

全部话题 - 话题: harddis
发帖数: 602
来自主题: gardening版 - 秀一秀我的Hibiscus
which part of TX? and some hibiscus are pretty harddy in TX.
dont do anything before you identify it. coz lady bugs are black and red too
. there are your friends. Maybe there are sphids or other insects which hurt
your plants and finally some beneficial ones come.hehe. so you 'd identify
them first.
发帖数: 3882
yes, it is true. When multiple reads/writes are accessing the HD, the HD
has to move the read/write head around to the desired sector on the platter,
so it is will hurt the HD.
no way to avoid it unless u have a really huge ram and make a RAM disk out
of it.
just use a relatively small HD to do edonkey job, and do not put important
stuff on that HD.