w********o 发帖数: 1231 | 1 准备 3 月中 住 Alta 的goldminer's daughter , ski in , ski out, 还有
breakfast, dinner all inclusive. 才 $156 , 有没有人以前住过,给个意见,另外
我们是第一次去Utah, 无限期待。
马上就要定了。多谢先. |
q*c 发帖数: 17993 | 2 我没有住过,不过goldminer's daughter不错,只要有钱肯出,Alta周围的几家ski in
/ski out的都不错 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 3 sorry, 搞错了,娜娜写的是placebo. 这几个人我老是搞混。
发信人: MissNN (娜娜小姐), 信区: WebRadio
标 题: Re: Metallica - Enter Sandman
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 7 16:07:28 2009)
我知道我中了Placebo的毒,就像我沉迷于Oasis, Suede, Radiohead, Blur, Pulp一样。
Roseland Ballroom的后门看上去居然极像苏州河边的那些仓库,我想起03年那个冬天
我也是这样等待Paul ... 阅读全帖 |
M****N 发帖数: 16093 | 4 果然,在一阵阵口哨声,尖叫声,击掌声中,Placebo带着Running up on the hill回
SpaceMonkey好像就是Flight Club的歌,Brian在Velvet Goldmine里面还有个角色,我
居然到现在还没有看过Velvet Goldmine…Encore了两首,最后, Twenty Years来了。
“There are twenty years to go, twenty ways to know. Enjoy the ride, the
magnificent show…” 又是一首我爱的词,Carpe Diem 及时行乐,我知道这会是他们
just enjoy the ride, the magnificent show,coz you’re the truth not I…You
’re the truth not I…
灯光亮起,走出Roseland Ballroom, 纽约的中 |
M****N 发帖数: 16093 | 5 果然,在一阵阵口哨声,尖叫声,击掌声中,Placebo带着Running up on the hill回
SpaceMonkey好像就是Flight Club的歌,Brian在Velvet Goldmine里面还有个角色,我
居然到现在还没有看过Velvet Goldmine…Encore了两首,最后, Twenty Years来了。
“There are twenty years to go, twenty ways to know. Enjoy the ride, the
magnificent show…” 又是一首我爱的词,Carpe Diem 及时行乐,我知道这会是他们
just enjoy the ride, the magnificent show,coz you’re the truth not I…You
’re the truth not I…
灯光亮起,走出Roseland Ballroom, 纽约的中 |
l*****7 发帖数: 8463 | 7 The Chinese language itself will be a goldmine when China become very strong
and powerful.
We can make a lot money from the foreigners/Foreign countries with Chinese
language :-) |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 8 毛子的 intelligence and PR goldmine |
发帖数: 1 | 9 4月13日Direxion出了个消息,停止JNUG creation。原话是这么说的:
Direxion announced today thateffective immediately, daily creation orders in
the Direxion Daily Junior Gold Miners Index Bull 3X Shares leveraged
exchange traded fund(Ticker: JNUG) are temporarily suspended until further
notice. The suspensionis due to the limited availability of certain
investments or financialinstruments used to provide requisite exposure to
the MVIS Global Junior GoldMiners Index. Redemption orders for the Fund
will not be affected... 阅读全帖 |
l***o 发帖数: 264 | 10 在craigslist上淘宝啊! 我觉得craigslist有点象是个goldmine. |
m**2 发帖数: 3374 | 11 From Doctor of Credit:
A few people have mentioned the idea of funding a Citigold savings account
with a credit card as well. This idea is actually a hidden goldmine in this
Citigold checking.
The way Citi works with their checking and savings accounts is that the
accounts are part of a 'package'. You can open the Gold package which has a
$30 monthly fee, or the Account package with a $25 monthly fee or a Basic
package with a $10 monthly fee. Whichever package you choose includes either
a checki... 阅读全帖 |
h*****7 发帖数: 6781 | 12 是不是现在开采价格在临界点上,黄金上去一点goldminer盈利就多很多? |
c*******e 发帖数: 290 | 13 When Will Twitter Become Profitable
Jun. 29, 2014 8:37 AM ET | 4 comments | About: Twitter, Inc. (TWTR)
Disclosure: The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no
plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...)
The network’s growth rate is slowing down, but that doesn’t mean it
isn’t growing.
This business generated $24 million in revenue for the company this
quarter. Atpresent, that's 10% of the total revenue. But that doesn't mean
it can't gr... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 14 4月13日Direxion出了个消息,停止JNUG creation。原话是这么说的:
Direxion announced today thateffective immediately, daily creation orders in
the Direxion Daily Junior Gold Miners Index Bull 3X Shares leveraged
exchange traded fund(Ticker: JNUG) are temporarily suspended until further
notice. The suspensionis due to the limited availability of certain
investments or financialinstruments used to provide requisite exposure to
the MVIS Global Junior GoldMiners Index. Redemption orders for the Fund
will not be affected... 阅读全帖 |
b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 15 It might be time to add Nebraska to the short list of schools in contention
for a national championship. It’s early, but it’s starting to look like th
e class of the Big12.
The Huskers turned a potential landmine into a goldmine on Saturday, deliver
ing a stunningly dominant effort on the road. Playing a feisty Husky team in
Seattle seemed as if it’d be wrought with hurdles. Uh-uh. Nebraska jolted
Washington back to the Ty Willingham days, out gaining its host 534 to 246.
Big Red didn’t just bea |
c********e 发帖数: 1339 | 16 我怎么在alta找不到那么便宜的房子,山周围我看到的都300多一天啊
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.5 |
c********e 发帖数: 1339 | 17 专门又查了一下 连tax & fee要$438 per night啊... 高富帅你怎么能弄到那末便宜的
价格的 T_T
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.5 |
j****7 发帖数: 3032 | 18 山下一大堆便宜的大房子,开到山上就20 分钟,若下雪就坐ski bus, 方便的很。 |
w********o 发帖数: 1231 | 20 以前住过town 里面,, 因为有小孩子,早上颠簸一下,她们就没胃口吃早餐了, |
c********e 发帖数: 1339 | 21 开20分钟的是便宜啊,ski-in ski-out的没找到价格合适的嘛
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.5 |
c********e 发帖数: 1339 | 22 嗯 我也看到了,可能是时间段吧,搜了搜都很贵 :P
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.5 |
w********o 发帖数: 1231 | 23 哈哈,我满怀激动的心情,准备定了,一点进去,输入4 个人的时候,就变成 $536 一
个晚上,待会儿和 LD 商量一下,定了算了,3 月,不滑,就要等到 年底了,太漫长
我们这些住德州的 土佬 们,拖家带口的滑一次雪不容易啊,我这够铁杆的,一年最多
三趟. |
t******y 发帖数: 417 | 25 阿拉斯加吃的没有传说中那么贵,但是因为有的地方住的偏,吃饭确实有些不方便。
Tokyo sushi buffet $12/person. 非常非常一般,SUSHI卖相很差,基本没怎么吃,但
Denali national park
Black diamond grill. 在公园出口往北10MILE左右,在路的西边,靠近black
diamond golf course. 环境不错,人均$30。牛排很好吃,量很大,三文鱼做的不
Mike’s Palace: 201 N.Harbor Drive, 电话: (907)835-2365. 大家都推荐他们家的
Mai Thai:
泰国菜,是个夫妻店,女的做饭,男的招呼客人,上菜有点慢,味道 |
x*******i 发帖数: 184 | 26 agree LZ。
诚如lz说的,Adam确实实力超群,总让人感觉惊艳,让偶想起velvet goldmine里的Brian和他的音乐。可惜就是,他太小众了,未必能走到最后。 |
x*******i 发帖数: 184 | 27 Agree.
那两张照片简直就是velvet goldmine的翻拍阿,那个眼妆那个紫色的运用。
Brian是bisexual,也不妨碍他成为rock star。那里面的歌都很好听。 |
M****N 发帖数: 16093 | 28 哈哈,是有点像velvet goldmine呀
第一张里面那个有点像kris哦,哈哈 |
F******x 发帖数: 3859 | 30 15.15863 goldmine, 原价$278,现在$132.4. |
u****s 发帖数: 107 | 31 以前喜欢用金色(mac goldmine)配绿色(mac JUXT satin),不过现在不用了,怕有装嫩
嫌疑。 |
g******5 发帖数: 7923 | 33 白桃:
Babcock不错, Saturn(Donut蟠桃)似乎更好. 北加, Strawberry Free也很好.
Snow Queen, Goldmine都不错. 北加, Artic Jay. |
M****N 发帖数: 16093 | 34 来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 老美也穿越 谁是duke of norfolk? Jonathan Rhys Meyers我主要是迷他的Velvet Goldmine,有一
阵子比较迷英摇。 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 35 来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 老美也穿越 Henry Czerny
谁是duke of norfolk? Jonathan Rhys Meyers我主要是迷他的Velvet Goldmine,有一
阵子比较迷英摇。 |
M****n 发帖数: 399 | 36 我个人当然喜欢lou reed的了,u2的翻唱也有那么点意思,主要是在配器上.
velvet goldmine里出现了这首歌曲.
你听过nirvana翻唱的velvet underground的there she comes now么? |
M****n 发帖数: 399 | 37 新浪上摘的,写的不错,看过Velvet Goldmine,或者对70年代的英国摇滚有兴趣的人,可以
华丽摇滚(Glam Rock或Glitter Rock)是硬摇滚的一个分支,特点是性别模糊的装扮,
Bowie和以香艳怀旧著称的洛克西音乐团(Roxy Music)。虽然之后在美国也出现了一些
打着华丽摇滚旗号的歌手与乐队,如Alice Cooper和Kiss等等,但他们妖魔化的风格与同
开始走向衰落。在朋克和重金属诞生之前,另一种反主流的文化形式在“T |
w******s 发帖数: 16209 | 40 not necessary, if you could make enough exposure and money in one market,
you just need to focus and
make your application better and better..
so far, the android platform is not a money making platform for developers,
but the deployment base becomes bigger
and a lot of people start to think it is possible the next goldmine after
iphone appstore.. if he could land there faster than others.
google, |
t***o 发帖数: 1353 | 41 我们公司用的文物级的一个叫Goldmine的老database. 我执行的时候就是这样
exec master..xp_gmnewrecid 'Master', @recidval OUTPUT
select @recidval
这个xp_gmnewrecid, call 了一个dll文件, 那个文件我就看不见了。。。(看图)
所以, 我能做的, 就是保证这个recid不是duplicated的。 |
T****i 发帖数: 15191 | 42 (写grant写得抓耳挠腮七窍生烟,所以来本版娱乐一下)
的说法,是”genetic goldmine", 比大部分WSN不知道强多少。她的存在就是对社会
传优势,更没有好的遗传性状。要是整个人类社会都由WSN/V构成,那是怎样的无聊啊。 |
V*******y 发帖数: 19 | 43 Most of the information is credited. TLS is a goldmine of information.
I was instructed differently by the international students office on the OPT
matter and I kept 6 months of my PhD OPT for three years later. |
d********9 发帖数: 3927 | 44 (1) Obama is not an idiot. Just by putting life in capital letters doesn't
give doctor the license to treat people's illnesses as goldmines.
(2) Private insurances need to answer to their shareholders/owners. If Medicare is reducing payment, private insurances are not going to give doctors a free ride but are going to reduce payment to doctors as well. True, no forced labor in the U.S. so doctors don't have to take any insurance and can opt to take cash only. Can doctors still charge $200 for a... 阅读全帖 |
H********k 发帖数: 3950 | 45 Editorial Reviews
"Paul Glasserman has written an astonishingly good book that bridges
financial engineering and the Monte Carlo method. The book will appeal to
graduate students, researchers, and most of all, practicing financial
engineers … You will want to have prior knowledge of both the Monte Carlo
method and financial engineering. If you do, you will find the book to be a
goldmine … So often, financial engineering texts are very theoretical. This
book is not. The Monte Carlo method |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 46 Adorama has DYMO Desktop Mailing Solution Twin Turbo Label Writer & Scale
For ONLY $99.95 free ship
Regular Price $299.95
Amazon Price $229.99
Item: 69270
Power through your company's mailing tasks with DYMO's innovative mailing
solution. The advanced scale , printer , software and labels are an
economical and professional way to master your mail - 24 hours a day -
without wasting valuable postage, precious time, or a penny on monthly fees
(like postage meters). To help you print precise amount... 阅读全帖 |
g****z 发帖数: 2413 | 47 嗯,是要上溯到American Psycho始,我上面说的是他在中国观众中的人气。不过仔细
看来,他好像演男二号更出彩些,他给Johnny Depp,Russell Crowe,Nicolas Cage
都配过戏呢。刚看到Velvet Goldmine 中也有他,本来不喜欢这个电影,现在想看了。 |