h****u 发帖数: 618 | 1 需要买一台PCR 做 mRNA 和 microRNA expression. 以前一直都用 Applied biosystem
StepOnePlus™ PCR, 但是最近看到 Bio-Rad CFX96™ 不需要calibration
,但是StepOnePlus™ 是需要买calibration kit的。不知道哪个更好用呢?如果
两者性能相当,买 biorad 就一劳永逸了。
而且听sales 说, biorad 使用5个led 激发, steponeplus 只有一个蓝色led, 所以
做Multiplexing的话,是不是biorad 更好呢? 而且应为多个LED,light path 也和
StepOnePlus™ PCR 不同,所以不用ROX 校准。真是这样吗?
另外在 biorad 上使用 taqman 的试剂会不会有问题呢? 我看到Applied Biosystem
网站上有专门给BioRad CFX96™ 设计的试剂。
请大家指教。非常感谢! |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 2 最近,我们实验室购买一台Bio-rad CFX96 real-time PCR, 用一个月后,数据不稳定
换新的Lid, 可是地区Manager不同意,说完全合格。
只几天8/27,8/28 作8块plate,效果还是比较好,8/29连续2块Plate均不好,数据乱跳
。我们现在每次Run完,均需要让PCR shut down15 分钟再继续Run,可是还是很不稳定
请教使用过Bio-rad CFX96 realtime PCR的朋友们,仪器不稳定的原因有哪些?如何解
决?我们3人操作绝对没有问题,以前使用Biorad-IQ5也有同样问题。 |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 3 We use Bio-rad plate and Bio-rad film as they recommended.
I sealed the film properly each time, but sometimes I found solution
evaporate at A12 to H12 (right side), I don't know why.
I prepared my plates on a well cooler and put on ice.
I got an email from Bio-rad Technical service below this morning(8/31/11 9;
22 am):
I just wanted to send you an update on the status of your CFX96 case.
As I conveyed to you yesterday during our phone call, your situation is one
that we have never observed and ... 阅读全帖 |
o**d 发帖数: 3080 | 4 我们这里前有台CFX96,也是盖子坏了,现在在返厂修理,前期的症状和你遇到的情况
和bio-rad好好沟通一下,让他们换修。 |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 5 Bioread sales representative came to our Lab this morning and told us that
Biorad will replace our current CFX96 and replace a new one, hopefully we
will get it next week. |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 6 I just got email from FEDEX, our new biorad CFX96 realtime PCR has been
picked up in CA, on 9/9/11 16:19 pm (Eastern time 19:19). |
J********3 发帖数: 3151 | 7 请大家参谋一下CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR 和ABI7500价格差不多,但新一点,性能
Agient 3005P价格便宜,主要缺点是啥?
谢谢! |
h****u 发帖数: 618 | 8 需要买一台PCR 做 mRNA 和 microRNA expression. 以前一直都用 Applied biosystem
StepOnePlus™ PCR, 但是最近看到 Bio-Rad CFX96™ 不需要calibration
,但是StepOnePlus™ 是需要买calibration kit的。不知道哪个更好用呢?如果
两者性能相当,买 biorad 就一劳永逸了。
而且听sales 说, biorad 使用5个led 激发, steponeplus 只有一个蓝色led, 所以
做Multiplexing的话,是不是biorad 更好呢?
另外在 biorad 上使用 taqman 的试剂会不会有问题呢?
请大家指教。非常感谢! |
R****n 发帖数: 708 | 9 我用过这五种
CFX96 system,
Opticon2 system (Bio-rad),
7300 fast system,
Step one plus system (ABI)
Lightcycler II 480 (Roche).
我觉得如果不是做HRM,其实都差不多。不过我们组里都觉得Biorad CFX96比较user
Eppendorf, |
R****n 发帖数: 708 | 10 I used ABI 7300, Biorad CFX96 and Roche lightcycler 480.
Generally speaking they are all good for your purpose. I think Biorad CFX96
is better one among the three. |
c******k 发帖数: 252 | 11 我们老板拿到stimulation的funding买一台multi-color PCR 机器,倒霉的我负责收集
信息,好选择型号。现在找的是Applied Biosystem的stepone plus和9700HT. biorad
的CFX96. 请用过的达人给点建议吧, 谢谢了! |
w***a 发帖数: 4361 | 12 我们实验室用这个钱刚买了台CFX96...
biorad |
w***a 发帖数: 4361 | 13 这么简单的应用随便哪个real time PCR都能做,
我们lab以前一直用的是 iCYCLER, biorad上一代的机器,也没啥问题。现在这个
信箱。 |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 14 Personally I like Bio-rad one, I think CFX96 still has the best optic design
acquired from MJ-research now with the 2nd best (reliable) thermal cycler. |
w***a 发帖数: 4361 | 15 biorad CFX96一个run也就1小时多点吧。
是,升温降温比较慢。ABI和ro |
n***e 发帖数: 180 | 16 同推荐Bio-rad cfx96/384
就像ArtyArty提到的,heat block 和 optic reader都是最好的,任何一个孔都能正常
软件也是所有系统里最好用的 |
a********k 发帖数: 2273 | 17 谢谢大家,给了几个小包子。老板要买仪器,花钱也是不花白不花。。。不过买个信价
就是不知道CFX96做HRM效果怎么样 |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 18 What kind of plate are you using? It looks like you didn't seal the film
properly. The best plate is white semi-skirt. If you need the PCR to shut
down 15 mins, are you sure you cool down the plate after the run i.e. around
4 degree. Also, did you prep your plate on a well cooler?
There are also one possible problem. Did you check the linearity of your
primer? It is extremely crucial and I know a lot of lab don't do it (which
is hilarious). Primary simple should jump around a bit, and the... 阅读全帖 |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 19 We use Applied Biosystem MicroRNA commericial primer, the primer are all
We just find solution evaporation on 2 plates on 8/29/11, one is FAM, one is
SYRB plate, and it never happened before although I run more than 100
plates using IQ5 and 30 plates using CFX-96.
还有这台CFX-96是作为公司demo用的,原价29,000, 因为作为demo用了半年,所以价
星期就发现问题,至今也无法解决。 |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 20 Just because it is commercial primer, does not mean is good if you didn't
check it in your system. Bio-rad should replace the real-time unit, if it
is the problem. |
v***2 发帖数: 131 | 21 Hi, have you run minus RT? and have you checked the primer dimer? I dislike
the BioRad instrument too, it is not as stable as the Applied Biosystem |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 22 I used both, AP's new one has software problem, when it crashes you lost the
entire run. The Bio-rad one still have the best software and hardware
setting. I don't see things evaporate from mine.
dislike |
M*****n 发帖数: 16729 | 23 demo至少应该40% off。
才便宜15% 太亏了。 |
l********s 发帖数: 70 | 24 1 你的总体系别做太小了,至少保证15ul以上,
2 我感觉其实塑料管好于那个贴膜的plate,那个多少会有些leaking |
m*p 发帖数: 226 | 25 Mine CFX-96 costs 25,000, brand new, works well.
is |
x**e 发帖数: 163 | 26 我上次在版上也问了同样的问题。和你们一模一样的仪器,我也是很多次(但不是每一
看了你的情况,我也不由得怀疑起是不是这个仪器的问题了。 |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 27 昨天下午,我做了一块,发现又有更加奇怪的现象发生,96 well Plate右边一半没有
加任何sample, 完全空白,竟然也会出现大量读数,而不是N/A。
最近一个星期的奇怪现象再次反映给Biorad |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 28 What's your plate? I am just curious. It does look like is your instrument. |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 29 We use Biorad multiplate PCR plates Low 96-well clear (MLL9601, LOT# LCRN1,
DOM: 230311), and PCR sealer Microseal 'B' film (MSB1001, LOT# 115084, DOM:
230211) to do our experiment. |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 30 Interesting. Did you check your heating element to see if it is clean? For
all RT-PCR,I will recommend semi-skirt white plate to eliminate potential
plate flex and maximum signal. |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 31 Thanks for your suggestion, from 9/12/11 we started using this kind of plate
, instrument runs well
No edge effects happened, no evaporation happened again.
For |
T****i 发帖数: 15191 | 32 谢谢了,不过晚了点。已经买了Bio-Rad的CFX96 touch。 |
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 33 pls check a couple of years ago here similar post:
2011-05-26 11:38:29
来自: 95.91.
4th floor
来,而且维护费用离奇的高,我们这LAMP UNIT接连坏了2次,维修报价直接让人吐血。
c... 阅读全帖 |
m******e 发帖数: 1932 | 36 求问:这两个机器哪个好?主要跑taqman和sybr,也有可能会用到hrm。这两天demo,
感觉Roche的在小amplicon上的well to well variation比biorad小,但amplicon大一
些, roche的well to well variation就大得多,而biorad不论Amplicon size,表现都
挺稳定。有经验的同学们请多多指教!谢谢! |