

全部话题 - 话题: chisqure
发帖数: 70
来自主题: CS版 - c library for matrix
We will need do matrix and statistics computation (e.g. matrix invert,
generate chisqure numbers etc) in C. Anyone can help us by pointing directions
to find such libraries for C or C++? Thank you a million!
发帖数: 3003
先用loglikelihood ratio test, 得到一个值,然后用chi square 求p value
就是个2X2 table, 如果用fisher exact test, or hypergeometric test 很容易
如果是loglikelihood ratio, 求了半天得出一个值,然后chiSqure(1) 求Pvalue
发帖数: 70
来自主题: Computation版 - matrix and statistics computation C
We will need do matrix and statistics computation (e.g. matrix invert,
generate chisqure numbers etc) in C. Anyone can help us by pointing directions
to find such libraries for C or C++? Thank you a million!
发帖数: 182
来自主题: Statistics版 - 请问有这样的statistics么?
If you are intereted in a global difference between these two groups, you
should do a fisher exact test (so if any age group has a difference, you
get a small p).
If you are interested in a particular age group, you can collapse the rest
and do a fisher exact test.
For Chisqure test, your have same really small cells and violate the
assumption. But a nice thing about Chi-square is that you can also test if
there is a "trend". Considering the small sample size, if I were you, I
would collapse ... 阅读全帖