a***n 发帖数: 404 | 3 这个是不是直接转为 pdf 的那个命令?
我里面用到了其他的包,必须先要转成 ps 才行啊。郁闷。 |
m******t 发帖数: 4077 | 4 ctex 2.4 (winedt 5.4 + miktex 2.4) 版本,以前都挺好的,好长时间不用了,不知
上去都是矢量字体。 但是打印出来就像是针打的一样,都是锯齿型的。换了打印机也
如果用dvips + ps2pdf 则整篇都是像锯齿一样的。
装了ctex 2.7, 也没有用。而且winedt 5.5的soft return实在是太难受了,不会自动
整段调整了。 |
s*****k 发帖数: 604 | 5 不应该啊
你先用dvips 在ps2pdf试试
non-pdf special?!
你用了pstricks了? |
T*********r 发帖数: 11175 | 6 gedit挺好的editor
你既然run linux,开个terminal
latex xxx.tex
dvipdf xxx.dvi
or dvips -o xxx.ps xxx.dvi
如果没eps figure
直接pdflatex xxx.tex也行 |
g*****n 发帖数: 239 | 7 gnuplot画的图,在有的template下,图没有问题。但在别的template下,legend里单
词之间没有了空格。 是因为出现了dvips: font ??? used in file ??? is not in
the mapping file 的error吗?有什么解决的方法吗?多谢了! |
c*******h 发帖数: 1096 | 8 .cls 里的 papersize 和 \CroppingBox 和 .sty 里的 \NewSlideStyle
和你用 dvips, ps2pdf 设定的纸张大小不协调
又依赖于版面大小,例如logo放在哪里,page number显示在哪里。再加上原来的
lettersize的,有人默认a4的,反正就是乱套 |
i*******w 发帖数: 405 | 11 老大,我用的是Miktex + Crimson(Editor),图片只认eps,所以我的方法是在
PowerPoint 里面做Slides,然后打印成pdf,在Acrobat 里面截取想要的内容,再另存
为eps, 然后再包括到tex文件里面。这样编译和转dvi都没有问题,但是dvipdfm 就出
Apc建议先dvips,然后我把生成的ps文件再转成pdf,目前这样works. |
T*********r 发帖数: 11175 | 12 你那个editor肯定可以选怎么生成
latex dvips
还是pdflatex |
h*****r 发帖数: 1052 | 13 我希望部分公式左对齐,部分公式居中
\title{Experiments of Variance Reduction for Financial Options}
\author{Na Sun}
\use |
g*********r 发帖数: 124 | 14 有一个简单的方法可以达到同样的目的
生成 dvi 文件后,用命令
dvips -r *.dvi
生成 ps 文件,再转 pdf 文件。
这样得到的 pdf 文件页码是逆序的,看到的第一页就是正常情况下文档的
最后一页。 |
m****g 发帖数: 80 | 16 pdflatex 是默认方式,现在的主流。
同。 |
x****g 发帖数: 109 | 17 journal 要求在pdf里embed all fonts. 我的eps图里面有一些text,这些怎么也没法
pdf就是先用latex 生成dvi,然后dvips, ps2pdf
谢谢大家 |
n******x 发帖数: 149 | 18 在写论文,用的是WinEdt编译的latex,没有插图前所有的都正常,编译的时候就是运
打开了ps文件看了看,然后运行ps2pdf,显示“The system cannot find the file
里高手多,特来求教下 |
t**********o 发帖数: 124 | 21 I tried a2ps, textfmt,dvips, but always got:"Command not found".
So what command do you guys use to create a postscript file?
tutu |
s*****t 发帖数: 1994 | 22 At least dvips should work, check your path. |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 24 check dvips options, I remember there's a paper size option |
a*z 发帖数: 141 | 26 【 以下文字转载自 Software 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ANZ 所发表 】
using in WinXP!
It seems that I dont need to install, just COPY and run it is ok.
what should I do next?
JUst want to use it as editor for Latex.
How can I intergret latex/yap/dvips/dvipdfm with it?
and I almost cant find the "New " option to setup a new document.. |
X****r 发帖数: 3557 | 27 Not really.
search for Latex instructions on google: 5 minutes
copy/paste your stuff into the templte document you've downloaded: 5 minutes
run Latex: 1 minute
run Latex again: 1 minute
run dvips: 1 minute
run ghostview: 1 minute
less than 15 minutes. you don't really have to understand latex at all, just
to know how to use its most basic functionalities. after using it for a while,
you'll understand latex more and more. |
m**i 发帖数: 724 | 28 2 things you need to pay attention,
First add something to the header of your .tex file, e.g.
documentclass[letterpaper, ..., ]{report}
And when you use dvips, DO NOT use the default one, use
-P pdf -t letter
(I use letter paper.) |
gw 发帖数: 2175 | 29 为什么不能显示 latex 里的想欠的eps文件呀?
同样的latex文件在 linux 下 latex + dvipdf能显示图形.
phvr8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
Sending D:\Program Files\texmf\dvips\base\tex.pro...
d:\PROGRA~1\gs\gs8.11\bin\gswin32c.exe -I"d:\program
files\gs\gs8.11\lib;d:\program files\gs\fonts;d:\program
files\gs\gs8.11\Resource" -r75.000000x75.000000 -g876x619 -sDEVICE=bmp256 -q
-DBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFile=andle -start:
d:\PROGRA~1\gs\gs8.11\bin\gswin32c.exe -I"d:\progra |
d******a 发帖数: 32122 | 30 TRY:
D*******a 发帖数: 3688 | 31 re
我自己用的build.bat: 其中待编译的文档就是mypaper.tex
set texfile=mypaper
latex %texfile%
bibtex %texfile%
latex %texfile%
latex %texfile%
rem start yap -1 %texfile%
dvips %texfile%
ps2pdf %texfile%.ps
del %texfile%.ps
del %texfile%.aux
del %texfile%.bbl
del %texfile%.blg
del %texfile%.log
del %texfile%.aaa
rem start C:\CTeX\Ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe %texfile%.pdf
start "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" %texfile%.pdf
set texfile= |
D*******a 发帖数: 3688 | 32 re
我自己用的build.bat: 其中待编译的文档就是mypaper.tex
set texfile=mypaper
latex %texfile%
bibtex %texfile%
latex %texfile%
latex %texfile%
rem start yap -1 %texfile%
dvips %texfile%
ps2pdf %texfile%.ps
del %texfile%.ps
del %texfile%.aux
del %texfile%.bbl
del %texfile%.blg
del %texfile%.log
del %texfile%.aaa
rem start C:\CTeX\Ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe %texfile%.pdf
start "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" %texfile%.pdf
set texfile= |
b*****i 发帖数: 58 | 33 to use pdflatex, can use 'epstopdf' to get a pdf copy of your eps file, then
% need to specify the driver explicitly above
and use the 'figure' enviroment to include the .eps file.
% it's said that 'graphicx' is better than 'epsfig' which is
% kind of old...
btw, I usu. generate a pdf in the way:.tex->.ps->.pdf
latex foo.tex
dvips foo.dvi
distill foo.ps
% there is no pdf[la]tex in our unix server.
文 |
s********y 发帖数: 660 | 34 产生的dvi文件没有问题,但是转换成ps文件以后,有些符号不见了
This is dvips(k) 5.94a Copyright 2003 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com
' TeX output 2005.11.21:1333' -> Test.ps
- miktex_make_pk_font (cmex9, 15926, 8000, ljfour)
Trying to make PK font "cmex9" (at 15926 DPI)...
makepk: warning: specified BDPI (8000) doesn't match "ljfour" resolution (600)
Creating "cmex9.pk"...
"mf" \mode:=ljfour; \mag:=1+7926/8000;nonstopmode;input cmex9
This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828 |
T*********r 发帖数: 11175 | 35
latex > dvips vs pdflatex?
还有includegraphic的时候,尺寸对不对 |
O****s 发帖数: 463 | 36 我的Win7x64+MikTex 2.9+Jaxodraw 2.1 正常
JaxoDraw=>Options=>Preferences=>LaTeX path 和 dvips path 路径设置是否正确
:) |
j*****5 发帖数: 235 | 37 可以用除eps格式外的图吧,只要你自己电脑上能编译通过就应该可以;你把所有.bbl
set filename=vb-struc
latex %filename%
latex %filename%
dvips -Ppdf %filename%
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress %filename%.ps %filename%.pdf |
G********t 发帖数: 334 | 38 With the slides style, one can make
very good slides in Latex.
sample file
\usepackage[dvips]{color, graphicx}
Sample Viewgraphs
\begin{center}\large Advantages of \texttt{slides}\end{center}
\item \textcolor{cyan}{Uses special fonts}
\item \textcolor{red}{Forces key words instead of long text}
\item Supports color layers
\item How about some math |
G********t 发帖数: 334 | 39 \documentclass[clock]{slides}
\usepackage[dvips]{color, graphicx}
\textbf{Vibrations of the Linear Symmetric Triatomic Molecule}
\item Symmetric Stretch
\begin{pspicture}(-.5, -.5)%(1, 1)
\nccoil[ |
x***h 发帖数: 6 | 40 是这些了:
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 1.20b)
! Undefined control sequence.
l.1 \documentclass
! Undefined control sequence.
l.2 \usepackage
! Undefined control sequence.
l.3 \usepackage
! Undefined control sequence.
l.5 \setlength
{\oddsidemargin}{0.2in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.2in}
! Undefined control sequence.
l.5 \setlength{\oddsidemargin
c********y 发帖数: 11 | 41 done!
dvips *.dvi -o *.ps |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 42 latex , produce pdf by
latex target.tex
dvips -Ppdf -t landscape target.dvi
gv target.ps
\evensidemargin -1in
\oddsidemargin -1in
\topmargin -1in
\textwidth 15in
\textheight 12in
\multido{}{500}{\vrule height 30mm width 0.2mm depth 0mm\kern 0.8mm}
\multido{}{300}{\vrule height 30mm width 0.5mm depth 0mm\kern 0.5mm}
\multido{}{150}{\vrule height 30mm width 1.0mm depth 0m |