j*****z 发帖数: 5306 | 1 由于最近表现良好,昨天下午LD批准我玩了一个小时的XB360。
之后很快就出了chopper gunner,Favela那张图,运气好,把他们都堵在了A附近的res
还没能解锁蛋蛋。。。郁闷 |
c***o 发帖数: 130 | 2 打出来3次
是不是我miss了什么重要的操作? |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 4 这个比ac130 好操作了 就是容易被人打下来
带上DANGER CLOSE pro 威力会大点 |
c***o 发帖数: 130 | 5 我用L3, R3, 很难瞄准
刚才看了看youtube, 是不是瞄准是自动的?只需要开枪就行了? |
j*****z 发帖数: 5306 | 6 就和拿枪瞄准一样啊,右摇杆就行了。
有装备cold blood很难被打下来的。 |
c***o 发帖数: 130 | 7 确实比较激动
丢脸啊 |
j*****z 发帖数: 5306 | 8 多打出来几次就不会激动了。在对方的respawn点附近就更爽了 |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 10 我用一次AC 130 一个都没杀掉 ...
仅有的几个红点都在房子里 太郁闷了 |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 12 是SKIDROW 在房子深处 我试了 炸不到人 |
r****x 发帖数: 3613 | 13 那个地图是没辙的,ac130和chopper都没法杀人,靠真本事才行 |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 14 这图我打的战绩还可以
我最烂的是雪地那张图 经常战绩很惨 |
r****x 发帖数: 3613 | 15 derail?那图就得在中间那个房子里巡逻,出去没掩体,容易被杀 |
r****x 发帖数: 3613 | 17 上claymore和c4啊,注意预瞄高度在头上,上来就爆头了 |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 18 我经常用了捡尸体+地雷 就忘记打人了 只顾着拣包 埋雷 |
d******g 发帖数: 5484 | 19 前两天玩儿hardcore,发现叫了空袭也没用,这游戏大家都特别Stealthy,集体
btw,我又转生了,哈哈 |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 20 这次我不想转了 现在每天才玩一两局 要是转了那得多久才能用上RPG 啊
hc 冷血 忍者是标配 |
r****x 发帖数: 3613 | 21 rpg是我最喜欢的武器,配上快手或者一人军队,在domination狂轰 |
d*****e 发帖数: 16730 | 24 捡尸 RPG 地雷 榴弹 或者副武器也榴弹 +danger close
我到还没试过这么干 |
j*****z 发帖数: 5306 | 25 那局我后来直接放弃了,本想去C点爆他们菊花结果被灭了。玩多了ground war再玩
domination还有些不习惯,经常要去找人,上了chopper gunner也杀不了几个人,人口
两个地图 |
d******g 发帖数: 5484 | 26 Well, I figured it's because a game of loss is still a shitty game to me no
matter how many chopper gunners I have called in. I may need to learn how to
sit back and solely enjoy killing itself. :) |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 27 是滴,贵妇站在terminal 那个大厅中央叉着腿用chopper gunner 的姿势很YD,堪比布
哥双持G18躲在小楼上阴人的样子 |
r*****2 发帖数: 1549 | 28 The patch is nearing the end of Phase 2 testing and should be going into
Phase 3 testing on December 6.
Issues Addressed:
■Resolved several issues with parties getting disbanded unexpectedly. (So
happy about this one, how am I supposed to get tactical on these fools?)
■Additional measures to prevent the “Transmission error” and other
disconnects. This was most likely to occur with large parties where party
members had mixed NAT types.
■Updated handling for UPnP-enab... 阅读全帖 |
r*****2 发帖数: 1549 | 29 1. Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare
人品问题? 我经常发生, 还以为不会操作
2. Added a render delay to the red diamond player indicators that appear
whencontrolling the Gunship, Valkyrie Rocket and Chopper Gunner. When a
player first spawns, this will not appear for a period of time
gunship 威力小了
3. Limit the ability to re-roll supply drops using Hardline Pro to Care
Packages only, no other killstreak drops.
看来要用 ghost pro |
L********g 发帖数: 4204 | 30 they are good gunners while I know nothing about long distance weapons |
L********g 发帖数: 4204 | 31 I haven't played training school yet, but now since I am planning using
gunner/bow, will consider clear it |
L********g 发帖数: 4204 | 32 remember my days of soloing thunder wolf without wearing any gear.
after I got all the 5 tickets and made the hammer, never play that dlc any
冰碎和冻戈那个任务,最恶心的两只怪,也是9次, really hate that one, cause at
that time I know nothing about bowgun, and havn't try playing online, so
solo the whole 50 min to get one quest done.
hate the dlc for cat armor, needs lots of tickets ( but other dlc if you
wanna make both sword or gunner suit you need at least 10 tickets too) |
L********g 发帖数: 4204 | 33 when play with other gunners/bow users, the final boss is just a piece of
meat, takes ~4 min to kill one |
j*****z 发帖数: 5306 | 34 玩MW2的TDM:
阴掉5个人—》出Predator Missile-》炸死两个-》出Harrier Strike-》炸死两个,机
枪扫死两个-》Chopper Gunner—》运气好出nuke |
s********s 发帖数: 911 | 35 直接打出一个chopper gunner,要不是级别不够,就又是一个nuke。。。 |
l******n 发帖数: 11737 | 36 以下内容转自战地迷玩家GinH所写心得,感谢GinH
刚刚Lv25, 除了recon和固定翼都玩了个遍. BF3普通模式跟之前的几代有些不同的地方
1, 没带消声器一开火就会被自动标记在小地图上, 大概1~2秒.? ?--->所以没看到敌人
别他妈乱开枪, 不是人人都想跟你一样急着被轮暴. 特别是坦克和突击车gunner, 没看
到敌人别开火. 很多新手从上车到flag枪就没停过, 深怕敌人不知道你的载具停在什么
2, 装消声器后威力和压制效果都会下降. support特别需要注意, 如果需要隐蔽建议只
装硝烟器. (个人比较倾向加弹夹容量, 机枪巨大的噪音+半人高的枪炎+持续30秒的全
自动射击, 打不死他吓死他)
3, IR瞄只能看到一定距离内的敌人, 超过范围后敌人不会显示. 瞄的时候如果没影像
4, 标枪无法一次瘫痪敌人的坦克, 一发最多打掉敌人坦克40左右的HP.? ? --->而且只
能带2发, 鸡肋. 普通的火箭筒2发也能瘫痪一辆坦克...
5, 不要把M1114/GAZ3937(装甲吉普)当作突击车一样的一次性用品, 他... 阅读全帖 |
i*******8 发帖数: 7955 | 37 这两天找k8开直升机找不到,一个人开没有gunner又不爽。你来坐我的直升机吧。我的
gamertag是superDEFENDER。 |
s*****y 发帖数: 752 | 38 In terms of rifle damage to tank, NOPE, not even a single grenade (seems a whole load of AA rounds can't disable a tank either?).
Never successfully got my bullets hit on any jet/choppers, I assume the damage is negligible (or doesn't worth the cost-effect)...
But you can definitely snipe the pilot/gunner in the cockpit/as passenger of
the chopper, which is very cool xD |
sb 发帖数: 284 | 39 NB!
你赶紧练练,我可以做gunner放放tv missle |
k**L 发帖数: 3630 | 40 lol i tried that with a guy who flys very well. gunner + good pilot can
surely make a difference. but that is the other team has no helo of their
own. and if ppl on the ground has enough anti air. you will be shot down in
no time.
vehicle. |
m*4 发帖数: 1341 | 41 "Increased the power of Stingers against Jets."
"Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased."
整体来看飞行器被nerf了。 |
s*****y 发帖数: 752 | 42 lol thanks i'm flattered but you don't see the same day my ass (our team the same) was kicked in Grand
Bazzar. In this map, a senior player (id:Bhuu) who unlocked thermal optics and
proximity scan, together with his gunner, buttraped us again and again in his LAV even we grouped as engineers and took the most advantage of mines and our rocket luncher.
That was plainly cold, and I don't even want to recall or mention.
are |
g*****e 发帖数: 3417 | 43 其他的图要复杂很多
这个wake island是专门做给开飞机爱好者的,今晚我看到一个直升机gunner打出了
k45d2 |
o******e 发帖数: 3522 | 44 ping其实150ms左右问题都不大,那个服务器就16人,而且是gulf of oman 1000
ticket. 服务器的名字是FX - gulf of oman 24/7 - 1p start high tickets.
经常鸡奸不成被直升机打死的。 |
s******y 发帖数: 435 | 45 今天还学到一个,就是driver带reactive armor,gunner带maintenance和thermo camo
,citv带proximity scan,最佳坦克配置 |
L******k 发帖数: 2945 | 46 加上gunner和citv那个修,这样坦克太无敌了吧。。
不过现在需要升 lav,最后两个东西解锁,guided shell不知道跟坦克上的是不是一样。
camo |
g*****e 发帖数: 3417 | 47 昨晚我半路加进来,发现对面有个直升机gunner杀了86人,大家都不敢重生了,我们最
后只好孤傲的quit了 |
B****I 发帖数: 2114 | 48 刚在玩直升机关来着。。。。
敌人基本都靠gunner搞定。。。。 |
h***a 发帖数: 1775 | 49 gunner能用flare么 哪个键?
两者可同时有么 |
o******e 发帖数: 3522 | 50 yes, gunner can use flare, it's 'X' on PC
stealth is passive skill, once equipped, enemy will take longer to lock on
yes, you can have both skill at the same time |