

全部话题 - 话题: dangrous
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎么办?
That AA hand was poorly played. Raise that flop any day any time and get it
in UNLESS he has a note on you as passive player.
To call a hand instead of raising on a dangrous board because he only has
second nuts is en... weak...
On the other hand, i think you should check raise that flop instead of donk.
and hope to get it in on turn. because a dangrous card will stop all action
of you extracting values. And it happened precisely. If you have played
like that, you would have getting his whole
发帖数: 1281
来自主题: RisingChina版 - 经济上的巨人,道德上的矮子
Initially it was kind of severe in Maxico. People were freaking out because
they did not know what it was. Later on it turned out to be milder and less
dangrous. It is treatable and only few people with pre-existing conditions
died of it even though US govement did not control it. I don't see anything
wrong with it. It does not worth to spend millions of dollars to control a
common flu...
发帖数: 42175
发帖数: 538
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 需要给小宝宝剃头么
no need, besides, it is too dangrous
发帖数: 1793
来自主题: Stock版 - 又一个飞刀,谁接
it is right on the dangrous point: 90. I would not bother now
发帖数: 4272
来自主题: NewYork版 - 巴基斯坦30万rmb
dangrous for american
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Pittsburgh版 - a new comer to ask the weather in Pittsburg?
I will be relocated in Allison Park (metro) Pittsburg from the south. Anyone
can tell me how is the weather in Pittsburg, specially in winter? Are there
a lot of snow? Is it dangrous to drive in the winter there? I heard it is
also hilly there.
How is the culture there? A lot of chinese population?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - The biggest pot of online cash game - 1.3M
paired board is so dangrous in PLO, it is often not safe with bottom full
house. Nut straight is much safer without paired board but everyone knows that. :-)
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
This is very interesting to continue betting turn here. but I actually like
checking better.
Why did I bet flop pot? (actually i would prefer over pot size bets.) if he
raise me, i can lay down easily because i have shown strength and he is
raising over my stength. But once he called and turn is a dangrous card here
and he check to me, My 2 pair is not really that strong of a hand but do
have some showdown value. I bet here if he raise me i have to lay down and
if he calls, the pot becomes too b
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why do we hate pocket As
Thanks for the advice, but I doubt I will play NL25 because I am sure I will
be a loser playing there. Here is why:
1. The stake is too small and I will become too careless with my money. I
will be the one fooling around there. Try some crazy bluff and lose $25 - $
30 in one hand is one thing, the dangrous part is you barely feel the pain,
but you do that 4 -5 time, the money add up and you burn your roll slowly
and when you finally realize it, it is already a lot.
2. Not sure I have the courage
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这牌有点难打
this is incorrect. Ak probably is the only hand that he is ahead at this
spot in reraise range. He is rarely good at this spot especially after i
called reraise.
utg limp and call 16X reraise, i would put him on a very strong hand instantly. Some guy did exactly the same thing yesterday with pocket As utg
He limped utg, i have pocket Ks so i raised to 5X, some donk reraise to 14X with pocket 10s, and utg flat. i reraised all in. both called... another donk with dangrous pocket 10s.. flop with a
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Got 3 set over set within half hour.
Comfort. Tough to swallow especially since you just had a good run and you
see your profit shrink like bubble burst. That is my experience with ftp.
Live game you can lost all your buyin and if you are not using ATM, you are
protected. Online is dangrous, one click away you can reload any amount you
want. So if I am going tilt, I rather on live game.
BTW, how do you manage your tilt problem, care to share?
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2012 Session 1, lost $600
Yeah, my way is leaning towards very consertive . Generally I don't want to
commit too much money in TPTK kind of hand.
By no means I mean you should check call to the river. But you have to be
aware you were in a very awkward situation. You have to understand:
1. Your holding. TPTK, is medium strengh hand in this situation. It is very
hard to improve on later street and easy to get drawn out, reserved implied
2. Your position. Terrible. Need to say more? You are either way ahead or
way be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
Good for you guys to play less.
Just learned my co-woker in Toronto had a stroke last week. He is the same
age as I am. Less than 40.
He just worked hard and had a lot of long working hours. I never worked long
hours but I play poker for a lot of long hours, sometimes deep into the
He has one housewife and two childs, one was just born last year. Imagine
what his life will look like in the future.
Health is not a joking business. I am out of shape and carry a lot of weight
, is dangrous c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9790
dangrous. you may end up being pursued by collection agency.
发帖数: 865
来自主题: Nursing版 - 请教一题
The other three are correct. Sitting at the table is dangrous.
发帖数: 2995
来自主题: _K12版 - 不让读non-fiction的书就哭
昨晚,让儿子睡前读本JunieB, 人家说,我都拿这个书了,不要读那个junieb, 我一
看, 又是什么the 100 most dangrous things in the world 之类的一本书,字狂小
再读那个了,你应该读点fiction book 了。 人家眼泪都出来了,我就想读那个non-
fiction。我最后通融说读完了junie b就可以读他想读的书了。结果不到20分钟,他高
真是不好平衡啊,我现在是后妈一样,隔天塞给他一本fiction, 强迫他读了这个(他估
发帖数: 14401
来自主题: _Bimmer版 - 自动档行车时D->N

i see. it looks very dangrous.