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来自主题: MobileDevelopment版 - The State of Go Language for Android Native Development
The State of Go Language for Android Native Development
by Sergio De Simone on Jun 27, 2014 | Discuss
A couple of different proposals from Google engineers and independent
developers are aiming at making it possible to write native Android apps in
Go. This will not go so far as allowing Go apps to access the full Android
NDK, but it could allow access to a subset of it.
According to David Crawshaw, engineer at Google and author of a proposal to
add partial Go support for Android apps, "providing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: Programming版 - August 2015 go 1.5 跳票了
也开始支持ios了,go 的铜臭味浓了
David Crawshaw, Hana Kim, Minux, and Burcu Dogan have been working on Go for
mobile devices.
Can build Android apps with Go 1.4
(if you can work out the Android build system).
For Go 1.5:
Simpler build story for Android.
More NDK library support.
Better bindings for calling Go from Java.
Beginnings of iOS support. (New darwin/arm build target.)