l*****g 发帖数: 1128 | 1 才一手牌你就说我走的是phil hellmuth的路子?我知道我是领先一点,但其实也差不
多就是COIN FLIP了,如果我知道他是什么牌我是会FOLD的,因为当时已经输了几百了
,所以不想再把这最后一点本钱给输掉。 |
I**n 发帖数: 839 | 2 1. I read many other posts already
2. Hellmuth 读人能力很强 而且善于exploit weak player 这方面女侠很厉害
3. 有时很难narrow down to specific hands 尤其是现金局 还是range的概念先进 这
首牌对手是small suited connector也不奇怪 俺最近就遇到和类似的一手
4. 如果明知领先还不能跟 要么是scared money 要么就还是 tournament 思维
5. I'm just a fish |
s*********k 发帖数: 1989 | 3 wow, nice. THough he is really a thing in cash game. |
D*A 发帖数: 1169 | 4 $1 Million? that normally is the prize for the champion of poker tournament,
and a big one.
but here, it is just a BUY-IN.
and... in this game, what if you got quads??
Russian businessman Mikhail Smirnov folded four eights, believing he was
beaten by a straight flush, as the first $1 million buy-in charity
tournament at the World Series of Poker began.
Poker professional Bryan Rast leads 37 players remaining in the tournament,
calle... 阅读全帖 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 6 作为一个tourney玩家,我一直最欣赏他的紧弱打法。他的战绩也证明了他的紧弱打法
实际上是最适合tourney的打法。因为他很少玩花活,所以那些Internet kids们成天看
flush draw。连pokerplayer championship也搞定了。今年的1 million buyin也搞了
个钱圈。过上几十年,又有谁会记得这些Internet kids们。 |
W********m 发帖数: 7793 | 8 他不能算紧弱.. mostly 紧凶吧.
miss |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 9 He is something like 3-bet QQ+, AK. He mostly check raises set, two-pair,
and big draws. You can call him tight aggressive if this is on a regular 1/2
table. But in the eyes of Internet kids, that is absolutely weak tight in
high-stake cash games. That is why they all like mocking and teasing him,
since they think they are better players and Phil is just a lucky old nit
with no creativity.
I think Internet kids are right in terms of cash games. There are probably
more than one thousand cash play... 阅读全帖 |
H****r 发帖数: 2801 | 10 He's still one of the best tourney player in my eyes
/2 |
p******a 发帖数: 975 | 11 今天说一下我看过的几本口碑非常好但是个人感觉用处不大的书。(大概是我的打开方
第一本是ed miller 的《Professional No-Limit Hold 'em: Volume I》。 应该说这
本书的出发点还是很有意思的。作者试图用stack to pot ratio(SPR)来处理poker当
的情况比简单的SPR复杂的多,感兴趣的可以看Bill Chen的《The Mathematics of
Poker》。另外让我比较无语的是很多和stack size有关的interesting and
fundamentally important的concepts在这本号称专讲stack size的书里面居然完全没
有涉及。这个就是不能容忍的了。比如说100bb effective stack size, 为什么3bb
open 比5bb 或者2bb open要好。为什么3bet size是一般是10bb,4bet size一般是
20bb。如果对手open 5bb 或者 2bb... 阅读全帖 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 12 ”tournament里头week tight更不成“是一个常见的myth。原因你看剪辑都只看到
Joseph Cheong这样6-bet A7o allin 的donk。所以你就觉得tourney必须donk不然就会
被blind out。
恰恰相反。Tourney打weak tight是非常有前途的。原因是tourney stack size浅所以
技术作用下降而按牌力说话的时候居多。所以恰恰应该打ABC POKER而不是make move。
一个最好的例子就是Phil Hellmuth。几乎所有的cash高手都看不起他,觉得他是个
weak tight。恰恰是他这样的weak tight能搞定13个手链。他的打法的确就是个加强版
的weak tight.一来几乎不3-bet light. 二来bluff的少。也不是说他不bluff。而是
比。 |
k***n 发帖数: 849 | 13 I wouldn't call Hellmuth weak-tight. He just likes to make smallish bets
relative to the pot, and check/call more often than bet/raise. That way he
keeps the pot small, minimizing risk, and he can read how other players
respond to his small bets very well. This works for him in big field
tournaments where the average player is weak. It doesn't work against high-
level pros at all.Just watch him on high-stakes poker LOL |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 14 基本同意。其实20 bb以下都算是solved game。正因为是solved game,所以20 BB 以
下其实没有什么weak tight及tight aggressive的风格问题。因为当正确答案只有一个
因为你前面提到了风格问题。所以我以为你在说较深一点的筹码深度。比如30 ~ 50
BB。我只是想说这个深度weak tight的打法其实是很好的。
当然每个人对weak tight的定义不一样。我心里的weak tight基本上就是solid abc
poker,象Phil Hellmuth那样的。严格的说来solid abc poker本不应该被叫成weak
tight。但是这年头主流是25/22/8,所以把15/10/4叫weak tight也未尝不可。
cards. |
p******a 发帖数: 975 | 15 晚上家里太热睡不着,就随便逛逛2+2,感觉最近2+2水平下降了不少。small stake讨
论区以前常见的鞭辟入里的分析现在几乎看不见。有个帖子问新人玩cash game应该看
点什么书。然后有人回复说像Doyle Brunson的书的tight aggressive是old game了,
我一直觉得像Johnny Chen和Doyle Brunson现在仍旧是最好的牌手。不管是tournament
还是cash game能打赢他们的没几个。看high stake poker里面Brunson几乎每季都赢钱
提并论的也就Ivey和Isildur。像Dwan 和 patric antonius 的tournament严重短板,
至于negreanu和hellmuth的cash game就是搞笑。(如果让Dr. Giggy或者leatherass和
Negreanu玩cash game的话,前两个人应该会赢得非常轻松。)即使是Dwan和Galfond对
Br... 阅读全帖 |
p******a 发帖数: 975 | 16 手链不能太当真。Hellmuth手链最多,而且也不算老,那又怎么说
何况Ivey的手链都不是holdem的手链 |
k***n 发帖数: 849 | 17 Hellmuth在big field tourney是很强呀,只不过他那套在high level现金局不管用罢
绩不差的,就是第一名太少了,好像就WPT拿过一个,进了n多次final table。。。 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 18 现在所有的书和文章都说你必须要凶。不然就会被blind out所以nit无法生存。
实际上这是个myth。你看Phil Hellmuth靠非常nitty的打法不也赢了13个手链吗。
不用非得make a play。blind down成小筹码了。so what?这个过程既有pay jump也有
ICM model。其实blind down的过程还是+ev的。
们aggression背后遵循着一套+ev的理论,在那样的game里,nitty无法生存 |
d*****0 发帖数: 1500 | 19 我对hellmuth打法非常nitty这句话持保留意见 很多年前看过一个视频sarah scott采
访丫 这茬在那边叨叨比比说桌上都很aggressive 然后sarah爆出一句 好像跟你打过牌
的人说 真正aggressive的人是你吧 然后就没有然后了
从头到尾,严格遵循nitty打法的,实际上,潜在的在放弃自己的tourney edge,绝大
多数时候,是以average chips的位置,进入钱圈,然后跟人55/37的flip。这样以放弃
这句话有点拗口,当然是哥个人的体会,肯定有局限。这几个... 阅读全帖 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 20 Hellmuth是非常nitty的打法。很少float和3/4-bet light。不然不会那么多Internet
kids看不起他想羞辱他。当然,这个nitty是相对于Internet kids而言的。不要把我说
另外,我觉得大筹码也就在pay jump大的时候可以施加压力。pay jump平缓的时候大筹
死钱呢。你再去open light就属于送筹码。我见过太多的大筹码这样把自己打tilt了的
。 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 21 high stake cash game衡量不了水平。这些high stake玩家赢了几百万的也大部分是运
tourney的手链数多了以后还是有用的。比如Phil Hellmuth的13个手链绝对不是运气能
另外,Holdem技术要求最低。其他的game要求高。所以Mixed game的长期赢家技术一定
好。 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 22 同意。打牌这和体育是完全不一样的。打牌的精神基本上就是要确保自己有edge然后再
打牌象Victor Blom那样只和高手中的高手打,而且还要multitable同时打4个的属于富
过几十年人们能记得的无非就只有Phil Hellmuth。因为他的手链记录应该是无人能打
破的了。老Doyle应该也算。其他的比如谁会记得几十年前有个高手叫Phil Ivey。
addiction |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 23 同意。打牌这和体育是完全不一样的。打牌的精神基本上就是要确保自己有edge然后再
打牌象Victor Blom那样只和高手中的高手打,而且还要multitable同时打4个的属于富
过几十年人们能记得的无非就只有Phil Hellmuth。因为他的手链记录应该是无人能打
破的了。老Doyle应该也算。其他的比如谁会记得几十年前有个高手叫Phil Ivey。
addiction |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 24 Morgenstern的一生都会不停的回想这一天。剩下22个人的时候他是27m的筹码。200个
让Phil hellmuth来打就是奔着前3去了。结果他拿了28万就走人了。连前18都没进。
他这又是一个网上攻略看多了的傻货。他以为他拿了个大stack可以欺负人。I got a
deep stack so I can use it to bully. lol。问题是大部分人都只有20到50个BB。都
被人huge shove回来。居然花了5秒种就call了。我日这厮的牌技真是臭不可闻。尼玛
的这种way ahead or way behind的board明显不能够value 3条街的。flop bet没错因
为该那样可以balance自己的CB with air。但是turn上绝对应该check
一发pot contr... 阅读全帖 |
c*****t 发帖数: 817 | 25 JC的小球打法是经过事实考验的唯一正确的Tourney打法。Phil Hellmuth就是这么打出
了13个手链。当然,网上读物都是让你凶凶凶。3-bet light。赫赫。毒害青少年啊。
Morgenstern 前面build这么大一个stack是因为有次他拿着pocket aces在3-flush的
river call了别人的allin bluff。只想了10秒。尼玛这是位call station还是读tell
的高手?lol |
W********m 发帖数: 7793 | 26 Carlos Morternsen is regarded as the best NL Holdem player in the world by
Phil hellmuth. 看来在女赌神眼里不过尔尔啊。 厉害!
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8 |
f*****g 发帖数: 15860 | 27 1987 Johnny Chan 152
1988 Johnny Chan 167
1989 Phil Hellmuth, Jr. 178
论,实践给研究得太透彻了。 |
W********m 发帖数: 7793 | 28 憋神战术? play like the best touney player of all time phil hellmuth? |
l*****g 发帖数: 1128 | 29 顺便说一下,这次在拉斯维加斯看到tom dwan了,很想过去和他说话,不过还是不好意
牌,那几个中国人当时在玩25-50NL,玩得很疯狂,都是拿着ace high river 直接打一
万刀bluff,然后竟然被人call了,然后他想着他死定了,谁知他打ace jack high竟然
是大的。我在旁边看着笑死了。board was 86553. 我在他们旁边玩10/20,所以一有大
锅我都凑过去看。tom dwan没玩,只是过来看几个朋友,当时实在是不好意思,因为好
kitchen里看到phil hellmuth, shaun deeb, and doyle brunson三个人在一起聊天也
没啥感觉,继续吃俺的饭。但tom dwan还是不一样。下次见到他一定上去和他聊。 |
p****0 发帖数: 611 | 30 最常见的TILT类型:
1) 霉运型TILT: 因运气不好而TILT实际上并不是一种独特的TILT ,他是许多类型的
TILT在短时间内频繁的发生,而我们的思想却控制不了它,结果,久而久之,TILT 就
2)不公正型 TILT: Bad beat, 遇见冷门, 被对手听牌击败,这些例子都会引起你感觉
输钱. 求胜心切不是问题,真正的问题是你
4)犯错型 TILT: 导致自己犯错的原因非常多; 但是这些错误不算是真正的缺点,因为
5)权力性TILT: Phil Hellmuth 的TILT就是因为他自以为实力超群有很多理由最终获胜
6)报复型TILT: 不受对手尊敬,经常的激进行为,有人觉得他们比你好,可以打败你
7)绝望型TILT:尝试赢回你输掉的钱 ,做奋力一搏, 这就会导致你玩过长的session,打
得很暴... 阅读全帖 |
z******n 发帖数: 8851 | 31 尽管很多人不喜欢他的态度和说话方式,poker brat还是很牛X的,在poker历史上会有
他的一席之位,呵呵。。。 |
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 32 首届poker世界团体赛,中国队夺得冠军(几分钟前).
中国队阵容: 队长为Johnny Chan和David Chiu,队员为Derek Cheung,Chau Giang,
Maria Ho,Winfred Yu和Rich Zhu。
Team USA: Doyle Brunson, Phil Hellmuth, Allen Cunningham, Chris
Ferguson, Jennifer Harman, Howard Lederer, Mike Matusow
Team Vietnam: Men "The Master Nguyen" Scotty Nguyen, Kenny Tran, Tim Phan,
John Phan, Karina Jett
Team Australia: Jeff Lisandro Tony Guoga, Mel Judah, David Saab, Gary Benson
Team England: Ben |
p*t 发帖数: 275 | 33 I think on a quiet table, you muscle them out - that's what you're good at.
On a hot table, even if you make the right move based on probability, you
still could lose due to bad luck. That's true for world champions, too. Look
at what Phil Hellmuth has been complaining all the time, "what I want is
average cards. A little below average is fine." LOL.
river |
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 34 This guy, Hellmuth, whenever he got a badbeat, there would be endless
complaints, as if his opponent committed crime. I am sick of his behavior. |
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 35 This is what people call"pro".
I don't have much respect for pros. |
i********r 发帖数: 1153 | 36 the penalty was overruled.
s |
j**y 发帖数: 7014 | 37 昨天看man the "master"的一手牌也很ws
他是chip leader
flop后push Juan Juanda(spelling?) all in
他手里66,Juanda 手里77, flop 2,4,8的样子
感觉it很没品的说 |
f*****g 发帖数: 15860 | 38 hehe, he's banned from playing at foxwood forever... |
f*****g 发帖数: 15860 | 40 don't know exactly, but it's about cheating.
another pro who wrote 4 poker books was caught last year at borgata AC too,
he and a group of people used a mini video camera at the table, and sent the
info. wirelessly to the back room, where he analyzed and gave instructions. |
h*******s 发帖数: 3932 | 41 不过WSOP上很多人就是push pro啊,特别是phil hellmuth这样的。。daniel好像受到
Allen |
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 42 Sorry for not converting but this is really strange!
This has not been edited in anyway besides the hand ID and if you know
DOUBLEBALLER you may want to let him know about this (He like auto left the
table when the pot got shipped to phil! then come straight back! Software
glitch maybe?)
Stage #XXXXXXX: Holdem (1 on 1) Normal $200/$400 - 2008-12-20 04:15:23 (ET)
Table: FIR AVE (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - PHILHELLMUTH ($4495 in ch |
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 43 You're connected to our server. Enjoy your game.
PHILHELLMUTH: U wanna play or what?
DOUBLEBALLER: they are gonna credit it to me
PHILHELLMUTH: I play U limit, right now
DOUBLEBALLER: how the **** can that happen phil??
DOUBLEBALLER: that is such a major error!!!!
PHILHELLMUTH: good thing U found it, no wonder we differed about who was w
DOUBLEBALLER: i am just in awe
PHILHELLMUTH: maybe U were booted just then'
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 44 I'm still on hold with them. The fist lady I talked was super nice, but had
me so tilted. She was like "Oh, you had three of a kind, very nice!" I'm
like wtf!?!?! She said she has never seen this before, and is talking to a
supervisor now.
Rob |
w***w 发帖数: 6301 | 45 Ok....so the lady just apoligized to me like 100 times, and said she can
only credit me $2300 right now, and will credit the rest in a few hours. I
just checked, and its in there. This whole thing is so strange.
btw the hand history number is 1162170993. I just watched the hand on table
ratings replayer, and in the river, it shows my cards, does not flip his
cards over....then says winner above his name and ships him the pot.
During the game i was so confused as to what happened. Im not sure exa |