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发帖数: 9531
来自主题: USANews版 - zt: why are the media ignoring ron paul?
Ron Paul won a straw poll in Illinois Saturday, the latest in a string of
such wins for the GOP presidential hopeful. Supporters say the mainstream
media are ignoring him, but such polls are not scientific and they can favor
an enthusiastic following like Paul's
Ron Paul won another Republican straw poll this weekend, in Illinois this
It’s starting to become routine for Paul, points out The State Column, an
online source of state political news:
“Paul has consistently demonstrated his abil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 占领运动抱怨错了对象
Occupiers are blaming the wrong people
MARGARET WENTE | Columnist profile | E-mail
From Saturday's Globe and Mail (includes clarifications)
Published Saturday, Nov. 05, 2011 2:00AM EDT
Last updated Monday, Nov. 07, 2011 8:12PM EST
Laurel O’Gorman is one of the faces of Occupy Toronto. She believes the
capitalist system has robbed her of her future. At 28, she’s studying for a
master’s degree in sociology at Laurentian Uni... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Tom Friedman: 'I’d Give Obama High Marks for Fulfilling Bush's Foreign
By Noel Sheppard | November 13, 2011 | 16:56
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman this weekend said he'd give President
Obama high marks for fulfilling Bush's foreign policy.
This surprising observation on PBS's McLaughlin Group came somewhat
coincident with Chris Matthews saying George W. Bush was actually better at
conveying his message than the current White House resident (video follows
with transcript and commen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Problem with China Envy
What liberals want to copy is the authoritarianism.
In 2008, I wrote a book called “Liberal Fascism.” That title came from H.
G. Wells, one of the most important socialist writers in the English
language. He believed, as did his fellow Fabian socialists, that Western
democratic capitalism had outlived its usefulness.
What was needed was a new, bold, forward-thinking system run by experts with
access to the most modern techniques. For Wells, the label for such a
system mattered less than the impe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Sarah Palin
Updated 5d 17h ago
Thanks to the solid new research and recent revelations in Peter Schweizer's
book Throw Them All Out and the subsequent coverage on 60 Minutes, we have
concrete proof to explain how members of Congress accumulate wealth at a
rate astonishingly faster than the rest of Americans and have stock
portfolios that outperform even the best hedge-fund managers'. (Full
disclosure: Schweizer is employed by my political action committee as a
foreign policy adviser.)

USA... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4050
Economic Legacy
Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 9, 2004; Page A11
The line is not likely to make this week's eulogies to Ronald Reagan, but
when Vice President Cheney allegedly declared, "Reagan proved deficits don't
matter," he summed up an enduring argument from the former president's
economic legacy.
In late 2002, Cheney had summoned the Bush administration's economic team to
his office to discuss another round of ta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4050
Newt Gingrich is smarter than you. Don't feel bad, he's smarter than
everybody else, too. Just ask him. Or look at what he's done.
Repeated adultery with younger women, while each successive wife was
seriously ill --- and all along Newt was proclaiming himself a champion of
family values. Attacking mortgage lender Fannie Mae, while secretly getting
paid $1.6 million as a lobbyist for them – and claiming he was a "historian
," not a lobbyist. Attacking Congress for gridlock, when personally led t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4050
来自主题: USANews版 - Newt是真小人 - Obama是伪君子
Wow. You talked as if you were his wife.
I rarely hear anybody say that he didn't commit adultery. I did hear people
say that it's not important.
You are going really extreme.
"She said when Gingrich admitted to a six-year affair with a Congressional
aide, he asked her if she would share him with the other woman, Callista,
who is now married to Gingrich"
This is from wiki -
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley,
his former high school geometry teacher, when he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4050
来自主题: USANews版 - Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet (ZZ)
Newt Gingrich is smarter than you. Don't feel bad, he's smarter than
everybody else, too. Just ask him. Or look at what he's done.
Repeated adultery with younger women, while each successive wife was
seriously ill --- and all along Newt was proclaiming himself a champion of
family values. Attacking mortgage lender Fannie Mae, while secretly getting
paid $1.6 million as a lobbyist for them – and claiming he was a "historian
," not a lobbyist. Attacking Congress for gridlock, when personally led t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4050
来自主题: USANews版 - newt婚姻的一条历史线.
from wiki -
Ethics sanctions
Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Gingrich during his term as
speaker. After extensive investigation and negotiation by the House Ethics
Committee, Gingrich was sanctioned $300,000 by a 395–28 House vote. It was
the first time in history a speaker was disciplined for ethical wrongdoing.[
In January 1997, Gingrich said "I did not manage the effort intensely enough
to thoroughly direct or review information being submitted to the committee
on my behalf.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Sinking of the West
Abe Greenwald of Commentary magazine tweets:
Is there any chance that Mark Steyn won’t use the Italian captain
fleeing the sinking ship as the lead metaphor in a column on EU collapse?
Oh, dear. You’ve got to get up early in the morning to beat me to
civilizational-collapse metaphors. Been there, done that. See page 185 of my
most recent book, where I contrast the orderly, dignified, and moving
behavior of those on the Titanic (the ship, not the mendacious Hollywood
blockbuster) with that ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The State of Our Union Is Broke
By Mark Steyn
Had I been asked to deliver the State of the Union address, it would not
have delayed your dinner plans:
“The State of our Union is broke, heading for bankrupt, and total collapse
shortly thereafter. Thank you and goodnight! You’ve been a terrific crowd!”
I gather that Americans prefer something a little more upbeat, so one would
not begrudge a speechwriter fluffing it up by holding out at least the
possibility of some change of fortune, however remote. Instead, President
Obama ass... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Church of Obama
The Church of Obama
The president his issued his own Act of Supremacy.
By Mark Steyn
Announcing his support for Commissar Sebelius’s edicts on contraception,
sterilization, and pharmacological abortion, that noted theologian the Most
Reverend Al Sharpton explained: “If we are going to have a separation of
church and state, we’re going to have a separation of church and state.”
Thanks for clarifying that. The church model the young American state wished
to separate from was that of the British mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Perversion of Rights
By Mark Steyn
February 25, 2012 4:00 A.M.
CNN’s John King did his best the other night, producing a question from one
of his viewers:
“Since birth control is the latest hot topic, which candidate believes in
birth control, and if not, why?”
To their credit, no Republican candidate was inclined to accept the premise
of the question. King might have done better to put the issue to Danica
Patrick. For some reason, Michelle Fields of the Daily Caller sought the
views of the NASCAR driver and Sports ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Mark Steyn
March 3, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Say what you like about Afghans, but they’re admirably straightforward. The
mobs outside the bases enflamed over the latest Western affront to their
exquisitely refined cultural sensitivities couldn’t put it any plainer:
“Die, die, foreigners!”
And foreigners do die. USAF Lieutenant Colonel John Loftis, 44, and Army
Major Robert Marchanti II, 48, lost their lives not on some mission out on
the far horizon in wild tribal lands in the dead of night but in the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - What's a little fraud to save the Earth?
by Steven Greenhut
SACRAMENTO – If the theory of man-made global warming were such a self-
obvious truth, the result of scientific consensus, then why do its advocates
keep committing fraud to advance it? Even more disturbing, why are some
writers willing to defend this behavior?
The latest embarrassment for global-warming activists came Feb. 20, when
Peter Gleick, founder of the Oakland-based Pacific Institute for Studies in
Development, Environment and Security, admitted that he com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Conservative Models
By John O'Sullivan
March 14, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Where is conservatism heading in the English-speaking world? This question
is currently being answered in the four countries of the Anglosphere —
namely, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Britain — in four distinctive ways.
I will assume that American readers have a rough grasp of the state of
conservatism in the U.S. as revealed in the Republican primaries. It is
currently — as it has been for many years — a struggle for dominance in
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama’s History Lesson
By Mark Steyn
March 17, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Our lesson for today comes from George and Ira Gershwin:
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus
When he said the world was round
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother
When they said that man could fly
They told Marconi wireless was a phony . . .
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers sang it in the film Shall We Dance? (1937).
Seventy-five years on, the president revived it to tap dance aro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
When Did YOU First See Through Obama's Masquerade?
By Bill Hobbs
March 31, 2012
Columnist Peggy Noonan has finally figured out what many of us here in what
she calls "the broad, stable, nonradical, non-birther right" have known
since mid-2008: You can't trust Barack Obama.
Noonan writes:
"Something's happening to President Obama's relationship with those who are
inclined not to like his policies. They are now inclined not to like him.
His supporters would say, 'Nothing new there,' but actually I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
What’s Your Plan?
By Mark Steyn
April 14, 2012 4:00 A.M.
In the end, free societies get the governments they deserve. So, if the
American people wish to choose their chief executive on the basis of the “
war on women,” the Republican theocrats’ confiscation of your
contraceptives, or whatever other mangy and emaciated rabbit the Great
Magician produces from his threadbare topper, they are free to do so, and
they will live with the consequences. This week’s bit of ham-handed
misdirection was “the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Prager Touts American Values In New Book
Thursday, April 26, 2012 02:02 PM
By: John Bachman and Andra Varin
Dennis Prager thinks Americans are in danger of forgetting their core
principles, so he’s out to remind them what’s important.
“American values are the greatest single value system that has ever been
devised,” nationally syndicated radio host and columnist Prager told
In his new book, “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values
to Triumph,” Prager argues the case for what he says are the three main
Ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mark Steyn is unmasking the idiot memes we're told are important by Obama's
AxelrodA couple of days ago, Obama campaign top dog David Axelrod threw
in the towel on the dog war. "I thought it was a little absurd to talk about
what the President had done as a 10-year-old boy," he sniffed to MSNBC's
Andrea Mitchell, which is as near as the suddenly sheepish attack dog will
ever get to conceding that Barack Obama is the first dog-eating president in
the history of the Republic. For t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
"... saying, ‘I did this. I decided this. I did this and then I did
that.’ It’s inconceivable."
That and more from George Will via The Daily Caller:
GWOn Sunday’s “This Week” on ABC, Washington Post columnist George
Will offered his theory on why Obama might be struggling this go-around.
“Look, self-absorption is part of the occupational hazard of politics,
and it’s also part of the job description of being president,” Will said.
“All that said, try to imagine Dwight Eisenhower talki... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Media Trackers Hits Wisconsin
by Ned Ryun
For years, conservatives looking to effect change have turned their eyes to
Washington, D.C., and the national political and media scene. Naturally, a
philosophy that promotes a centralized solution to every problem finds a
happy reception among the elites who walk the halls of power. But for those
who proclaim federalism, it has been ironic to see many Washington, D.C.-
based conservative groups frequently fall prey to the same siren song of
power, and seem most interested in buildi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
State and local governments are broke. Pension plans are unfunded.
Unemployment is as high as ever. Sovereign debt is a problem. The total debt
in the world economy is too high. Entire western world has borrowed
excessive amounts in the last few decades. This is not just the money owed
by governments, but it is the money people and companies borrowed from the
banks. Debt has reached an all time high compared to the GDP of the
countries involved. Perfect storm is coming. Austerity and spending cu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Trouble with Multiculturalism
Back in the day, when I was a newspaper columnist in Denver, representatives
of the local chapter of the Anti-Defamation League paid a visit. Over
coffee, they told the opinion editor and me that they had a program, “A
World of Difference,” that “celebrates America’s diversity.” They asked
for our editorial support. The editor and I had the same reaction: Would it
not be better to celebrate all the things we have in common, all the things
that unite Americans of whatever ethnic or religious back... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Why Roberts Did It
He’s the custodian of the Court’s reputation.
By Charles Krauthammer
It’s the judiciary’s Nixon-to-China: Chief Justice John Roberts joins the
liberal wing of the Supreme Court and upholds the constitutionality of
Obamacare. How? By pulling off one of the great constitutional finesses of
all time. He managed to uphold the central conservative argument against
Obamacare, while at the same time finding a narrow definitional dodge to
uphold the law — and thus prevented the Court from being seen as ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 假惺惺的吝啬鬼
作者:Nicholas D. Kristof 翻译:美国人士
2012-07-12 02:48:52
在个人生活里也是最慷慨的,因为我相信他们比保守... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mon, Jul. 23, 2012 Posted: 09:14 AM EDT
In 2006, the Episcopal Church's presiding bishop, Katherine Jefferts Schori,
told the New York Times that Episcopalians were not interested in "
replenishing their ranks by having children." Instead, the church "[
encouraged] people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not
use more than their portion."
"Stewardship of the earth" and having children are not incompatible, but if
Schori's goal was a principled extinction, she's about to succee... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4091
Dump Romney; Nominate Paul
August 07, 2012 AFP
Dump Romney; Nominate Ron Paul
By Michael Collins Piper
Because there are real doubts that presumed GOP nominee Mitt Romney has what
it takes to displace the current White House occupant in the general
election, there are some Republicans who have a message for the delegates to
the forthcoming GOP National Convention: Dump Romney and nominate Rep. Ron
Paul (R-Texas).
In stark contrast to outspoken populist Paul, whose integrity is undoubted,
whose... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Climate Battle: Round 2
August 10, 2012 by David Robertson
In an opinion piece titled “Global Warming Is Here to Stay”, Washington
Post Columnist Eugene Robinson sides with anthropogenic global warming (AGW)
Yes, scientists are finally asserting a direct connection between long-
term climate trends and short-term weather events. This was always a
convenient dodge for climate change deniers. There might be a warming trend
over decades or centuries, they would say, but no specific heat wave,
hurricane ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Paul Ryan and the American Character
The Republican vice-presidential candidate, Congressman Paul Ryan, is the
Democrats’ political version of the Antichrist. He believes in self-
reliance; the Left believes in reliance on the state. His moral values are
shaped by religion (Catholicism); the Left is frightened by religious
Christian politicians (and athletes, and members of the armed forces, and
talk-show hosts, and, for that matter, clergy). He believes in individualism
; the Left believes in collectivism. He believes in small gov... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Left Said Right’s Linking Katrina to God was Terrible But Left Linking
Isaac to God is Fine
August 29, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
In 2005 after hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast like a sledgehammer,
several folks on the right side of America’s political aisle suggested that
the devastation the storm inflicted on New Orleans was somehow a punishment
imposed on the city by God. Most on the right condemned the remarks. The
left, of course, went apoplectic in condemnation.
But, in 2012, apparen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
“Let’s be blunt. Barack Obama gave a dull and pedestrian speech tonight,
with nary an interesting thematic device, policy detail, or even one turn of
phrase,” wrote Michael Tomasky, the editor of the progressive journal
Democracy, at The Daily Beast.
“This was the rhetorical equivalent, forgive the football metaphor, of
running out the clock: Obama clearly thinks he’s ahead and just doesn’t
need to make mistakes. But when football teams do that, it often turns out
to be the biggest mistake of al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Steyn哀叹今日美国
A Nation of Sandra Flukes
The tragedy for America is that she’s all too typical.
By Mark Steyn
According to Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, invited to address the
Democratic convention and the nation, America faces a stark choice this
November. “During this campaign, we’ve heard about two profoundly
different futures that could await women in this country — and how one of
those futures looks like an offensive,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: USANews版 - Romney的机会来了
The Romney campaign drew fire on Wednesday morning for issuing a blistering
statement condemning the American embassy in Egypt for speaking against an
incendiary anti-Muslim film, even though the embassy made the statement
before any attacks had taken place. NBC's Chuck Todd, for instance, called
the statement "irresponsible" and a "bad mistake." ABC's Jake Tapper said
that Romney's attack "does not stand up to simple chronology."
National Journal's Ron Fournier called Romney's actions "h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
Reuter : Romney struggles to steady campaign after secret videos
WASHINGTON | Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:50am IST
(Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney struggled on Tuesday to steady his
reeling White House campaign after a secretly recorded video showed him
dismissing President Barack Obama's supporters as victims who are too
dependent on government.
The video from a closed-door fundraiser in Florida in May sparked a new wave
of criticism of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Death blow? Seriously?
Chris Stirewalt at FoxNews is questioning the current gestalt taking place
with the Obama loving press:
"You can mark my prediction now: A secret recording from a closed-
door Mitt Romney fundraiser, released [Monday] by David Corn at Mother Jones
, has killed Mitt Romney's campaign for president."
-- Bloomberg News political columnist Josh Barro
In mid-August, President Obama led Republican presidential nominee Mitt
Romney by nearly 5 points in the Real Clear Politics Averag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Bowing to the Mob
Government-funded film critics do grotesque damage to freedom of speech.
By Mark Steyn
I see the Obama campaign has redesigned the American flag, and very
attractive it is too. Replacing the 50 stars of a federal republic is the
single “O” logo symbolizing the great gaping maw of spendaholic
centralization. And where the stripes used to be are a handful of red daubs,
eerily mimicking the bloody finger streaks left on the pillars of the U.S.
consulate in Benghazi as its staff were dragged out by ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
When poor attempts at humor go hysterically awry. Some goofball at the
Politico churned out a pitiful attempt at humor under the premise Paul Ryan
is distancing himself from the “stench” of the Romney campaign. Oops.
Needless to say, the political press and blogosphere have jumped on the
Times columnist Paul Krugman:
Can I say that even though I’m not exactly a fan of Mitt Romney’s,
this is just bad behavior? You’re supposed to wait until it’s actually
over befor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - People Died, Obama Lied By Deroy Murdock
October 12, 2012 12:00 A.M.
An anonymous State Department official told the Associated Press last
Tuesday: “That was not our conclusion” — namely, that a notorious YouTube
video that lampooned the Islamic prophet Mohammed unleashed deadly mayhem
upon America’s consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
This denial should shock anyone who watched the news after U.S. ambassador J
. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and former Navy
SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were murdered on the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Carney: Poor-mouthing Obama is outraising Romney by $125m
President Obama has fooled plenty of people into thinking Mitt Romney is
beating him in the race for campaign cash. This allows Obama to pose as a
scrappy underdog and man of the people even as he raises and spends more
money than his opponent. It's quite a trick, supported by three money
First, Obama's campaign has outraised and outspent Romney's campaign.
Second, the Democratic National Committee outraised and outspent the
Rep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4002
Las Vegas Oddsmaker Explains Why He Predicts Romney Landslide
发帖数: 4002
Las Vegas Oddsmaker Explains Why He Predicts Romney Landslide
发帖数: 29846
The shroud over President Barack Obama’s college records — recently
spotlighted by Donald Trump’s $5 million challenge — is prompting
Americans to share what they’ve got, and The Daily Caller is getting its
share of leads, including one story that the president scored a GPA of only
2.6 at Columbia University.
The 2.6 grade can’t be confirmed, is contradicted by some evidence, and it
doesn’t say anything about the courses, professors and associations Obama
was immersed in during his two-year stay... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 193
Opinion: A Romney win would be a victory for shameless cynicism
By Juan Williams - 11/05/12 05:00 AM ET
If Mitt Romney defeats President Obama in his bid for reelection on Tuesday,
it will mark the success of one of the most deeply cynical political
campaigns in American history.
It is hard to beat an incumbent no matter the economic climate.
It is even harder to be a Republican in the aftermath of President Bush’s
still widel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
To an immigrant such as myself (not the undocumented kind, but documented up
to the hilt, alas), one of the most striking features of election-night
analysis was the lightly worn racial obsession. On Fox News, Democrat
Kirsten Powers argued that Republicans needed to deal with the reality that
America is becoming what she called a “brown country.” Her fellow Democrat
Bob Beckel observed on several occasions that if ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Maureen Dowd no defender of Susan Rice
November 28, 2012 by David Robertson
If U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice was expecting women in the national media to
defend her, then Rice must be disappointed by Maureen Dowd’s November 27th
newspaper column pertaining to Rice’s meetings with Senate Republicans.
In her column, Dowd describes the perspective of U.S. Senator Susan Collins
(R-Maine) and the questions that Senator Collins intended to ask Ambassador
Rice during a meeting scheduled for November 28th.
In short, Dowd reveals to her audienc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Previously on The Perils of Pauline:
Last year, our plucky heroine, the wholesome apple-cheeked American republic
, was trapped in an express elevator hurtling out of control toward the debt
ceiling. Would she crash into it? Or would she make some miraculous escape?
Yes! At the very last minute of her white-knuckle thrill ride to her
rendezvous with destiny, she was rescued by Congress’s decision to set up .
. . a Super Committee! Those who can, do. Those who can’t, form a
committee. Those who r... 阅读全帖
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