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发帖数: 2761
来自主题: Pharmaceutical版 - Merck to Cut Up to 13,000 Jobs
Merck & Co. said Friday that it would widen its cost-cutting measures by
eliminating up to 13,000 jobs—on top of the 17,000 layoffs in prior actions
—as the drug maker faces generic competition and other pressures.
The Whitehouse Station, N.J., company disclosed the job cuts as it reported
a near-tripling of second-quarter earnings on a tax benefit and other items.
Revenue rose 7% on sales growth for diabetes drugs Januvia and Janumet, as
well as anti-inflammatory drug Remicade.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 233
Wall Street's Top Earners: Your Pain, Their Gain
Forbes, April 15, 2008
By Peter J. Schwartz
Problems paying the mortgage, filling the gas tank and feeding the family
have eroded living standards for millions of Americans during the past
several months. Not so for people who manage big piles of money; many of
them made a fortune betting correctly on the housing debacle and rising
commodity prices last year.
Our second annual look at the pay of folks who run hedge and private equity
funds shows t
发帖数: 22
Hedge Funds May Cut 20,000 Jobs as Losses Erode Fees (Update1)
“The hiring process is turning back to the 1990s, when candidates had 15 to
30 interviews before being hired,” said Michael Karp, chief executive
officer of Options Group.
发帖数: 696
来自主题: Quant版 - Walleye Trading这个公司怎么样
does market making make money?
i mean, so many firms doing it, the spread is getting less
and less. even if u have some prop trading strategy there, it's
quickly eroding. is that the case?

发帖数: 292
来自主题: Quant版 - Western banks pay out for Asia talent
By Sundeep Tucker and Francesco Guerrera in Hong Kong
Published: March 28 2010 23:01 | Last updated: March 28 2010 23:01
US and European banks are offering huge pay packages to hire top bankers
in the Asia-Pacific region, in a sign that the compensation curbs
pledged by financial groups after the crisis are already being eroded.
A shortage of talent combined with rivalry among banks to expand or
rebuild operations across the fast-growing region has sent compensation
levels for some bankers soari
发帖数: 978
Dec. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Credit Agricole SA, France’s second-
largest bank by assets, will report a loss for 2011 and
eliminate 2,350 jobs at its investment-banking and consumer-
finance units as Europe’s debt crisis erodes economic growth.
Credit Agricole, based outside Paris, will book about 2.5
billion euros ($3.24 billion) in fourth-quarter writedowns on
investments, including stakes in Spain’s Bankinter SA and Banco
Espirito Santo SA of Portugal, it said in a statement yesterday.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 91
Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs
TODAY is my last day at Goldman Sachs. After almost 12 years at the firm —
first as a summer intern while at Stanford, then in New York for 10 years,
and now in London — I believe I have worked here long enough to understand
the trajectory of its culture, its people and its identity. And I can
honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have
ever seen it.
To put... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1570
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: winetricks (winetricks), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Wall Street现在招聘比不过硅谷了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 1 00:11:19 2012, 美东)
Wall Street’s Latest Campus Recruiting Crisis
College students who were once attracted to prestigious banks like moths to
bonfires are increasingly turning to other industries in search of success.
Insiders say that harsh testimonials of industry life can deter would-be
financiers from even applying for jobs at the most selective firms.
“This is a sig... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 594
来自主题: Quant版 - interesting thing about GS CDO case
It is very hard to infer the exact positions Paulson took from the news or
even the court docs. But it feels to me that Goldman did what a broker did.
no more no less.
Paulson wanted to short a portfolio, so he created one and asked GS to make
a trade. GS of cource did not want to be the long end of the this deal so
they try to off load.
However, given the size of the trade, GS could NOT find any one to take the
whole long side of the trade. So they tranched it. They engineered the 10-
100 tranc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1570
来自主题: Quant版 - Hedge-Fund Director Bonuses Drop 94%
Bonuses for hedge-fund employees in London have dropped by 94 percent since
2012 as returns in the industry declined, according to a salary-data
The average bonus for directors, or mid-level employees, plummeted to 8,000
pounds ($13,300) this year from 40,000 pounds last year and 135,000 pounds
in 2012, Emolument.com said in a statement today.
“The last two years have taken their toll on the myth of the hedge-fund
executive in their Aston Martins,” the company said. “The slow decline i... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
It turns out that the robots are human after all.
There has been an explosion of interest in computer-powered investing of all
kinds in recent years. Barclays estimates that the assets managed by so-
called quantitative hedge funds have doubled over the past decade and hit a
record $500bn last year.
Unfortunately, the performance has atrophied in tandem with their trendiness
. The average equity hedge ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 884
来自主题: MedicalDevice版 - 美国医疗器械行业现状 zz
C. Global Competitiveness
The U.S. is the largest consumer of medical devices and leads the world in
the production of medical devices. The U.S. has a medical device market
valued at more than $100 billion in 2008, roughly 42 percent of the world’s
total. U.S. exports of medical devices in the key product categories
identified in Section I (excluding IVDs) was valued at approximately $31.4
billion in 2008 and imports were valued at $33.6 billion.
Over the past decade the value of imported med... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9638
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 威胁下生存的中国医生们
"Chinese doctors are under threat"(威胁下生存的中国医生们)
System change, the theme of the World Cancer Congress in Shenzhen, China,
Aug 18—21, was a central message in the opening address by the Chinese
Minister of Health, Chen Zhu, as he described current health-care system
reforms in China.At the Congress many international health policy makers and
physicians led discussions on frameworks and actions for system change, but
there was little participation from local... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9638
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 感恩节谈中美感恩之不同
There are 4 reasons why physicians should never accept gifts from patients.
First, the physician-patient relationship is a fiduciary one; that is, the
physician owes an obligation of fidelity to the patient. Profiting from the
treatment of a patient, other than through established reimbursement schemes
, violates the physician's fidelity to the patient. Accepting gifts erodes
the special moral character of the physician-patient relationship.
Second, gifts are gi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: CivilSociety版 - USA: Keeper of Peace
Quote: To make the promise of his “Asian pivot” real, the president will
have to convince Congress, and allies in the region, that he means to devote
more military, diplomatic and economic attention there — not to contain
China, he insists, but to preserve and extend America’s longtime role as a
keeper of the peace in the Pacific.
My commentary: Being the keeper of the peace is a laudable goal. Only the
keeper of the peace needs to work on its credibility
problem. After the non-existant WMD ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: CivilSociety版 - GOP开始拉拢华裔选民? (转载)
We need to form a voter bloc. Before the primary election (for each party)
, we announce our endorsement for the best candidates in each party.
After the primary election, each major party will get a candidate for each
open seat, then we need to choose to endorse a candidate for each opening
Our job is to organize the turn-out of our voters and educate the voting
population about the issues that are core to our identity and our vision and
our values. We need to educate the candida... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: CivilSociety版 - 给华裔选民的信2014,2016
To Chinese-American voters:
What happened last year has made it sufficiently clear
that We need to form a voter bloc. The way voting
bloc works, is before the primary election (for each
party), we invite the candidates to our events to post
them on our particular issues and concerns. Then
we announce our endorsement for the best candidates
in each party. After the primary election, each major
party will get a candidate for each ope... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3104
Lovely Creations Corp., the supplier of talking teddy bears to Wal-Mart
Stores Inc., may move some of its 800 Chinese assembly jobs to Vietnam
because the currency is eroding profits.
“The yuan’s appreciation would mean we lose our profit margin,” said Poh-
Heng Toh, general manager at Lovely Creations, a Taipei-based manufacturer
with factories in the coastal provinces of Guangdong and Zhejiang. “We also
have higher labor costs in China because, as the economy develops, workers
demand better li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2314
By Lucia Mutikani
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of newly laid off U.S. workers filing
claims for jobless benefits rose last week and sales of previously owned
homes fell in March, data showed on Thursday, indicating the 16-month old
recession was far from over.
At the same time, the number of people claiming benefits after drawing an
initial week of aid vaulted to another record high in early April, for the
14th consecutive week, the Labor Department said.
The reports dampened hopes that the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 35
来自主题: _America版 - 近现代帝国拥有世界的途径
I am not optimistic as yours for one reason if not others: China's education
system seems good at producing "these young, hot blooded,
relatively more educated, better paid people who are thirsty for power,
wealth, and domination".

wanting power badly and American power eroding.
发帖数: 14511
来自主题: _America版 - 美国茶党之我见
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: SteelDragon (金箍如意), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 美国茶党之我见
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 7 08:28:46 2011, 美东)
还别说,茶党里还真有我比较看重的人。德州众议员Ron Paul。我欣赏他的逻辑一贯坚
派的存在不引人注目。就如同Ron Paul站在共和党初选辩论台上成隐形人一样。
灌自由之树;或者直称噢巴马是希特勒的。在town hall meeting上,脸上青筋直冒,
其他的代表人物如Sarah Palin, 属于胸大(小?)无脑之人。州长坐一半儿请辞,但
一直觊觎总统宝座。另外一个是Michele Bachmann, 基本每天都能得到上帝的启示,一
天有一半的时间在和神沟通... 阅读全帖
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