢”,那就更是扯淡了。当时的确有人说到弹劾,
你这是跟川普一样毛病,“几千穆斯林庆祝 911”,个人喜恶决定眼睛。他排外,讨厌
: 她们当然可以说出无数理由。一模一样的法案,2015年投赞成,2017就反对了。
: 区别就是这次总统是Trump,法案有可能被通过了。注意,我这里可没有说2017
: 修改health care的法案。
: 至于resistance 和 impeachment 这可是民主党带领下左派集体狂欢。说民主党
: 说小了。不同意的当然有,CA的Feinstein公开反对impeach,结果CA的民主党公
开反... 阅读全帖 |
h****g 发帖数: 2216 | 4 到目前为止,对Trump所有抹黑都是失效得,这本书也只能再一次失效。说白了很简单
Casey |
C*****8 发帖数: 5758 | 5 华人要争取impeach 这个左逼!即使没能实现impeach 那么让他道歉也就容易多了!首
这样道歉哪够啊,要换成老黑,直接喊他下台! |
l***x 发帖数: 1761 | 6 impeach个屁啊。。。他也得能做到啊
:如果民主党赢了众院, impeachment 肯定是他们的第一要务 |
u***n 发帖数: 21026 | 7 要实事求是,恭喜佩洛西,说好的impeach千万不要忘了,不impeach是小狗 |
r*********t 发帖数: 4911 | 8 而且还尝试过impeach,算乱国么?
Jefferson launched the attack on Chase when he wrote to Rep. Joseph Hopper
Nicholson of Maryland asking: “Ought the seditious and official attack [by
Chase] on the principles of our Constitution ... to go unpunished?”
In 1805, the Democr... 阅读全帖 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 9 老克因为JJ撒谎这点事儿被impeach 了,trump 既然也撒了会不也被impeach ?
short |
d******0 发帖数: 3640 | 10 你不要低估了左x的无耻,台上impeach不了,下台后找个罪名不会太难,老川总不能当
:【 在 dell3000 (dimension) 的大作中提到: 】 |
发帖数: 1 | 11 靠,原来如此
”Resign or be impeached“ 都是动词,主语是 djt。 one 是指名词, 原话中没有
名词。你either one 个什么呀?“do fine”跟你有什么关系?
: 你也配说英语
: 上面完整的句子是Either one will do fine, I'm OK with President Pence.
: 要不你再论证一下Either one will do fine错了,要把do改成be.
: 你这才是没救了。还什么正确答案。
: :所以我说你没救,正确答案放你眼前你都不知道。好,我把完整的 context
: :大家看看出:
: :有则新闻标题说(大意)Resign or be impeached? Trump facing tough
: :针对这个标题,你的回答是 Either one, I'm fine with President Pence。
: :请问大家,应该是 either way 还是 either... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 哈佛法律教授指责特朗普“恐怖主义”,要求在枪击事件后弹劾
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 4 19:00:12 2019, 美东)
Harvard Law prof accuses Trump of 'terrorism,' calls for impeachment after
-calls-for-impeachment-after-shootings |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 民主灯塔比包子强多了,公器私用,国家战略换为打压国内异己
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 24 12:48:22 2019, 美东)
Donald Trump ADMITS he held back millions in Ukraine military aid days
before phone call where he asked new president about Biden 'corruption' -
but claims it was because Europe wasn't doing enough
Trump ordered his staff to freeze almost $400 million in military aid to
The d... 阅读全帖 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 15 Nunes demands Schiff testify in private as part of House impeachment inquiry
EXCLUSIVE: The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee has
formally requested that the panel's chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.,
testify in a closed-door setting as part of the impeachment inquiry against
President Trump.
Fox News has obtained a letter written by committee Ranking Member Devin
Nunes, R-Calif., who demanded that Schiff appear for a deposition in private
before lawmakers. |
r*********t 发帖数: 4911 | 16 至少在impeach inquiry中,如果在formal impeachment里,我相信总统阻止手下作证
https://crsreports.congress.gov › product › pdf
Although the courts have reaffirmed Congress’s constitutional authority to
issue and enforce subpoenas,efforts to punish an executive branch official
for non-compliance with a subpoena through criminal contempt will likely
prove unavailing in many, if not most circumstances. Where the President
directs or ... 阅读全帖 |
a******n 发帖数: 202 | 17 各位如果有兴趣,去油管查看Kim Clement早在2014年的视频,包括其他几位先知预言。
上帝的预言 (Kim Clement prophesying in 2014)
1. 我从万民中找到一个人,他是个genius,他是名战士。 "Trump will be trumpet"
2. Trump将会是两任总统。他的敌人包围在四周不断向他进攻,但上帝会用圣灵充满他
坚固他. I will fool people 上帝这么说。
3. 许多人高喊“impeach, impeach"...上帝摇摇头说 "This shall not happen"
4. 上帝说川普并不认识他,但他做完两任总统他将成为一个祷告的总统。
,其中第一件事就是美国承认耶路撒冷是以色列首都,并把大使馆迁到耶路撒冷。 前
让以色列人在流放70年后回到耶路撒冷... 阅读全帖 |
c*******o 发帖数: 8869 | 19 Rep. Jim Banks is calling on fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to
ratchet up his defense of President Donald Trump, as House Republicans race
to influence the Senate GOP's strategy in a looming impeachment trial.
In a Wednesday letter to Graham, Banks (R-Ind.) encouraged the Senate
Judiciary Committee chairman to “rethink” his impeachment strategy, in the
latest sign that the House GOP is growing restless with their Republican
colleagues across the Capitol. |
f*******8 发帖数: 1430 | 22 我觉着等国会复会后会有一场很大的immigration debate. 即使移民团体不推动,像
NUMEBERSUSA这种势力强大的anti-immigration group也会强力推动的, 因为这些anti
所一直依赖的attrition through enforcement的政策随着奥巴马的新政策而瓦解。
Does Pres. Obama's new amnesty attempt mean E-Verify bill wouldn't work?
By Roy Beck, Thursday, August 25, 2011, 7:20 PM EDT - posted on NumbersUSA
Has Pres. Obama convinced ANTI-amnesty activists to give up on keeping
illegal aliens from holding... 阅读全帖 |
a*o 发帖数: 25262 | 23 Now we need to protest and impeach Obama..His apology is not accepted. H did
not admit it's wrong.
Oh, wait, who's going to take care of our white house petition to
investigate Jimmy Kimmel if he's impeached? |
l*****o 发帖数: 19653 | 24 The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging in 1998, from a
sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton and a 22-
year-old White House Intern, Monica Lewinsky. The news of this extra-marital
affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of
President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his
subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction
of justice in a 21-day Senate trial.[1]
-----wikiped... 阅读全帖 |
y*****y 发帖数: 1208 | 25 The crime of obstruction of justice
The crime of obstruction of justice refers to the crime of interfering with
the work of police, investigators, regulatory agencies, prosecutors, or
other (usually government) officials.
Generally, obstruction charges are laid when it is discovered that a person
questioned in an investigation, other than a suspect, has lied to the
investigating officers. If the person tried to protect a suspect (such as by
providing a false alibi, *****even if the suspect is in... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 27 真相是这样的
During debate over the impeachment of Bill Clinton on December 19, 1998,
Hustler Magazine publisher Larry Flynt offered one million dollars for each
unflattering sexual story about Republican members of congress. After one
such story was made public about him by Flynt, Livingston acknowledged that
he had had an affair and withdrew his candidacy for Speaker. He challenged
President Bill Clinton to resign as well.Livingston then announced he would
vacate his House seat in May 1999. His leav... 阅读全帖 |
f*r 发帖数: 3968 | 28
well, that rule is somehow reasonable to protect BT member
can't impeach a BT member, but can impeach BT President
this number is still ok bah,
though if one more leave, not ok lah
nod, this makes much sense |
f*r 发帖数: 3968 | 29
well, that rule is somehow reasonable to protect BT member
can't impeach a BT member, but can impeach BT President
this number is still ok bah,
though if one more leave, not ok lah
nod, this makes much sense |
E*V 发帖数: 17544 | 30 In the distraction of the scandal-fever swirling through Washington and the
news media, you might have missed the announcement the other day that one of
the great puzzles of number theory had been solved.
What makes the news most fascinating is that the solver isn’t on the
faculty of a top university and wasn’t known until this month to others who
work in the field. He is a Chinese immigrant in his 50s named Yitang Zhang,
a onetime accountant and part-time lecturer at the University of New
Hamps... 阅读全帖 |
l***a 发帖数: 63 | 31 Strongly disagree with LZ.
Imagine: In US, one party tries to impeach a president or do whatever
political damage, should the other (ruling) party start killing? |
z*i 发帖数: 1585 | 32 站在路边 放了个牌子 写着 impeach obama
obama的头像上 鼻子下面那块地方涂了黑黑的一块 像日本鬼子 不知道这个头像啥
依稀? |
L***g 发帖数: 975 | 33 like this, hehe.
"So folks how's the hoax and chains fitting. God help those people who have
lost their jobs and those that are losing them in the gulf states because of
this radical Marxist traitor. Impeach this Worthless buffoon.
LOOK OUT 444444444"
I lost my job long before Obama came to office. It was moved to a Mexican
sweatshop, for one dollar an hour labor. Yet, the price of a Harely
Davidsoon motorcycle hasn't come down, to reflect the 'great competitiveness
' they gained.
It's not Marxi |
B**W 发帖数: 2273 | 34 It is well said. But nowadays, China is busy defending herself. For example,
a Tibetan research group from China was visiting many western countries in
the past Summer to communicate with scholars there. Similarly, Confucian
institutes all over the world just teach Chinese and Chinese culture. They
have nothing with the interior affairs in those countries.
What you said is not defense, but offense. We do need that. For example, we
can sponsor Latino studies and Native American studies in the US.... 阅读全帖 |
g******g 发帖数: 1310 | 35 http://toshuo.com/2007/economy-taiwan-vs-korea-2000-2006/
As a relatively long term resident of Taiwan, I have some interest in its
economy. Especially now that I’m involved in business here, it isn’t wise
to ignore what I read and hear. One thing I’ve heard again and again is
anguish at how much we’re falling behind our closest rival, Korea.
I suppose comparisons between Taiwan and South Korea are inevitable. Both
were colonized by the Japanese early last century, people of both were split
from... 阅读全帖 |
a********e 发帖数: 5251 | 36 Refer to impeached Nixon. |
a********e 发帖数: 5251 | 37 Google "Impeachment Law". |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 39 The is OUR bbs, not Temp's. All of the users of this board have the rights
to ask moderator's removal as long as he keeps doing this cowardly thing
that harms free flow of information and the exchange of ideas. |
W*******a 发帖数: 1769 | 40 放屁,这bbs是3k的私人财产,他授权temp代理管理军版,什么时候变成你的了?
rights |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 42 Where is it written that you can breath? Why are you breathing? !! |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 43 LOL
I have signed service agreement with them, and it is binding that I can post
anything as long as I abide by the agreement. wise up!
Save the dirty stuff for your dinner, otherwise I will persue it. |
L*********d 发帖数: 7037 | 45 “Save the dirty stuff for your dinner, otherwise I will persue it”
如果你仔细看这一句 |
B*V 发帖数: 3365 | 49 o search in this board
keyword : impeach |
TN 发帖数: 1870 | 50 The final sequence in the series is the story of what happened to Taishi
Village, which sought to use the law to impeach and remove its corrupt
leaders. Praised by the leading Party newspaper in China one minute, the
village was overrun with police and militia the next. The corrupt old
leaders were reinstated by local government amid violence, intimidation and
??? |