C*****H 发帖数: 7927 | 1 the addtional thing they added, they use this to earn a couple hundred more
bucks from you.
dont care about that, just talk over your own targeted OTD price |
b**l 发帖数: 374 | 2 多谢多谢!
是得小心啊,每家dealer fee,ttl费都不一样,价格能差到1倍
穷人买车也是头疼事,省两钱真不容易,唉 |
B*********0 发帖数: 385 | 3 filler里面好像有些填充粉之类的东西,他们claim说如果有非常tiny的scratch,filler
sandable primer我觉得跟sealer没啥大区别就是颜色不一样,自己选和finish接近的颜
另外关于砂纸的使用: 准备工作用220号的干磨,不要用再小的了我之前用150号的结果
之后检查,有道子用glazing compound填平,然后开始喷primer.薄薄一层,每喷一层等至
少1-2小时干之后用400号水磨,再干之后再喷下一层.我的做法是每层都磨太麻烦,我喷... 阅读全帖 |
m*****3 发帖数: 13701 | 4 这是mycarfax给的一些车的service的历史,从2007年以后就没有了,一般来说就是不在
Date Mileage Source Details
12/15/2000 29 Service Facility
Pre-delivery inspection completed
Fuel system checked
VIN glass etching
04/26/2001 2,299 Service Facility
Vehicle serviced
07/17/2001 7,541 Service Facility
Recommended maintenance performed
02/12/2002 17,055 Service Facility
Recommended maintenance performed
08/15/2002 25,269 Servi... 阅读全帖 |
n*****s 发帖数: 6495 | 5 是学生不?学生有500的折扣
另外还可以申ford private cash,不知道focus是给500还是750
window tint: 成本大概100多,收你300算正常,而且AZ确实需要
Theft Protection:是不是window vin etching? 是的话,这个值20块钱,果断不要
另外399的doc fee这个没办法,AZ就是这样,别的州一般100多
lieu tax不知道什么东西,可能是AZ独有的一个什么税 |
N*********r 发帖数: 8 | 6 求问这两项具体代表什么?可以waive掉吗?谢谢 |
n***j 发帖数: 1747 | 8 不知道这个价格怎么样,第一次email询价,有现货
没有eyesight这些东西,2.5i Premium 标准配置,外加
security etch on the glass
Popular Package #2 ($837)
Exterior Interior HL Mirrors
Rear Bumper Applique
Legacy Cargo Tray
Splash Guards
Exterior Auto Dimming Mirror w/Light
EC Mirror w/Compass & Homelink |
j******C 发帖数: 305 | 9 虽然知道dealer也不容易 靠小accessories赚点小钱
但是 有些烂玩意 轮胎氮气 花几条线在车身 还有什么VIN Etch加吧加吧就是一千多的
关键是dealer网站很多时候不写 现场的车上才有
好不容易搞个三千块 这一通附加品 又打回解放前的internet price了
求解! |
x**********i 发帖数: 4964 | 10 感觉选车更花时间,大部分时间都放在选车了,从forester tiguan到avalon taurus到
accord coupe V6和CC,比较奇葩的备选车型。 而最后确定车型到谈价格都是比较快的
过程。最后final list也是在accord coupe和cc上,纠结的时候最后也是老丈人发话说
是internet price,没有意义的价格。后来决定买车的时候留下真实手机号,大部分
sales会第一时间给你来电,之后就是就是说自己是serious buyer来点serious quote
bla bla. 一是强调自己马上就买,二是强调一定是OTD price with adds on,no game
no surprise.不然有的dealer accessories就是一千多,不利于你比价。之后跟你保
持积极updates的几个sales就是最后给qu... 阅读全帖 |
x**********i 发帖数: 4964 | 11 感觉选车更花时间,大部分时间都放在选车了,从forester tiguan到avalon taurus到
accord coupe V6和CC,比较奇葩的备选车型。 而最后确定车型到谈价格都是比较快的
过程。最后final list也是在accord coupe和cc上,纠结的时候最后也是老丈人发话说
是internet price,没有意义的价格。后来决定买车的时候留下真实手机号,大部分
sales会第一时间给你来电,之后就是就是说自己是serious buyer来点serious quote
bla bla. 一是强调自己马上就买,二是强调一定是OTD price with adds on,no game
no surprise.不然有的dealer accessories就是一千多,不利于你比价。之后跟你保
持积极updates的几个sales就是最后给qu... 阅读全帖 |
B*Z 发帖数: 7062 | 12 The 10 Best Engines of the 20th Century
Don Sherman | WardsAuto
Jan 1, 2000
It took a century for automotive engines to mature from cantankerous
contraptions to the smooth, reliable machinery that currently enables our
mobility. The following honor roll celebrates the 10 best - those engines
that motored far beyond the call of duty to advance the internal-combustion
Ford Motor Co. Model T Inline-4 (1909) After eight lackluster designs, Henry
Ford finally hit paydirt with his 1909 Model T.... 阅读全帖 |
b****n 发帖数: 3343 | 13 The frit is a black enamel band that is literally baked into the edges of
the windshield glass, accompanied by the border of black dots you are
wondering about. The purpose of the frit is to provide an etched surface
that allows adhesive to bond to the glass. When a manufacturer installs a
new windshield, or an auto glass specialist like DeDona Auto Glass replaces
your windshield, the glass is bonded to the vehicle with the frit as the
contact point between the glass and the frame.
There is a du... 阅读全帖 |
j****l 发帖数: 1352 | 14 MSRP 40485
OTD: 36280
经验:被坑了一个window etching fee 400刀。没有买他们的maintenance. |
j****l 发帖数: 1352 | 15 我们没有税,final price 是35535,然后LTD之类的300多,然后就是那个坑人的
etching 399。 |
s******e 发帖数: 243 | 16 一个最简单的办法看出来,有没有VIN etching。
如果楼主让dealer换的话,又不想被看出来,问问dealer能不能做这个 |
J*********5 发帖数: 4 | 17 上个周末开回来的, 从第一次和dealer接触开始正好三个星期。整个过程虽然谈不上波
澜起伏, 但也小有故事,说来和大家分享。(所有价格包括destination charge)
Forester 2.0XT Touring with eyesight in white MSRP $36000 to $37000
先用truecar试了试,大约是2600 off MSRP.然后去subaruforester.org, 看到的买价大
多在11% 到13% off MSRP之间, 具体看地点和是否trade-in等等。开始用同样的价钱和
NJ的dealer谈, 被告知不可能。于是用cars.com扩大搜索范围, 首先有一个dealer愿意
降到$33000, 用它和其他dealer谈, 有一个PA的dealer降到$32800。继续努力, 降到$
32600,又push到$32300。对方说行, 但是必须今天(星期二)提车。有点不爽, 但算来有
13% off MSRP,也就从了。匆忙请假开车上路。没想到开到一半, 电话来了说不行了,
老板说必须加$500, 因为这... 阅读全帖 |
j*******r 发帖数: 18 | 18 out the price : $ 21,317.60 ( a+b+c+d+e)
a)car price : $ 18,450 ( $ 26,950 - $ 3,500 - $ 4,000 - $ 1,000
competitive owner bonus )
b) tax $ 2,298.10
c)licensing $ 220.50
d) docu fee $ 150
e) etch( theft protection ) $ 199
后来又便宜了600,最后就是20650的otd |
r********1 发帖数: 451 | 19 以下是dealer 报价:
Sale Price......................................... $41,999.00
Dealer Handling Fee........................ $587.00
Security Etch.................................... $299.00
Title & Filing Fee............................. $27.20
Sale Tax (7.63%).............................. $3,272.13
Total.................................................. $46,184.33
2016的马上上市了,为什么15的车没有明显的markdown呢? |
W*****7 发帖数: 830 | 20 刚刚买的X3,3500$off,600$below invoice,很难讲价。有几个问题
还有他们的secure etch是一定要买的吗?
X3有没有必要买extended warranty?谢谢 |
s******r 发帖数: 868 | 21 最近quote了mazda3 itouring HB,手动,收到email报价是17300, msrp20095.觉得是
很不错的价格了,兴冲冲跑到dealer 具体一谈,还有一堆hiden fee,我想问问 那些
是正常的 那些是乱加的
destination: 820
DMV: 499
DOC FEE: 401
还有个什么fee忘记了 和其他的乱七八糟加起来200不到点
最后加税(nj 7%)总共20684 左右。
我感觉被坑了,本来想好17300 加税加fee一起19600OTD了。求解释 |
J********o 发帖数: 17447 | 22 基本没有坑你的, 你自己没整明白不要甩锅,这些也不是hidden
etching太贵可diy, doc fee挺高的, 不过楼上说NJ都这么贵的话你就只有认了, 不过
我觉得有点过分了 |
J********o 发帖数: 17447 | 24 绝大部分出来的老中不敢说是人中龙凤, 也是精英吧, 再次也是有实打实学位(多数还
是phd吧), 打拼职场的白领
网上那么多资源, 那么多论坛, 就找不到想要的车的"true price"么..
还有被dealer忽悠的, 这么多老中理工科出身, 中国人数学这么好, 能被这些数字游戏
玩晕..? monthly payment你还能算不过dealer么...
dealer给你的quote价格是不是虚高, doc fee/etch fee什么的google一下5秒你就知道
Buy or lease这么简单的的东西, 2分钟按下计算器不就知道价格划不划算了.
还有几千买几年轮胎保险的.. 一般车换一整套不错的副厂铸铝的轮毂加一套好的四季
胎也就是个2000撑死了, 这账不好算么?
还有什么3,2,1买不买这种梗, 也是醉了..
买车切忌着急, keep calm and do some homework, 至少不会被dealer坑. 说到底,
dealer总是要赚钱的, 差不多也就可以了. |
发帖数: 1 | 25
我第一次去也是 ex 22k otd
但是得砍价。发现一个etch fee我不想要,21.8k 还是蛮多的
芝加哥有一个ext 22k otd 想买涡轮增压了~ 这样差不多便宜了800-1k刀
没有继续讲价 不知道后续还能不能讲价
不然拖到回美国之后再买也行。。。暑假要回国 |
发帖数: 1 | 26 一直在 fusion SE 和 Grand Cherokee Summit 之间犹豫,选 fusion 就算是
个2年内的过渡车,选 Grand Cherokee 就是一步到位。
上周五去一家 dealer 试驾以及砍价,结果dealer态度不太好,我还价49k
OTD,sales说 impossible,之后又拿了张写了49k 的纸说确定买的话就签名,我签了
之后 dealer 说 it's impossible,这特么不是侮辱人么,当场吵了一架投诉到
manager 那里去了,后来 Internet sales manager 也给我回了一封邮件:
I sincerly apologize for the bad experience. I would like to make it up to
you and provide you with an My Employee Price Plus $500 rebate of $56,245
plus ttl.
The way this Jeep is listed MSRP $59,615 + $3... 阅读全帖 |
A********h 发帖数: 2789 | 27 $399 Lifetime Warranty Tint + $ 299 Etch (Theft Security Package) + $299
Nitrogen Filled Tires
让他们把这些去掉,dealer就是靠这些玩意儿骗钱的 |
c****i 发帖数: 921 | 28 询价CR-V EX AWD (华州),有个dealer报价比别人便宜1000刀 ($24,3xx before $750
宜200刀), 我在honda的官网上查不到这些东西,标配里面不带这些吗?
Decor (3M Package) $399.00
VSP (Window Etch): $329.00
谢谢! |
F********r 发帖数: 19 | 29 Senior level mechanical engineer:
•Proficient with MATLAB, CAD, LDV measurements, Dynamic Signal
Analyzer, accelerometer, optics, and other basic mechanical and electrical
lab equipment--FEA or CFD experience is a plus, but not required.
•Proficient in data analysis and time- and frequency-domain signal
•Basic understanding of control systems.
•Familiarity with Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office applications
such as Excel, Word, Outlook, and... 阅读全帖 |
F********r 发帖数: 19 | 30 Qualifications
•BS Mechanical Engineering or higher degree.
•>5 years hard disk drive or related experience.
•Solid fundamental mechanical engineering skills in the areas of
dynamics testing, stress analysis, static, dynamics and vibration, materials
(properties and processes) design.
•Knowledge of servo control, tribology, TMR and fundamental electrical
circuit design.
•Knowledge of manufacturing processes such as etching, forming, die
casting, injection molding, s... 阅读全帖 |
z*****i 发帖数: 43 | 31 PhD candidate,马上毕业(12月),现在还没找到工作,如果有也是这方面的前辈,请帮
Skills and Techniques:
♦ Semiconductor device fabrication process: Developed new methods for
quantum dot device fabrication and characterization; Conducted and
Optimized the fabrication process.
♦ Fabrication and Characterization techniques: 5 years hands-on
experience with: Photolithography, Electron Beam Lithography (EBL), Reactive
Ion Etching (RIE), Thin film Deposition, Wire Bonding, Semiconductor Device
Pack... 阅读全帖 |
z*****i 发帖数: 43 | 32 PhD candidate,马上毕业(12月),现在还没找到工作,如果有也是这方面的前辈,请帮
Skills and Techniques:
♦ Semiconductor device fabrication process: Developed new methods for
quantum dot device fabrication and characterization; Conducted and
Optimized the fabrication process.
♦ Fabrication and Characterization techniques: 5 years hands-on
experience with: Photolithography, Electron Beam Lithography (EBL), Reactive
Ion Etching (RIE), Thin film Deposition, Wire Bonding, Semiconductor Device
Pac... 阅读全帖 |
z*****i 发帖数: 43 | 33 PhD candidate,马上毕业(12月),现在还没找到工作,如果有也是这方面的前辈,请帮
Skills and Techniques:
♦ Semiconductor device fabrication process: Developed new methods for
quantum dot device fabrication and characterization; Conducted and
Optimized the fabrication process.
♦ Fabrication and Characterization techniques: 5 years hands-on
experience with: Photolithography, Electron Beam Lithography (EBL), Reactive
Ion Etching (RIE), Thin film Deposition, Wire Bonding, Semiconductor Device
Pack... 阅读全帖 |
z*****i 发帖数: 43 | 34 PhD candidate,马上毕业(12月),现在还没找到工作,如果有也是这方面的前辈,请帮
Skills and Techniques:
♦ Semiconductor device fabrication process: Developed new methods for
quantum dot device fabrication and characterization; Conducted and
Optimized the fabrication process.
♦ Fabrication and Characterization techniques: 5 years hands-on
experience with: Photolithography, Electron Beam Lithography (EBL), Reactive
Ion Etching (RIE), Thin film Deposition, Wire Bonding, Semiconductor Device
Pack... 阅读全帖 |
m****s 发帖数: 18160 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 ME 讨论区 】
发信人: zeroback (zero), 信区: ME
标 题: ME Senior Engineer Job Opening
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 30 15:54:06 2014, 美东)
公司是做Vacuum Technology and Equipment。重点在thin film etch and deposition
equipment(IBE,IBD, PVD, CVD, etc.) for data storage.
这个机械职位看重vacuum equipment design experience.如果有FEA structural和
thermal背景就更好。Master or PhD degree preferred.
这是个immediate hiring。公司会提供h1b sponsorship if needed.地点在Northeast
area.如果有兴趣,请把简历发到j****[email protected]. 合适的简历(strong vacuum
equipment design expe... 阅读全帖 |
a**********g 发帖数: 48 | 36 R&D Module Manager (Ref: S1321).
This position is located in Taiwan.
1. Advanced module process development and baseline sustaining
2. Process stability/manufacturability improvement for yield and reliability
3. Process/tool transfer to volume manufacturing
1. MS or Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Chemistry, Physics
, or a related engineering discipline.
2. 6 years+ related experience in advanced technology development of
following domain... 阅读全帖 |
o****g 发帖数: 655 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: Ookong (悟空), 信区: shopping
标 题: 超薄Logitech键盘,带背光 $49 @Amazon
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 8 01:28:36 2010, 美东)
Logitech Illuminated Ultrathin Keyboard with Backlighting
Technical Details
Bright, laser-etched, backlit keys that let you type easily--even in the
Cutting-edge, ultra-thin profile (9.3 mm) that adds an elegant touch to
any desk
PerfectStroke key system for typing that's si... 阅读全帖 |
r******s 发帖数: 3662 | 39 考拉熊说得对,应该把表面ion etch一下再看看,不过这个量可以忽略不计了。。。顺
便求包养求加小组。。。。 |
s***u 发帖数: 353 | 40 和别人合作的项目,突然有笔工业界的钱要找博士后,项目很快就要开始,在其他版贴了
广告,还没有合适的,到这里试试运气,大家帮个忙推荐一下,或者广播一下. 非常感谢
Job Title: Postdoctoral Position working on MEMS based Lithium Ion Battery
University: Arizona State University
Department: EE or ME
Start date: as early as End of August
Duration: One year with potential extension based on the results.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Salary: ~42k/year
Manufacture Lithium Ion Battery using Silicon based microfabrication
technology, funded by an industry sponsor.
Qua... 阅读全帖 |
R*********e 发帖数: 73 | 41 得到博士offer的本科生简历(挂网公开的,应该可以讨论把)在下面,先只请教下打动
期刊发表的... 阅读全帖 |
r******t 发帖数: 8967 | 42 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: yuverson221 (), 信区: EE
标 题: 跪求前辈内推Semiconductor Process Engineer,entry level的工作
关键字: 半导体,工作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 20 16:56:26 2017, 美东)
小弟是刚毕业的硕士学生。在实验室主要是做Graphene solar cell的,有两年的实验
• At UIC, my thesis research focus is to develop transfer-free
graphene-on-silicon heterojunction solar cells and plasmonics enhancement of
photo-conversion efficiency and received 1.5% PCE
• Tested and op... 阅读全帖 |
d******e 发帖数: 7844 | 43 A Kansas State University chemist has earned a National Science Foundation
CAREER award of more than $700,000 to develop a more efficient and safer way
of etching semiconductor nanocrystals. Her work could lead to more energy-
efficient lighting and greener technology.
你太孤陋寡闻了。 |
p*******m 发帖数: 20761 | 44 Review of the Xiaomi Hybrid Earphones: Xiaomi have done it again
By Steven Johns · 2 hours ago 4
Xiaomi has generally received praise for their headphones and, over the last
few years, have released four generations with each building on the last.
Starting with the original pair that didn't get too much attention, through
to the second generation which some considered to have been re-defining "
Budget-Fi" by providing a lot of bang for very little buck. The Xiaomi
Piston 2 was very V-shaped, how... 阅读全帖 |
z**********u 发帖数: 754 | 45 感谢, waka兄现在发展得好吗?
我还是比较希望能进大公司, 虽然还算年轻, 但已经有婚姻对象, 目标三四年内搞定首
付和婚礼开销, 所以觉得大公司还是比较稳当的选择.
以前工作的start-up, 公司就几个工程师干活, 包括我在内就两个有hardware背景, 我
负责搞非rf的prototype, 另外一个senior的搞rf, 不过他的板子都直接送fab house造
, 我的就in-house自己etch 和plop parts, 然后用toaster oven/hot-plate reflow,
挺好玩的. 不过我对那公司前景不乐观, 没什么核心技术, 都是搞点contract挨日子.
我是希望有一天自己能够到达软硬通吃的水平(在embedded领域里), 不过经验有限, 现
在只能干和专业研究比较对口的活. |
s***u 发帖数: 353 | 47 Job Title: Postdoctoral Position
University: Arizona State University
Department: EE or ME
Start date: ASAP
Duration: One year with potential extension
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Salary: 40~45k/year
Funding Source: Industry Sponsor
Manufacture Lithium Ion Battery using microfabrication technology,
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in the field of microfabrication
related areas.
The candidate should have extensive micro device design and cleanroom
fabrication expe... 阅读全帖 |
d***a 发帖数: 73 | 48 We currently have openings for background related to photoresist chemistry,
photoresist materials development, at Intel Chandler AZ for microelectronic
packaging materials development.
Please note the position is for recent college graduate only (within 18
month of graduation). If you are interested, please respond via mitbbs site
email ASAP.
Job Description
Job Description: Microelectronic Packaging Engineers provide project
management, package design/development and sustaining support for... 阅读全帖 |
c****e 发帖数: 9482 | 49 My company has the following openings right now. PM me if you are interested
. Thanks!
1. Senior Algorithm Engineer
Job Description:
As a software research and development (R&D) team member, you will be
responsible for designing, developing and testing algorithms that turn
general requirement definitions into functioning software independently. You
will communicate and collaborate with other development team members and
comply with our software development processes and procedures. You will
be c... 阅读全帖 |
M******n 发帖数: 1506 | 50 春天或者夏天物理PhD毕业,做了5年+有机半导体器件,组里Physics和EE学生大概6:4,做
fabrication and characterization of organic semiconductor devices, "OLED,
transistor,Spin-valve,magnetic sensor"; characterization of organic
e-beam/thermo evaporation and sputtering,polymer solution preparation, spin
coating process, photolithography, focused ion beam lithography, etching,
CVD 等 Cleanroom operation
Ultrafast spectroscopy, EL/PL, CIA, PA, SEM, STM, AFM, FIB, pole
measurements, time o... 阅读全帖 |