

全部话题 - 话题: hazlett
发帖数: 768
来自主题: Headline版 - 自闭症大脑变大发生在两岁前
ScienceDaily (May 2, 2011) — In 2005, researchers from the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that 2-year-old children with
autism have brains up to 10 percent larger than children of the same age
without autism.
Now a follow-up study by UNC researchers has found that the children who
had enlarged brains at age 2 continued to have enlarged brains at
ages 4 and 5, but the amount of the enlargement was to the same degree
found at age 2. This increased brain growth did not continue b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 768
来自主题: Neuroscience版 - 自闭症大脑变大发生在两岁前
ScienceDaily (May 2, 2011) — In 2005, researchers from the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that 2-year-old children with
autism have brains up to 10 percent larger than children of the same age
without autism.
Now a follow-up study by UNC researchers has found that the children who
had enlarged brains at age 2 continued to have enlarged brains at
ages 4 and 5, but the amount of the enlargement was to the same degree
found at age 2. This increased brain growth did not continue b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5892
本市40 Panorama Court豪华公寓楼里的居民便遇到了这样的苦恼:业主们与物业管理公司及居民董事会(Condo board)互不信任,一直无法就修缮达成共识,不仅令这座大厦经年失修,而且还让两者闹了到对簿公堂的地步。
据悉,40 Panorama Court豪华公寓楼坐落在坐落在Finch 和Kipling Ave交界处,楼龄32年,住户200多人。这幢大厦急需数百万元作紧急维修之用,但经营赤字高达67万元,储备金又不足,而业主又彼此无法达成共识。由于互不信任,业主开会时曾出现“火爆”场面,最后不得不请警察前来维持秩序。
去年8月,居民董事会忍无可忍,向本地法庭控告公寓楼业主,要求法庭委派人员接管这幢大厦、整顿大厦的帐簿。资深物业经理韦罗(Joseph Vero)被委此重任,6个月内完成。5月10日,法官Georg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 327
Us Magazine Hit Hard by Canceling Subscribers After Palin Attack
By Warner Todd Huston (Bio | Archive)
September 5, 2008 - 06:19 ET
Courtney Hazlett over at MSNBC's "The Scoop" is reporting that thousands of
"Us Weekly" subscribers have not only called the magazine to cancel their
subscriptions -- some reports say up to 10,000 cancellations have occurred -
- but have also con
发帖数: 1288
By Courtney Hazlett
The Scoop
updated 3:50 p.m. PT, Sun., March. 7, 2010
LOS ANGELES - Despite having 10 nominated films in the best picture category
this year, the race has come down to two films: “The Hurt Locker” and “
Avatar.” With just hours to go before a winner is announced, “Avatar”
insiders are admitting that they have doubts that the best picture prize —
or any Oscar — will go to their film.
“We will be shocked if we walk away with anything,” said one person
connected to the