r*****g 发帖数: 573 | 1 对的,etsy上的卖家太多了。
如果在换版转的话也基本就是成本价。。。 |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 3 那个是不是要办证交税啊?
这样说来F1就不能在上面卖东西了? |
s******c 发帖数: 2261 | 4 只卖过10块钱东西的人飘过
你问问huamulan mm?她的店办得粉不错的~ |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 5 usually the 3 sites we go to:
and for some gems, I will also browse in www.etsy.com |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 6 i think i will be creating variations of this style later and sell it on
etsy sometime^^ |
x*****n 发帖数: 123 | 7 谢谢站里的奖励和大家的表扬。我以后一定常来。
围local或者网上卖几件,补充下学费的花销。我现在试过etsy.com 一个据说是艺术品
界的amazon. 还不太成功。
如果这里的众姐妹兄弟知道别的好网站,请一定告诉一下。拜谢拜谢! |
a**r 发帖数: 5444 | 8 超赞,太棒了!
或者做个特别的项目,比如情侣画像在瓶子上之类的? |
x*****n 发帖数: 123 | 9 谢谢站里的奖励和大家的表扬。我以后一定常来。
围local或者网上卖几件,补充下学费的花销。我现在试过etsy.com 一个据说是艺术品
界的amazon. 还不太成功。
如果这里的众姐妹兄弟知道别的好网站,请一定告诉一下。拜谢拜谢! |
a**r 发帖数: 5444 | 10 超赞,太棒了!
或者做个特别的项目,比如情侣画像在瓶子上之类的? |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 11 well, I just browse around on Etsy and look around for gems to buy and then
play around with different
combinations and hence came up with a lot of variations... sort of fun, but
I made way too much... so I shall
see how the consignment will go, because if I can sell some of my work out,
I can buy more supplies for more
creations I want to make.... heehee! |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 12 agree!
what it started for me is a small hobby, but as I upgrade to silver and semi
precious gems, I am spending
more and more money...
and also, just like you, I am experimenting more and more, and I just simply
cannot wear them all... so I start
giving them away as presents, but still I need to sell off some to balance
my spending on buying supplies.
I looked at several options for selling my designs, but then Etsy doesnt
provide enough volume... so
consignment is the next step I guess...
l |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 13 haha already selling it on Etsy^^ |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 16 i also sell my items on etsy.
you can also try craigslist.
or try to do a consignment. (I have a consignment with a jewelry store in
Boston) |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 17
MM介意传授一下怎么找local consignment吗?^^ |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 18
戴十年啊... @_@ (偶没耳洞,对此没有概念..) 偶本来就更喜欢solid的金属,不
过宝石的东西很多颜色偶觉得还是配金色更好看 :(
偶store的事,过些年再说吧....orz 基本也属于day dream了.. ^^# 倒是你的dream
买呢?@_@ |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 19 one thing i learn from the jeweler is, if you use white gold in your piece,
eg, pendant, and pick a color stone
like ruby, the white gold will "dilute" the color of the reds. So usually,
they will plate a thin layer of yellow gold
in the inside of the pendant because yellow gold brings the color out more
yes, about the store, let's add oil 向夢想進發!
so basically i didnt go with the the artist co op place. I sell at etsy...
even traffic is slower, at least u can
control ur own profit.. |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 20
etsy上被埋的速度太快了... 不知道ebay上怎么样.. |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 21 yes a very nicely done etsy store!!! |
x*****n 发帖数: 123 | 23 花中君子
这两件还在观赏中,再过段时间也许放到etsy。我不知道更喜欢哪个了。 |
x*****n 发帖数: 123 | 24 花中君子
这两件还在观赏中,再过段时间也许放到etsy。我不知道更喜欢哪个了。 |
j********i 发帖数: 1394 | 25 so cute! are you selling them on etsy? |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 26 wtf????
oh my.... sex and art.... somethings I dunno how artist express themselves
with such obscenity...
but when you think about it, ancient roman sculptures are naked, but then
never that obscene... |
h******y 发帖数: 1040 | 27 "今天偶然看到其中一件东西的照片" 这其中一件东西Sex and The City里是谁带的呀?
hmmmmm, 以后再捏泥我心里会不会有阴影呢? |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 32 These are done as X'mas presents for family friends and family, as our token
of love and appreciation...
and I have put some of them on Etsy for sale :) Hopefully I will get some
business^^ |
o**w 发帖数: 469 | 33 seems like most people like the pink one.... heehee, going to recreate it
and put it on etsy~~ |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 34
很奇怪,你的IP跟kittybaby的好像一样哦?也都在三藩..如果是一个人的话,你也有开店呢。 |
k*******y 发帖数: 1105 | 36 种叶子一般都是自己烧焊出来的. MM可以去www.etsy.com看看, 也许有的卖. |
s********0 发帖数: 41 | 37 谢谢版版~
有热心同学帮我在etsy找到链接发给我了~ |
j********i 发帖数: 1394 | 38 我也不是很清楚,你有见过类似的吗? 差不多的就可以。etsy上貌似有一些,不过有
点贵。 |
p**********a 发帖数: 8 | 40 如果有单反,颜色就美多了。这个是etsy上别人的图, 居然要卖72刀。 我的材料大概
12刀左右, 不过她的是sterling
silver, 我的是silver tone. 第一次做,所以没买sterling silver.
这个是山寨Lavin pearl ribbon necklace.
original, $1220, faux pearl not real |
p**********a 发帖数: 8 | 41 不过她这个设计不算很独到,如果是很特别的,不是etsy上到处可见的,我不介意花多
点钱。 这个设计不值得50刀。 |
z***a 发帖数: 331 | 42 不经意看到人家做的漂亮的首饰,心痒,手痒啊。。。
- Jade 就是玉石、翡翠吧?看上去很有质感,颜色非常丰润;
- Chalcedony 玉髓? 做成耳环很好看,不过感觉跟jade质感很像,不知道是不是同一
- quartz briolette 这个就是水晶吧。这个在网上找到了,不过还是想问这个和SWA的
- 还有几种可能有些偏门了,moonstone/ aventurine.大家如果知道就说两句。
新人不懂规矩,问错了大家轻拍啊。。。 |
z***a 发帖数: 331 | 44 谢谢pingy!
我一直以为etsy只有成品呢。原来也卖珠子啊。呵呵 好好去看看。
呵呵 我啥时候也能做的那么好看哩。。。
acet=supplies |
p***y 发帖数: 516 | 45 etsy分类的啊,search的框前面不是有个下拉菜单么,点开选supply,然后搜你要的珠
这个版上好多mm做的比我好看多拉,我也才上手没多久:) |
s***e 发帖数: 404 | 46 为什么在etsy上买不到fine jewelry店用的那种透明度高的ruby, sapphire和emerald?
还是他们的透明度一般就不高呢? |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 47
嗯,偶还专门有个本子做笔记呢!hoho~~ 科研就算了...
的信息pass on 给我们这样的买家的... 比如偶曾经想买tundra sapphire,卖家都号
称100%genuine,结果research半天,和fancy sapphire并不是一回事,甚至有些颜色
都不是sapphire... |
p***y 发帖数: 516 | 48 Topaz is a harder stone...getting right up there next to sapphires on the
Moh's scale (Quartz is 7, Topaz is 8, Sapphires are 9 and Diamonds are 10).
今天再etsy看石头,看到这么一句话,讲石头硬度的 |
s*******1 发帖数: 2366 | 49
的东西,还都卖得很好... |
p***y 发帖数: 516 | 50 其实卖韩式怎么说呢,还是满讨巧的,做起来巨容易,基本没有手工技巧,而且买的人
都屯在家里了 |