c*******g 发帖数: 53 | 2 我母亲由于治疗肺部疾病时需要服用激素而产生了白内障。而由于她的健康原因,医生
还请帮忙帮忙!!! 谢谢! |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 4 you can get anti-itching or moisturizing eyedrops
but any anti-biotic drop will require a prescription
C****A 发帖数: 1358 | 5 小孩一岁左右的时候常常揉眼, 看医生说正常.
回国探亲的时候给医生朋友看了一下, 说是沙眼, 滴一滴利福平就好了.
我没敢给小孩用, 回来买了一瓶冲洗滋润眼睛的eyedrop给她滴, 不过因为是小孩, 很
难滴到, 滴了几次就不了了之了
这几天又揉眼了, 还觉得眼睛很watery, 就是比原来更水汪汪, 像有点雾气
又带去看医生, 检查了体温, 看有没有耳朵发炎, 看了一下眼睛,说没有infection
也许是allergy, 要是痒就敷一下凉的毛巾
我都不知道说啥好了, 每次跟医生说揉眼睛都是没事, 回家照样揉.......要真是沙眼
不管会怎么样啊 |
b*******n 发帖数: 12321 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 Rite_aid 俱乐部 】
发信人: bingchuan (U think I am weak, I think u r wrong), 信区: Rite_aid
标 题: [送]RA买的隐性眼镜的相关的药水
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 8 15:26:15 2011, 美东)
做过RA scr的
zip 20740
注:blink,eyedrop之类的都送光了 |
Y****r 发帖数: 3473 | 8 there are all kinds of eyedrops at drug stores like cvs, walgreen
even at walmarts
you can consult with a drug store clerk (usually she is a nurse or a
pharmacist) and see what she recommond before you buy -- the consultation is
free |
e**n 发帖数: 7 | 9 You could try "nalphcon" eyedrops. My doctor recommened this one to me. It can
be bought at any pharmacy, without prescription.
I was also given some tablets. But sorry I forgot the name, it needs
You'd better see a doctor.
or |
M*******1 发帖数: 467 | 10 Eye dropsIn the West, chloramphenicol is still widely used in topical
preparations (ointments and eye drops) for the treatment of bacterial
conjunctivitis. Isolated cases report of aplastic anaemia following
chloramphenicol eyedrops exist, but the risk is estimated to be less than 1
in 224,716 prescriptions.[9] Note. http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40025037/ suggests that the link between chloramphenicol eye drops and aplastic anemia is "not well founded". |
s*********5 发帖数: 5637 | 11 pink eye是需要看医生的。Antibiotic medication, usually eye drops, is
effective for bacterial conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis will disappear
on its own. Many doctors give a mild antibiotic eyedrop for pink eye to
prevent bacterial conjunctivitis.
一般电脑用多的red eye倒是有些眼药水可以帮着好的。你google一下pink eye的症状
。如果需要看医生的话,不要耽误了。 |
g***y 发帖数: 829 | 12 Tips for Running With Seasonal Allergies
How to run symptom-free outdoors
If you suffer with seasonal allergies, or hay fever, running outdoors can be
a not-so-pleasant experience during allergy season. Even a short run
outdoors can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, and
itchy, watery eyes. But it is possible to run outdoors even if you suffer
from seasonal allergies. Follow these tips to keep your runs symptom-free:
Plan workouts when pollen counts are low.
Pollen concentr... 阅读全帖 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 13 居然找到了:
What does procrastination tell us about ourselves?
by James Surowiecki October 11, 2010
Procrastination interests philosophers because of its underlying
Some years ago, the economist George Akerlof found himself faced with a
simple task: mailing a box of clothes from India, where he was living, to
the United States. The clothes belonged to his friend and colleague Joseph
Stiglitz, w... 阅读全帖 |
v***a 发帖数: 23651 | 14 严重结膜炎
擦,这帮人比花街还黑 |
g*****j 发帖数: 1211 | 15 Sounds like allergy to me. A seasonal allergy usually occur in April & May.
It affects your nasal mucosa and conjunctiva, but no fever or other
systemic problems. Nasal discharge is clear. Take a mirror and look at
your eye white, usually you can see many dilated blood vessels. They are
the result of histamine.
You can try Zytec, Allergra or Claritin to lower your mast cell activity.
However, according to my experience, it offers some relief but never 100%.
There are also eyedrops and na |
s*******w 发帖数: 1879 | 16 walmart, cvs有一整栏eyedrops的,不要处方的,自己挑去。 |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 17 You got the right answer.
The family brought in her eyedrops for glucoma and the nurse only put the
drops in her left eye. That's why her left pupil is constricted and right
pupil appeared to be bigger than normal that family usually sees.
Her right arm weakness is from surgery and myelopathy.
The lesson we learn from the case is: for the anisocoria, the very first
step is to make sure this is not a pharmacological pupil. Since this patient
has a history of glaucoma, what I did was to pick up th... 阅读全帖 |
c****a 发帖数: 74 | 18 早上爬起来,乖乖不得了,一双眼睛全毁了,无论如何得见医生要eyedrop了。
完毕。 |