w*******r 发帖数: 7276 | 1 别整天呆在dorm里幻想美国修了高铁如何如何。纽约只占美国的三十分之一,美国大部
分中产,富人都住郊外,愿意住市中心的是极少数 |
F*****y 发帖数: 3877 | 2 女小刘在ICC dorm的第一天,狭小的1000尺的公寓里摆满了床铺,晚上,女小刘穿着
victoria secret的吊带,里面未着寸缕,滚烫的身躯,滚烫的欲望,比隔壁女阿三的
了这股旖旎,向里猛然一探,几乎将小刘身体刺穿。 |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 3 楼主那个是士兵的。军官是职业挣工资住普通房子,不住dorm.
你这个是boot camp就是三个月新兵训练时住的。 |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 4
army和marine corps大多数还是上下铺吧,不过也是公寓式的,跟大学新一些的dorm
一样。 |
S*****r 发帖数: 1272 | 6 After that my dad pull me out from dorm and rent a house for me out of
My dad also ask a son of the landlord to protect me.
about |
s******7 发帖数: 446 | 7 JamesGirl
07-17-2003, 05:14 PM
tradewiz, my fiancee was subject to an attempted rape by another inmate
months ago. This person is in prison for a burglary charge with a deadly
weapon. Anyway, this person is a known homosexual among the other inmates.
James is not prejudice about somebody's sexual preferences but he is not
homosexual in anyway. This guy harrassed James in a way by continueously
telling him that a man would make him feel much better and that I will in
time leave his side. This guy... 阅读全帖 |
g***j 发帖数: 40861 | 8 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaopo (小破), 信区: Joke
标 题: 1880s来首次 - 美国年轻人更多的选择和父母和住
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 24 21:06:42 2016, 美东)
For the first time since the 1880s, more young Americans are living with
their parents than with a romantic partner.
From stealth dorms to pod apartments, young Americans are finding all kinds
of new ways to live within their means, on their own. But a historic share
of 18- to 34-year-olds are relying on the most affordable housing strategy
of all: their parents’ house.
... 阅读全帖 |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 9 去university of Houston参观,dorm有聪明洗衣机,ID扫一下,结束前给你text告诉
你。 |
D***r 发帖数: 7511 | 10 Indianapolis, IN — In a surprise announcement today, Indiana Governor and
Vice President-elect Mike Pence said that gay conversion therapy saved his
marriage. The controversial Republican, who was elected the 50th governor of
the Hoosier State, has been a long-time proponent of a “Biblical view” on
homosexuality and as a member of Congress stated that the legislative
branch “should oppose any effort to recognize homosexuals as a ‘discrete
and insular minority’ entitled to the protection of anti-... 阅读全帖 |
a*****1 发帖数: 3817 | 11 让广大民主党员站出来,开放家庭,
开放他们的dorm room,然后洛杉矶
多让非法移民搬进去。 |
P**5 发帖数: 3422 | 13 发信人: Bob (Dinosaur), 信区: sysop
标 题: 给别人介绍这个BBS可以用这个文章(修改版)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Aug 13 15:09:17 1998), 站内信件
没有敏感话题, 没有讨论禁区, 不设过滤器.
没有任何永久用户, 除站长的站务管理权力和版主的版务管理权力外,
任何人没有普通用户以外的特权. 管理公开透明, 没有私下动作.
国内连接的IP地址只显示前两段数字(包括发文, 查询, 状态显示).
国外连接速度很快, 国内CHINANET用户速度也相当快.
发信人: look (牛大春), 信区: sysop
标 题: 关于本站的历史以及未来发展 (一)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Feb 22 23:06:53 2001), 转信
看了这个板还有其他板关于这个站发展, 以及捐款的文章, 我很感动. 从
开站的初衷, 到后来各种未曾预料的困难, 到现在... 阅读全帖 |
c*********l 发帖数: 3438 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 原创。我一个西雅图老留娶美国白女的故事
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 8 20:32:11 2017, 美东)
孩子热心的帮了我,这类型就是我的dream girl,不过挺感叹只能是擦肩而过。
的头发在眼前晃过,弱弱的说一句,真得好性感。有一天,我洗完澡看到一... 阅读全帖 |
c********g 发帖数: 4587 | 15 嗯,有这样的,上学时住DORM,旁边住着一家PHD,女的F2没工作大妈,天天骂骂咧咧
老实人呀。 |
v***o 发帖数: 1554 | 16 Story by Kelsey Brugger
Originally published February 14, 2017 at 12:46p.m., updated February 14,
2017 at 03:03p.m.
A UC Santa Barbara international student from China committed suicide on
Sunday afternoon. Weiwei Liu, 20, was found dead in her dorm room at Santa
Cruz Residence Hall after UCSB police responded at about 4 p.m. They
confirmed her death later that evening. Sheriff's spokesperson Kelly Hoover
declined to comment how Liu died nor say whether or not she left a note.
Hoover said the de... 阅读全帖 |
v***o 发帖数: 1554 | 17 情人节死
: Story by Kelsey Brugger
: Originally published February 14, 2017 at 12:46p.m., updated February
: 2017 at 03:03p.m.
: A UC Santa Barbara international student from China committed suicide
: Sunday afternoon. Weiwei Liu, 20, was found dead in her dorm room at
: Cruz Residence Hall after UCSB police responded at about 4 p.m. They
: confirmed her death later that evening. Sheriff's spokesperson Kelly
: declined to comment how... 阅读全帖 |
h******k 发帖数: 15372 | 18 是啊,学校的一个dorm床位在外面租一整套apartment都绰绰有余了。美帝的大学就是
吸血鬼。 |
S*******l 发帖数: 4637 | 19 https://mobile.nytimes.com/comments/2017/08/02/us/affirmative-action-battle-
I do alumni interviews for an Ivy League university in my town which is
largely Asian. My experience in interviewing kids for the last decade is
this: high numbers do not mean a student is worthy of admission. I
interviewed one young lady who had high SAT scores, one of the highest GPAs
I had ever seen at the school, and the pre-requisite debate/music/robotics
activities... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 20 你这也行?小心白妞渴高了,第二天反悔。还有别碰学生妞, dorm 里跟她闺蜜一说,
告你一把吃不了兜着走 |
发帖数: 1 | 21 前一阵加州一白男干了个喝酒的花了老的钱请律师还被判了半年。一群人骂法官判轻了.
还有一个小黄人学生把喝酒带dorm 干了半炮, 被roommate 撞见。白妞直接反悔。好像
也被告的够呛。连Kobe Bryant 都中招了。喝酒的学生不能碰 |
y******9 发帖数: 1392 | 22 Know a MD student. His dad bought him a house so he doesn't need to live in
the dorm. Plus medical school tuition. "美国孩子读大学不关父母的事,不需要父
母操心" probably only happens in families who can not afford. |
d**l 发帖数: 897 | 23 KORLA, China — Nobody knows what happened to the Uighur student after he
returned to China from Egypt and was taken away by police.
Not his village neighbors in China’s far west, who haven’t seen him in
months. Not his former classmates, who fear Chinese authorities beat him to
Not his mother, who lives in a two-story house at the far end of a country
road, alone behind walls bleached by the desert sun. She opened the door one
afternoon for an unexpected visit by Associated Press reporter... 阅读全帖 |
x******g 发帖数: 33885 | 25 如果能你肯定可以得到诺贝尔和平奖。
A white person voices suspicions about an innocuous person of color. Police
are summoned. And the encounter is posted on social media, sparking outrage
about racial profiling.
In what is becoming an all-too familiar episode, a black Yale University
graduate student was interrogated by campus police officers early Tuesday
morning after a white student found her sleeping in a common room of their
dorm and called police.
The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of th... 阅读全帖 |
s******t 发帖数: 1956 | 26 20 weeks passed in 2018, and there have already been 22 school shootings.
That averages out to more than 1 shooting a week.
May 18: Santa Fe, Texas
At least eight people -- and as many as 10 -- were killed in a shooting at
Santa Fe High School.
May 11: Palmdale, California
A 14-year-old boy went to Highland High, his former school, and began
shooting a semiautomatic rifle shortly before classes were scheduled to
begin, officials said. A 15-year-old boy was struck in the shoulder.
April 20: Ocala... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 27 我只记得是东海岸的某个学校的
中国留学生住dorm有室友 , 他和白牛认识 像是男女朋友 |
l****t 发帖数: 36289 | 28 宿舍只指集体集中居住系统的房舍-学生宿舍,员工宿舍等等
寝室=卧室 |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 29 Bob Woodward’s new book reveals a ‘nervous breakdown’ of Trump’s
Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” is based on
hundreds of hours of in-depth interviews. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington
By Philip Rucker and
Robert Costa
September 4 at 11:08 AM
John Dowd was convinced that President Trump would commit perjury if he
talked to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. So, on Jan. 27, the
president’s then-personal attorney staged a practice session to try to make... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 30 我以前住过crothers hall,那是graduate dorms,每层有公共洗浴间,每人一个格子
这就是美国文化,sex是个很随意的事情,你要真闹me too啥的,要看是谁? 对方是个
嘛 |
发帖数: 1 | 32 I had sex with the girl in the Dorm 5th building.
: 不要瞎扯蛋
: 清华美女多得很
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 33 属实
亚裔不嗑药上了大学就burn out
我还在学生dorm 厕所见过小广告 叫大脑伟哥 其实就是兴奋剂类药物
中产 乃至上中产 和穷人 就隔着一次经济危机 一张paycheck |
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 34 美国生活就是rat race
: 属实
: 美国小孩最晚高中就得嗑药了
: 亚裔不嗑药上了大学就burn out
: 我还在学生dorm 厕所见过小广告 叫大脑伟哥 其实就是兴奋剂类药物
: 归根结底是美国社会是充分竞争环境
: 中产 乃至上中产 和穷人 就隔着一次经济危机 一张paycheck
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 35 美国小孩最晚高中就得嗑药了
Upper middle class 的白小孩没有不嗑药的,为了在学校竞争,否则社会阶级就要往
亚裔不嗑药上了大学就burn out
我还在学生dorm 厕所见过小广告 叫大脑伟哥 其实就是兴奋剂类药物
中产 乃至上中产 也就是打工的人,不管工资多少,和穷人 就隔着一次经济危机 一张
paycheck |
X****i 发帖数: 1877 | 36 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: XiuShi (致力为花街散财,造福散户), 信区: Stock
标 题: 【2019年1月14日 400 个股票的短期谷底高峰预测】
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 14 08:40:13 2019, 美东)
【2019年1月14日 400 个股票的短期谷底高峰预测】
【2019年1月14日的 400 个股票的短期谷底和高峰的预测】
1. 预备大量(>=... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 41 No, I won’t start spying on my foreign-born students
By Lee C. Bollinger August 30 at 2:16 PM
Lee C. Bollinger is president of Columbia University and co-editor, with
Geoffrey R. Stone, of “The Free Speech Century.”
The FBI has stepped up its scrutiny of research practices at college and
university campuses — including mine.
Law enforcement and intelligence agencies determined to thwart the illegal
transfer of intellectual property to foreign rivals are encouraging U.S.
academics and administrat... 阅读全帖 |
X****i 发帖数: 1877 | 43
#001, 191010, AAON , 41.9602, 45.5100, 47.0118
#002, 191010, AAPL , 217.5973, 230.7500, 235.5958
#003, 191010, ABG , 94.3661, 99.0200, 100.8024
#004, 191010, ABTX , 31.1102, 33.3800, 34.2145
#005, 191010, ADUS , 77.1940, 81.8600, 83.9065
#006, 191010, AIG , 51.5732, 54.0600, 55.3574
#007, 191010, AIMC , 21.9720, 25.4600, 27.0640
#008, 1910... 阅读全帖 |
F*****t 发帖数: 3219 | 45 至少哈佛前几天新闻说要清空宿舍吧
“Harvard College students will be required to move out of their houses
and first-year dorms as soon as possible and no later than Sunday, March 15
,” at 5 p.m., Rakesh Khurana, the dean of Harvard College told
students Tuesday.
: 都在网上用Zoom上课呢。哪个学校赶人了?