h******y 发帖数: 3501 | 7 从最开始的EARLY ACCESS到现在一共抽完18K FFP, 从最开始的DANI ALVES, LUKAKU开
始, 到昨晚最后10包里 DROGBA, 小罗, MARCHISIO, PEPE, 中间惊喜不断。 昨晚卖
光猛人, 就留2套阵容互补,预测星期5还要跌一波,趁机会希望能进几个猛人。
这个意甲班子,除了RM 和RB, 其余全是抽上来的。
我的观点就是,趁着FUT刚开始,大家赶紧抽卡, 出猛人的几率比中后期要大的多。 |
i*******8 发帖数: 7955 | 8 你妹的看着也是个光头,dani alves算是白抽了 |
h***9 发帖数: 8948 | 9 我打算开始无耻点
这周末,买进dani alves,搞532等5后卫。这货太适合打五后卫了,还4*skill。比大
lwb不知道用谁好,alaba? |
h***9 发帖数: 8948 | 10 恩
或者卖了3M,给我分个dani alves也行啊 |
h***9 发帖数: 8948 | 11 Team: Neuer; Dani Alves, Thiago Silva, Ramos, Lahm; Iniesta, Xavi, Ribery;
Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic and Messi. |
S******g 发帖数: 1006 | 12 呵呵,高手你够厉害,想赶Nebraska的try out...
今年他们新来了个gina mancuso, 据说不错
姐姐Dani2006年帮NEB拿了冠军 |
d**w 发帖数: 14889 | 13 you must not have read dustin's hoh diary. he really likes eric, jameka,
and he really want them to be the final 4. he is as loyal as he can be in
this game. and he really didn't bend from D&D's bully/threat/even deals
last week. that's some strong will!
unlike dani, she voted out her best friend and nominated her ally.
no way i like her. hehehe.
betray |
S***d 发帖数: 1802 | 14
George RR Martin is such a genius! I just finished book 1 (GoT), just moving
onto CoK.
BTW, there is no mention of Danys' figure other than she having silky
breasts in the book IIRC.
The actor for littlefinger isn't WS enough. It is my only complaint to the
The Riverrun battle and battle between Lannister and the north army's
footmen were shortened. Understandable though. It would be mad expensive!
Cannot wait for CoK next year!! |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 15 第四集和书中的不同
In the books, the bronze harpy on the top of the Great Pyramid of Mereen
has been removed after Dany's conquest.
The conversation between Olenna and Margaery in the gardens doesn't
appear in the books. Olenna does bring up the fact she was supposed to marry
an unspecified Targaryen much earlier, during her first meeting with Sansa.
In the books, Podrick doesn't set off from King's Landing with Brienne;
but he does appear much later on, having followed her... 阅读全帖 |
N*****m 发帖数: 42603 | 16 这个不是啥新发现,早就被讨论过了
三头就是jon, dany和矮子
Snow |
J****s 发帖数: 413 | 17 dany是jon的姑姑not妹妹
Snow |
k***r 发帖数: 13724 | 18 He was no dragon, Dany thought, curiously calm. Fire cannot kill a dragon.
真龍不怕火,但是不是所有塔嘎銀都不怕火。 |
k***r 发帖数: 13724 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire 俱乐部 】
发信人: kejer (kejer), 信区: A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire
标 题: 这张图没人转啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 21 11:57:07 2015, 美东)
看来把老巴搞死了tyrion成了皇后手了,这样起码有人能在龙女离去后镇住场子。 |
k***r 发帖数: 13724 | 22 突然想到一个桥段,dany先要用龙把tyrion bbq了,结果龙反而接纳了矮子任其抚弄,
于是认亲。 |
k***r 发帖数: 13724 | 23 你这是nitpicking,野人营地里修了个wall,衣柜这次进攻前有人在外面很意外么。
leave |
k***r 发帖数: 13724 | 24 当然有进展
色系被折磨 kevan主政
这一集各条线进展都有啊进展 |
G**********e 发帖数: 11693 | 25 说不定这个就是专门留给矮子去advice给dany的呢 |
G**********e 发帖数: 11693 | 27 他说了 有的人fight for money有的人fight for beauty 言下之意他要fight for
dany这个beauty |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 28 GoT的主题就是Everyone must die:-(
女角色也是惨的惨死像石心夫人和她姐姐那样的;虐的虐死像Cersei Sansa Arya。
些。 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 30 不敢不敢
Narrow sea 那边的 Pentos,不知道现在是什么情况,最早Dany就是从那里出来的 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 31 8. Small Council
The Hand of the King: Kevan Lannister. (Cersei的叔叔,Lancel的老爸)
Grand Maester: Pycelle.
Master of Ships & Master of Coin: Lord Mace Tyrell. (Queen Margaery Tyrell的
Master of Whisperers: Qyburn.
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Jaime Lannister.
Leader of the Council: Tyrion Lannister.
Commander of the Unsullied: Grey Worm.
Advisor and translator: Missandei.
Master of Whisperers: Varys. |
G**********e 发帖数: 11693 | 32 对 我以前就把ice and fire理解成 jon snow代表ice dany代表fire 后来理解jon就是
ice and fire |
G**********e 发帖数: 11693 | 33 那怎么dany这突然得到三颗龙蛋呢
还有白鬼传说死绝千年 龙也死绝千年 现在突然白鬼和龙又都出现了 书里有解释吗 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 34 After 606 03
606开头Bran's flashback vision
Mad King 一遍一遍地喊 burn them all (图1)
Mad King's death by Jaime (图2)
绿色的火 (图3 4)
Ned Stark's death by Joffrey's man
Robb Stark's death by Roose Bolton
Catelyn Stark's death by Black Walder
Lyanna Stark's death with Ned's company (楼下图)
Bran's falling from the tower
Dany Reborn with dragons
Dragon flying over the sea, flying over king's landing (图5)
Night King reviving dead body as wight
Night King turning baby into white walker
children... 阅读全帖 |
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 35 要不烂尾得早点,开了时空门以后时候已经晚了
1. bran和reckon被Ramsey杀了,彻底断了时空穿梭这个败笔, Sansa被小指头养成计
划,跟Vale合兵一统北方可以有。北边的White Walker不要解决,John重整Wall之后这
2. Dany收齐人手和船之后,说实话杀回westeros与否无所谓,Tyrion来一句, My
queen, do you want to march to the east and free more people, or go back to
westeros to kill more people? 之类的,就此打住也就行了。
3. westeros rose家族正式完全投靠tommen,cercei想烧城被jaime杀死,来暗杀的
4. tommen开始和各个家族特别是小指头逐步完成慢慢统一,跟小指头的谈判有进展,
hmm, that is about it. |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 36 你回帖的最后几个字乱码呜呜…
Illyrio送给Dany的,我一度相信Varys支持龙家复辟,现在略怀疑吼 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 37 Jon和Sansa啊啊啊,kiss forehead这个是不是也太亲昵了呀哇。 Dany和Daario预告里
也是甜的。。。 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 38 王者靠命,无勇无谋亦可为王如Tommen,Dany也一样若无谋无龙无火她还有什么?Jon
至少能战能勇能自己拼命杀敌,若他真少年老成,那他就不是Jon了。 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 39 610 Preview 中的音频对话部分
High Sparrow:
Are you prepared to stand the trial and profess your guilt or innocence
before the Seven?
Jon to Sansa:
We need to trust each other. we have so many enemies now.
Walder Frey:
The Freys and the Lannisters send their regards.
Sansa: What do you want?
Little Finger: I thought you knew what I wanted.
Davos to Melisandre:
Tell him (Jon) what you did to her (Shireen). Tell him!
Are you afraid? Good.
Tyrion to Dany:
You are in the great game now. And the grea... 阅读全帖 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 40 Dany摸摸Daario
Jon摸摸Sansa,kiss her forehead
两组糖哈哈哈 |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 41 值得八卦一下的是,这5个人签了第八季:
Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion;
Cersei和Jaime的命还蛮长的嘛:-):-) 不会轻易狗带:-):-):-) |
o**a 发帖数: 1315 | 42 来自主题: CouchPotato版 - GOT预测 GOT里一直用the one that was promised, the prince that was promised, the one 等
这样的字眼代替小说中的名字 Azor Ahai。
Melisandre曾经认为Stannis is the one,
Jon复活后又认定Jon is the one.
Kinvara则认为Dany is the one that was promised.
Thoros认为Beric keeps coming back for a reason.
The rule is "Great power comes with great sacrifice. ". |
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 45 benjen stark
Dany和John 这么快就 papapa 还是有点意外的。 |
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 46 benjen stark
Dany和John 这么快就 papapa 还是有点意外的。 |
发帖数: 1 | 47 雪诺哥复活之后,武力没有提高,谋略没有进步,谁知竟然是情商爆表。
从Dany到My Queen,直听得龙女花枝乱颤,险些不能自已。 |
k*****r 发帖数: 1402 | 48 同感,剧情越来越离谱,Dany龙上来就把night king烧死就完事了,却非去烧小兵。
Bran那么多事都已经知道,偏偏跟Sansa说她被rape的事,脑子坏了 |
a***n 发帖数: 1993 | 49 抓鬼
。。。 |
k**0 发帖数: 19737 | 50 如果雪哥不去抓谁去抓?没有雪哥就得不到野人帮忙,剩下的人连尸鬼都没见过,还抓
你这个高水平观众真是令人惊叹 |