L******k 发帖数: 33825 | 1 Attack On S.I. Gay Couple Classified As Hate Crime
Police were investigating Friday what appears to be another hate crime on St
aten Island.
Richard and Luis Vieria, a married gay couple, were inside a Stapleton White
Castle restaurant at around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday, when they were approached
by three men.
One of the suspects allegedly yelled a homo |
m******8 发帖数: 2153 | 2 New Zealand’s Labour Party says it will push for gay couples to be allowed
to adopt.Although Prime Minister John Key has said the issue is not a
priority, the party’s ‘rainbow’ policy document says it will modernise
the law “to ensure the widest pool of suitable adults is lawfully available
to provide care to children in need”.
Although most New Zealanders can adopt, gay couples cannot.
Other promises include measures to crack down on homophobic bullying in
schools and updates for relationship a... 阅读全帖 |
w******g 发帖数: 2047 | 3 Elderlycoupleforcedoutofhomeaftertweet claimskillerofTrayvonMartinlivesthere
Published March 28, 2012 | NewsCore
SANFORD, FLA – An elderly Florida couple have been forced to move into a
hotel after their home address was wrongly tweeted as belonging to the man
who shot teen Trayvon Martin.
The couple, aged 70 and 72, have been harassed with hate mail, been hassled
by media and had scared neighbors questioning them since the tweet, their
son Chip Humble told the Orlando Sentinel.
Fearful for thei... 阅读全帖 |
h***e 发帖数: 20195 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thanksgiving (###), 信区: Military
标 题: 昨天听一对couple朋友讲了一个外F的故事 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 11 22:08:10 2011, 美东)
发信人: Jadeson (Jadeson), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 昨天听一对couple朋友讲了一个外F的故事
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 11 19:39:14 2011, 美东)
其中有一个女的,学中文的,英文极好,找了一个mit的cs的phd candidate的老外。故
我那对朋友,算是小富二代。不过能力都很强,男的和我是同事,在一家IB工作,... 阅读全帖 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 5 today I invited my friend to have Chinese food.
I recommended the famous 'couple's lung piece'.
My friend felt puzzled and asked, 'why is couple's lung cut into piece and
sold ?'
I explained, " it is called couple's lung, but actually 'pig's lung'."
but my friend refused to eat it, "I'll never taste that." |
h***e 发帖数: 20195 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thanksgiving (###), 信区: Military
标 题: 昨天听一对couple朋友讲了一个外F的故事 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 11 22:08:10 2011, 美东)
发信人: Jadeson (Jadeson), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 昨天听一对couple朋友讲了一个外F的故事
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 11 19:39:14 2011, 美东)
其中有一个女的,学中文的,英文极好,找了一个mit的cs的phd candidate的老外。故
我那对朋友,算是小富二代。不过能力都很强,男的和我是同事,在一家IB工作,... 阅读全帖 |
k**f 发帖数: 372 | 8 The couple can file married jointly because the couple is "considered
married" for tax purpose if
"You are married and living apart, but not legally separated under a decree
of divorce or separate maintenance."
Quote from http://www.irs.gov/publications/p501/ar02.html#d0e1116
It is easy to try both scenarios with a tax software to see which way the
couple gets more money back. |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 9 【 以下文字转载自 Sex 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Sex
标 题: Children of Cousin Couples
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 30 13:48:57 2008)
A few weeks ago, I mentioned cousins get married.
There is no comprehensive research to see if there are more defects the
cousin couples have. Howeverm medical archive show not much difference when
compared with couples who are not related.'
A few days ago, there was a report that in Austria, a father imprisoned and
raped his daughter for 2 decades. Seven children were born wi |
w***t 发帖数: 8175 | 11 SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — Human remains found in the Southern
California desert are believed to be a missing San Diego-area couple and
their two young sons, and their deaths appear to be homicides, authorities
said Friday.
San Bernardino County Sheriff McMahon confirmed that 40-year-old Joseph
McStay and his 43-year-old wife, Summer, were found in shallow graves near
Victorville, about 60 miles northeast of Los Angeles. The couple and their
children disappeared more than three years ago.
Aut... 阅读全帖 |
s*********1 发帖数: 394 | 12 【 以下文字转载自 LES 讨论区 】
发信人: mdaccking (ed), 信区: LES
标 题: gay couple 征 les couple 形婚
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 11 21:40:27 2010, 美东)
具体站内联系交流吧 |
L******k 发帖数: 33825 | 13 http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/QueerNews/12522271.html
By Julie Bolcer
Reverend Billyx390 (Screen grab) | Advocate.com
Dressed in his trademark televangelist drag and exhorting the crowd to a “
same-sex elujah,” New York activist Reverend Billy Talen led straight
couples in a mass “unwedding” on Valentine's Day in solidarity with gay
couples denied marriage rights.
The Village Voice offers a detailed report of the scene with nearly 50
couples in Central Park on Sunday.
“The happy twosomes -- so |
s*********1 发帖数: 394 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 LES 讨论区 】
发信人: mdaccking (ed), 信区: LES
标 题: gay couple 征 les couple 形婚
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 11 21:40:27 2010, 美东)
具体站内联系交流吧 |
M********8 发帖数: 3837 | 15 你们就别白操心了,gay couple在美国国内领养,基本上是不可能,mission
impossible, 不是法律准不准的问题,而是排队排到他们见上帝都排不到。
义精神?本土多少条件极佳的不育夫妇都要起码等3-5年,哪里轮到gay couple?
我在上产科课的时候倒是碰到一对gay couple用代母,其中一方的精子,加州的代母(
的欲望那么强烈,就随他们去吧。 |
b******e 发帖数: 80 | 16 照片请见dealmoon 上发的帖子
小区名字:19800,所住户型2B2B,1250 sqft, 有天然气灶台、冰箱、洗碗机、微波炉
、烤箱,和全新滚筒洗衣机和烘干机。centralized AC&heater。两间卧室有各自的洗
有一个queen size的床架和床垫,如需要,可直接入住。如不需要,可以搬走。房子层
小区有免费的健身房、瑜伽室、台球室、室外天然气BBQ烧烤炉、开party 的community
room, 有打印机的conference room和可10人的沙发式的电影院。每周会有两次免费的
专业舞蹈老师教zumba, 每个月还有餐厅主厨指导的cooking... 阅读全帖 |
g**********g 发帖数: 18118 | 17 Believe it or not.
Survey: Couples Who Run Together Have More Sex
Celebrate National Running Day with more than just a jog in the park.
If you’re celebrating National Running Day with a jog this evening, don’t
leave home without your significant other. Running as a couple can step up
your sex life, according to a Brooks Running survey of 1,000 adults ages 18
and older who run at least once per week.
The report revealed that 66 percent of runners believe they have more sex
when they run with thei... 阅读全帖 |
x**i 发帖数: 113 | 18 http://www.bbschinese.com/bbs/attachment.php?s=&postid=180429
In the Ballroom, a Redefinition of 'Couple' --from NYT
July 14, 2004
In the Ballroom, a Redefinition of 'Couple'
As the ballroom dancers glided in unison, mirroring each other's pulsating
movements to a midtempo Latin beat, a couple in black body-hugging costumes
caught the audience's attention.
Screaming "Go 201, go 201," the onlookers cheered the pair on as they whirled
across the room in an athletically sensuous disp |
J*****n 发帖数: 4859 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: daj (肉丝炒饭--小吵肉fan), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 昨天听一对couple朋友讲了一个外F的故事 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 11 21:29:06 2011, 美东)
发信人: Jadeson (Jadeson), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 昨天听一对couple朋友讲了一个外F的故事
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 11 19:39:14 2011, 美东)
其中有一个女的,学中文的,英文极好,找了一个mit的cs的phd candidate的老外。故
我那对朋友,算是小富二代。不过能力都很强,男的和我是同事,在一家IB工作,女的... 阅读全帖 |
t****g 发帖数: 119 | 20 是看到有GAY MAN想形婚+小孩,才写的此文提醒一下。LALA COUPLE生孩子当然是可以
自己生,也用不着把GAY COUPLE 搅和进来。GAY COUPLE想要自己血统的小孩怎么办?
这可比形婚麻烦多了。 |
s*****s 发帖数: 1 | 21 我和他在一起已经十二年多,在加拿大注册已经九年。我34岁,他36岁。我172cm,
我们希望找在加拿大或美国的年纪相仿的Les或Les couple形婚,以给国内的父母和家
通过医学方式,与形婚的Les或Les couple共同生育和抚养小孩。如果您感兴趣,或者
认识这样的朋友,请联系s*******[email protected],谢谢。 |
s*******e 发帖数: 15758 | 22 成长的烦恼中couple
一个幸福的家不是只有两个人的世界. 有亲情, 有友情还有彼此的爱情
他们都有自己的工作, 都热爱自己的工作,在工作中有足够的成就感和满足感. 然而,在
事业和家庭发生矛盾的时候,双方都懂得做出让步, 为家庭暂时放弃自己喜欢的工作.
他们在父母遇到困难,可能需要卖掉房子的时候, jason用一种不让对方丢面子的方式去
Couple间有你侬我侬的浪漫也有针锋相对的争吵, 有醋意盎然也有包容信任, 一段鲜活
的感情必定是有笑有泪的, 我不羡慕相敬如宾,相濡以沫的爱情, 因为痛有多深,爱才有
一段婚姻match程度的测试引发两人对”说谎和诚实”的不同见解, 而jason用事实最后
说服了妻子: 婚姻是需要善意的谎言,因为彼此在乎对方的感受.
爱情不是一句山盟海誓的承诺, 是从心底感受到的一种幸福, 是每一天的快乐, 是一点
早餐时 |
a*****3 发帖数: 507 | 23 要说是心中最向往的couple应该首推玉皇大帝和王母娘娘。玉皇大帝和王母娘娘不仅
有人做过调查, |
C******r 发帖数: 282 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 ITnews 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: ColdBeer (冰啤酒), 信区: ITnews
标 题: 为啥说web service是loosed couple的solution
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue May 31 16:58:47 2005) WWW-POST
纸上谈兵的文章都说的头头是到,SOA啦, loosed couple啦。
可是具体到真正的coding上,要consume一个web service.你要加web reference吧,
这个是compiler time的事。也就是说code development的时候就要知道web service
的location和signature. 这怎么能叫loosed couple?
web service应该包括discovery机制。但现有产品有没有能做到dynamically
discover web service的? |
I**R 发帖数: 1309 | 25
You've got hiring powers so soon? That's pretty impressive.
The thing is that companies want to avoid interest conflict
as much as possible, so it is generally not a good idea
for a couple to work in a small dept/unit. But if a couple
work in totally different areas, this is much less relavent.
e.g. at my previous company, a guy, whose wife is in our
actuarial dept, worked in the IT area.
I know 1 couple there, not sure if there are many or not.
YW. |
N*******g 发帖数: 1089 | 26 Thanks you, gardenyu and pegasush
I am still confused with the difference between "coupling" and "
electronically connected". For the case I mentioned, I paralleled the two
single windings in the transformer as the primary side. Now the current goes
through these two paralleled windings. Are these two windings "coupled" or
electronically connected?
Why is the coupled windings' inductance kept same? |
a*********d 发帖数: 2763 | 27 我没有看过具体的统计信息比较couple match vs. 独立match,eric呢?过来找找资料!
院来说是一个positive factor,因为他们比较容易找不到好的candidate,如果你们
couple match,区的可能性比别人大,他们就容易给你们机会。所以说来说去,都是要
你们申请的时候,就是写清楚couple match的,PD面试前就知道了。 |
D**1 发帖数: 23 | 28 Thank you eric for the straight answer, very helpful.
That means,
1. the NRMP will do Couple match first,if so so so so luck, matched and stay
2. if not succeed, NRMP will change to individual match by itself. if so so
luck, the couple both still have same chance matched as most other applicant
even in different states, then second step think about the transfer in
second year.
3. If so luck, one of couple get matched, try to get LG/LP into the same or
close program next year.
Does this |
s*********1 发帖数: 394 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 LES 讨论区 】
发信人: mdaccking (ed), 信区: LES
标 题: gay couple 征 les couple 形婚
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 11 21:40:27 2010, 美东)
具体站内联系交流吧 |
c******a 发帖数: 6951 | 32 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: talkdirty (做爱不成仁义在), 信区: Joke
标 题: 寻gay couple(替友发) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 28 23:17:53 2010, 美东)
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 寻gay couple(替友发)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 28 23:06:08 2010, 美东)
我们有稳定的感情,但迫于家庭压力,欲真诚地寻觅条件合适的gay couple形婚组成四
一样对待你们,也希望你们可以真诚地对待我们和我们的这种感情。不要过 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 33 先是上周国家千人计划、美国斯坦福大学博士,同济大学汽车学院教授孙恺在朋友圈公开自己出轨天风证券美女首席分析师崔琰,说她是自己最爱的人。
Emmmmm~梁博士母亲不但至今还愉快地住在李蓓的家里,李蓓和这位梁博士,现在... 阅读全帖 |
h*h 发帖数: 27852 | 34 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: hsh (三胡), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 中国留学生版 "红与黑". A perfect couple. He was sentenced for 15 years.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 18 10:44:46 2011, 美东)
中国留学生版 "红与黑". A perfect couple. He was sentenced for 15 years.
by cajunman (happyhut) at 2003.7.22 20:59 (#1299134@0)
m**c 发帖数: 7299 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 Gay_Criminolgy 俱乐部 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: Gay_Criminolgy
标 题: Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry,
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 19 12:14:39 2013, 美东)
Lobbyist links gay marriage to crime rise in NZ
Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry, says the head of the
country's victim lobby group.
Sensible Sentencing Trust leader Garth McVicar has submitted to Parliament
that changing the law to allow same-sex marriage will be yet another erosion
of basic morals ... 阅读全帖 |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 36 Posted on Advocate.com November 10, 2010
Mexico House of Reps Backs Benefits for Gay Couples
By Advocate.com Editors
The Mexican house of representatives voted Tuesday to amend rules governing
social security benefits for gay and lesbian couples, the Associated Press
In a 232 to 58 vote, the house endorsed a rule change for the Social
Security Institute, which provides benefits to both private and government
employees. The senate h... 阅读全帖 |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 37 Name: Roger
Date posted: 11/10/2010 4:43:42 PM
Hometown: Merida
To think a country like Mexico (I have lived here for 5 years now) came this
far in 2010.
1. Mexico City performs same sex marriage.
2. The Supreme Court found that marriages in Mexico City must be recognized
in every state, meaning the entire nation, even though other states are
still not required to issue marriage licenses, they must afford all the
benefits to a married couple that was married in Mexico City. These
marria... 阅读全帖 |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 38 Iowa Son Takes a Stand for Marriage
By Advocate.com Editors
University of Iowa engineering student Zach Wahls stood up to the Iowa House
of Representatives the day before it ruled to allow voters to decide if
marriage rights for gays and lesbian couples across the state should be
"Actually, I was raised by a gay couple and I'm doing pretty well," Wahls
says in his speech.
Wahls argued that overturning the Iowa supreme court's decision to legalize
marriage equality in 2009 would be the ... 阅读全帖 |
L*******e 发帖数: 2202 | 39 Controversy has erupted in London after a gay couple on a first date,
Jonathan Williams and James Bull, were ejected from a pub in London's
Soho district for kissing, the Guardian reports:
Williams, a journalist for a financial magazine, and Bull, a charity
volunteer, said they had been ejected from the John Snow in Broadwick
Street, Soho, central London, on Wednesday by a woman – claiming to be
the landlady – who accused them of being "obscene" while out on their
first date.
The event has trigg... 阅读全帖 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 40 Seventy-one percent of people surveyed in a recent study approve of adoption
by same-sex couples, according to a study released Tuesday by Oxygen Media.
The study was conducted by Lightspeed Research and asked 1,002 people ages
18 to 49 about different scenarios and reasons for adoption. The survey
coincides with next week's premiere of I'm Having Their Baby, a new Oxygen
docu-series about adoption told largely from the perspective of pregnant
women who choose to place their babies up for adopti... 阅读全帖 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 41 A gay couple in Dallas is pulling out all the stops to push the marriage
equality agenda in Texas. Beau Chandler and Mark "Major" Jiminez were
arrested arrested on July 5 for criminal trespass after applying for a
marriage license. They met with supporters and had their first court
appearance on August 2, according to the Dallas Voice.
After their court appearnace, the couple returned to the Crowley Courts
Building to apply for a marriage license, according to WFAA TV. After the
two were again ... 阅读全帖 |
R****y 发帖数: 456 | 42 Gay couples may begin having the same immigration rights as married ones.
The Department of Homeland Security said it plans to issue a policy memo
stating undocumented immigrants with American same-sex partners are eligible
for consideration of having their deportation put on hold.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano delivered the news on Thursday
in a letter to 84 Democratic lawmakers who had pressed her agency to provide
written guidance. The policy expected to go out next week falls ... 阅读全帖 |
D**S 发帖数: 24887 | 43 http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2015/02/12/385835809/federa
A battle between Alabama and the federal judiciary just turned another page,
when a federal judge on Thursday ordered a state official to issue marriage
licenses to same-sex couples.
Reuters reports:
"U.S. District Court Judge Callie Granade's order sought to clarify that
Mobile County Probate Court Judge Don Davis should follow her directive,
and not a contravening order from Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore
that has led... 阅读全帖 |
J*V 发帖数: 3150 | 44 【 以下文字转载自 Gay_Criminolgy 俱乐部 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: Gay_Criminolgy
标 题: Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry,
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 19 12:14:39 2013, 美东)
Lobbyist links gay marriage to crime rise in NZ
Crime will rise if gay couples are allowed to marry, says the head of the
country's victim lobby group.
Sensible Sentencing Trust leader Garth McVicar has submitted to Parliament
that changing the law to allow same-sex marriage will be yet another erosion
of basic morals a... 阅读全帖 |