b**********y 发帖数: 7371 | 1 Hardwire is too much hassle, and some serious work.
Just grab a few cheap routers like Asus, Netgear, or Dlink; flash 'em with
DD-wrt or tomatoUSB and set up you home WLAN. Personally, I prefer using
wireless client to interconnects routers, but u can do WDS as well. Takes a
few hours only and just a couple hundred bucks or so. |
s***d 发帖数: 960 | 2 我最近也hardwire了cat6,用的是MONOPRICE的1000ft cat6 cable (Solid),cat6
keystones, wall plates, homedepot的cat6 jacks, low voltage boxes. 用了3个
adapters.另外谁要powerline adapters, 我换下来有好几个,非常新,可以站内联系
,优惠出售。 |
D*******a 发帖数: 3688 | 3 I believe the system is hardwired to boot from /dev/sda. but because the
order of usb initialization depends on the device, in your case, your HD was
registered as /dev/sda instead of the USB drive.
I think you may use the internal sata to avoid this issue.
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 4 现今是nwtowrk 1, 多一层switch
network 会不会有影响?switch 的 bandwidth 是咋分配的?
谢谢 |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 8 switch 和switch 之间的连接要cross而不是straight?
布好的线是 straight的CAT5e |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 9 我的意思是,比方说, switch 接 4个device , 是不是总的bandwidth 就平均分成4
份? |
d******u 发帖数: 2196 | 10 这个你不用担心了, 你家fios还没能够超过100M吧. switch 不会把你怎么拖慢的. |
a********2 发帖数: 2561 | 12 不会,switch不会有分摊带宽的问题。比如100M的switch,每个口都是100M。要分摊带
宽的是集线器(hub),现在恐怕都绝迹了吧。 |
D*********Z 发帖数: 415 | 13 当然有影响。比如你Room A和B的两台PC进行满载数据传输时,你Room B的其他device到
路由这一段就会慢。因为8-port switch和5-port switch之间只有一条链路。不过这个
影响也是你加了一台Room A的PC带来的。
不过如果你不需要这样的网内数据传输的话,影响可以忽略不计 |
g*******t 发帖数: 7704 | 14 不用担心,内网数据传输都是硬件分流,不会影响速度,简单换成1000m switch, |
n*****3 发帖数: 1584 | 15 so I guess with switch, these PCs
will have different group of IP address? |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 16 no, they are effectively on one subnet. switch is level 2 device, doesn't
know your IP or affect your IP. |
G******e 发帖数: 44 | 17 没问题.我家里基本就是这样,已经用了n年了.整个house的局域网都是千兆连接.速
度很快. |
b*e 发帖数: 3845 | 18 why do you have to use switch?
I prefer to buy multiple $20 routers and set them up as access points behind
the main router. |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 19 非常感谢大家的回答, 谢谢,
我回去发现接线的问题!!!! 如图, garage 的pots
晚上会上个照片, POTS 上 RJ45的线乱的一团被分了两路, 还有线到电话
I thought switches are easier to operate under this circumstances?
don't need to configure the router and IP address?
behind |
g***u 发帖数: 5413 | 20 switch应该要接路由吧,一般ISP只给你一个IP |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 21 what's the point of this? you either disable router's route function, or you
do router-behind-router, which is totally useless.
behind |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 23 so you have only 100M connection if cat5 cable is splitted. and your fios
modem has router function, and you have router-behind-router already.
what a mess. |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 24 not necessary. remember multiple wireless signal actually use common medium.
it's not the-more-ap-the-better. |
b*e 发帖数: 3845 | 25 a different ip address for each port.
for switch behind router setup, all devices behind switch are using the same
ip, right?
you |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 26 我觉得也是, 现在的状况下好像还work,我本来以为是原来的样子, 昨天一看, 好
我准备弄明白了以后再叫Verizon 的tech, 不然又要被糊弄了
D*********Z 发帖数: 415 | 27 我猜他是建议把router当无线AP用,增加覆盖
wireless AP(+switch)的功能。
you |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 28 that was I afraid of... there is no router at POTS, just a simple splitter.
@@. actually, not even a splitter, just a bunch of messy striped wires......
....... |
g***u 发帖数: 5413 | 29 那就是FIOS本身就是路由。一般上网问题,但是HTPC要和PC用网络邻居啥的比较麻烦,
不是在一个子网里 |
D*********Z 发帖数: 415 | 30 估计verizon已经提供路由器了,不然怎么出来两根线。。
如果你喜欢用自己的路由器,那就禁用verizon的路由功能,透明化 |
g***u 发帖数: 5413 | 31 应该有吧,你Xbox IP应该不是公网IP吧
.. |
b*e 发帖数: 3845 | 32 既可以当Wireless AP用扩大家里WIFI覆盖,也可以当Wired Switch用。好处是家里所
有的device都会有一个unique IP address。 |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 33 lots of modem (cable, fios, dsl) have built-in router now. so you actually
have 2 routers.
.. |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 34 应该不是公网IP, 我从room B的电脑上能access 到verizon de router, 是不是还是
先前的接法? |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 35 no. IP has nothing to do with physical port. one physical port can have
multiple IP address. you only need one router for the whole home network. IP
assignment is done by the built-in DHCP server in the router (it can be
separated, too).
same |
D*********Z 发帖数: 415 | 36 router的cpu这么用会降低performance,还是每种设备各尽其用的好。
你说的unique IP是指?switch并不妨碍上层的路由的dhcp功能,或者device自己设置
IP也没问题。 |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 37 according to his latest reply, apparently not. |
g***u 发帖数: 5413 | 38 那就是有了。你如果不想改接线的话,直接把你自己的路由的DHCP禁止掉,就都用一个
子网了。 |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 39 some shitty modem can not disable its own routing function, really annoying.
such as some 2wire modems... |
b*e 发帖数: 3845 | 40 Thx, good to know. Seems that previous understanding is incorrect.
IP |
g***u 发帖数: 5413 | 41 自带的无线也是烂得很,一个朋友家住得偏,只能用att。
annoying. |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 42 我就是用的他家的破modem, 烂router不能disable, 原来还可以把自己的router设成
DMZ, 但是似乎最近升级了firmware, 最近也不好用了, 设成DMZ以后只能保持10分钟就
自动reset成内网IP. 只好手动把我用的port再forward一遍, 再把DDNS设成external
checker. |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 43 @@
oh, so complicated....
如果最后一张图片的情况下, 我room B 的 PC 能access 到外面那个router 吗
我现在是能的, 所以应该还是我原先贴的是正确的? |
t****t 发帖数: 6806 | 45 it depends on your router configuration. some configuration does allow WAN
access (in your last diagram, your room B PC is in "WAN" section of the
you need to provide more information. some wire connection photo, all device
IPs, router "status" page, will all help. |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 46 那个router 是verizon 给的,
我用room b的PC能够设置所有机器, 包括本身这台机器, 这是不是证明, 这台PC还
是链接在router 上的? |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 47 Thanks a lot, you made it very clear,
I will post some photos this afternoon, thank you
device |
g***u 发帖数: 5413 | 49 那应该是吧。你连上路由看看DHCP分配了哪些IP |