j*****u 发帖数: 1133 | 1 一般,原来有steak的时候还经常去,后来东西越来越少
但是经济实惠,尤其是中午去打包 |
h*******n 发帖数: 458 | 2 可以。是最近两三个月才开始的,现在进门付款的时候就会被问,要不要饮料。 |
j****q 发帖数: 1347 | 5 不错不错
刚打印了coupon 晚上去试试
真是够便宜的 |
g*l 发帖数: 115 | 8 这家我吃过,好像是从factoria搬过来的。个人认为东西比丽晶贵,还没有丽晶好吃。 |
i*****g 发帖数: 6926 | 13 就在半岛旁边。。。
这回百佳黑有了新目标。。。 |
B*********e 发帖数: 363 | 21 Interested in
I'm in Factoria. Is it close to you? Can 书桌+书架 fit into a car? |
N*D 发帖数: 3641 | 22 eastgate and factoria,$1000玄点儿,$1100-$1200是可能滴。
BTW,现在租房价格好像有些涨。我这里从1200+涨到$1500++了。 |
p*****e 发帖数: 1611 | 24 一个人开车过去太不环保~召集人一起过去
本人hiking经验还算丰富~在factoria mall附近
想carpool的站内吧~ |
m*********0 发帖数: 16 | 25 I have a 2 bedroom apartment to rent, available now, rent is $1045, at
Factoria, Bellevue, very close to the mall and I90, I405. We offer 200 off
for first month. Call me at 425-638-3860, Bing Wang. |
e****c 发帖数: 840 | 28 are you 16Weeks? :D
Evergreen 比 overlake稍远些 |
m*******e 发帖数: 1886 | 31 当然overlake近了,你见overlake obgyn也方便,可以选择去bellevue或者issaquah
site见你的ob。 |
A******c 发帖数: 595 | 34 住在factoria,不过刚刚已经找到carpool了,还是谢谢你! |
s********y 发帖数: 3811 | 37 shanghai cafe at factoria |
b*******s 发帖数: 105 | 38 儿医给了个list,有经验的家长推荐一下?
1. Kyoko, Awamura DDS
2. Dr. Yun/Dr.Kim, Factoria Pediatric Dentistry
3.Mast, Lawrence
4. Eastgate Health Department
或者有别的Bellevue 儿童牙医推荐吗?
谢谢! |
f********m 发帖数: 8405 | 39 我女儿在第2个factoria的牙医那,我觉得蛮好的,尤其是Dr. Yun,她很有耐心很温柔
Dr Kim,力气比较大,上次拔牙小朋友吓得全身发抖。
收费还算合理。 |
N*D 发帖数: 3641 | 40 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
bluceli (bluceli) 于 (Fri Jul 23 14:12:16 2010, 美东) 提到:
如题,离factoria mall近点的有吗
renaissance (ole) 于 (Fri Jul 23 14:14:50 2010, 美东) 提到:
Bellevue Eye Clinic
www.bellevuevisionclinic.com |
d***8 发帖数: 19 | 41 Can you ask her to contact me at 541 513 0720? We are looking for a nanny
starting from that time. We live in factoria mall.
Thanks! |
s*******9 发帖数: 9 | 42 东方汉语学校 - Eastside Chinese Learning Center
The best for the after school program and weekend and evening program.
Location: Bellevue factoria by US Bank.
I could say that teacher Julia Huang is the first and best Chinese teacher
in Seattle area for 18 years. My son and daugtor are in that school now and
summercamp last two months!
They always come to Newport Height Elementory School, Somerset, New Castle
area to pick up students after school. Woodridge elementory's |
p***c 发帖数: 5202 | 43 Factoria Mall, 好像是$5白天上午。。。没看过,看到过广告 |
s*******9 发帖数: 9 | 44 东方汉语学校 - Eastside Chinese Learning Center
The best for the after school program and weekend and evening program.
Location: Bellevue factoria by US Bank.
I could say that teacher Julia Huang is the first and best Chinese teacher
in Seattle area for 18 years. My son and daugtor are in that school now and
They always come to Newport Height Elementory School, Somerset, New Castle
area to pick up students after school. Woodridge elementory's school will
drive |
d***8 发帖数: 19 | 45 聘请有爱心,有经验保姆;照顾七月大小孩子并负担少量家务;住家最好,也考虑通勤
我家在Bellevue Factoria Mall。
若你认识的人有此意愿, 请call 541 513 0720. |
y**********i 发帖数: 361 | 46 OB让给未来的宝宝找好儿童医生/家庭医生,自己无从知道,倒是有个热心MM建议说不
要找那个日本医生,不知道其他西版的XDJM有没有具体谁好推荐? |
d****t 发帖数: 362 | 47 what's wrong about the japanese ped? he is my baby's doctor. |
b********e 发帖数: 12 | 49 个人赞一下Factoria那里的那家叫Doug's Auto的老店,老板很nice也比较中肯,会跟
你说哪个哪个地方不需要花钱…… |