

全部话题 - 话题: correggio
发帖数: 1856
来自主题: Arts版 - Orazio Gentileschi and Mannerism
Mannerism 指几乎含盖了这个16世纪的一种画风。
"Mannerism, in its most precise sense is the period in the history
of art which covers almost the whole of the 16th entury and was
marked by the imitation of the great Renaissance masters and by
a search for the greatest refinement and elegance"
其中有Correggio, “A painter of desire and sensual delights, who
loved the body more than perfection..." 他的绘画细腻而简洁,不象
米开朗基罗那样的热烈和辉宏。另一位时Parmigianino, 他继承了Raphael的
风格, 同时超越了Classcism,表现的更为华贵。
Orazio Gentileschi 是最后一批Mannerism画家之一。