a********l 发帖数: 39524 | 1 will do that sometime. i don't know, the results seem mixed. i was expecting
a big difference over 55-250. on cloudy days when i shot soccer, the
difference is hardly visible, that's right, i can't really tell the
difference between 550d+55-250 and 7d+70-200 ii when shooting action sports.
on a sunny day when i tried some street shots, the sharpness seems ok, like
this one:
i am a little baffled. i don't think there is anything wrong with my copy, maybe the dark lighting reduces sharpness? just ... 阅读全帖 |
f********p 发帖数: 8584 | 3 看着很不错。
copy, maybe the dark lighting reduces sharpness? just don't get that pop
in my photos. |
f********p 发帖数: 8584 | 4 看着还行啊,蓝天的背景很亮,评价测光的话,飞机会有点暗。
这俩头我都没有,没感觉。不过小白兔肯定强很多 |
a********l 发帖数: 39524 | 5 yep, that's for sure. 2.8 is 4 times the aperture of 5.6.
need to go out and shoot some more before i know more about this lens. |
q*z 发帖数: 13362 | 6 我收到一个是11月25结束,10%直接从balance off |
t*****s 发帖数: 3478 | 19 我也是头一回收到10%coupon,但是在我刚刚下了一单4700多刀的以后。
10%,但是最多100刀. |
t*****s 发帖数: 3478 | 22 哈贪大师好。是哈苏203FE 胶片机加个镜头。我是喜欢这个哈苏的画质和色彩,所以想
试一下。有包子否?有的话到时来奔照片。:) 不过,还有个学习的过程可能。 |
c********y 发帖数: 30813 | 23 您也入hassy了,gxgx啊
到时候给大家发包子吧 |
t*****s 发帖数: 3478 | 24 嗯,跟风也上一个。
那您给我压力了,还不知道拍胶片能否赚到包子呢。赚得到的话就来发。 |
L****H 发帖数: 824 | 25 结果只能用于auto parts and accessories
谁发俺个安慰包子吧 |
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了严厉的批评 |
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这两天收到fashion的10% coupon,用不上。有过能transfer的话,送给需要的人啦 |
b****r 发帖数: 17995 | 31 我还特地问了representative是不是没有提醒,他说没有,不知道你那里啥情况。我的
是没有这信的。其他同学说说? |
b******g 发帖数: 4676 | 32 刚又查了一遍邮箱,千真万确,所有的coupon通知都在邮箱里呆着呢 |
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