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发帖数: 60932
Add to cart to see the 10% off with free in store pick up. I think this one
is slightly differ from Amazon one with vented covers.
10-pc. set for all your storage needs. Features vented plastic covers.
Refrigerator, oven, and microwave safe
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offers, electronics, ent... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
First Post, be gentle
Until Dec. 19,
$35 for the entire collection of WOW on the Blizzard store.
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发帖数: 60932
来自主题: _DealGroup版 - 【$】Star Walk App for iOS - FREE
Starbucks Pick of the Week App:
Star Walk
FREE! - normally $2.99
Just go to starbucks and get a free card with the redemption code! I will
post a few on the wiki!
***Winner of Apple Design Award 2010 for the iPad version! Featured by Apple
- Best Apps of 2009, Best Apps of 2010, and in iPad TV commercials!***
Star Walk enables you to point your iPhone at the sky and see what stars,
constellations, and satellites you are looking at in real-time. Please note,
you will ne... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: _FreeSpeech版 - [无标题]
Shen Yun Explained
Posted December 31, 2017 Sydney

shen yun dancer
Shen Yun program coverThe title of this post is what it is because I
willingly bought tickets for Shen Yun based entirely on assumptions that
turned out to be entirely false. Maybe you have these same assumptions. I
had seen the advertisements, posters, and TV commercials for years, and
wanted to take my kids. Shen Yun appears to be a well-crafted production
showcasing the art of Chinese dance and, because of the dancers’ po... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141625
来自主题: _WHandFriends版 - 【版庆活动】版史旧文重贴 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 LoveNLust 讨论区 】
发信人: NWWolf (西北の狼), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: 【版庆活动】版史旧文重贴
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 6 13:01:56 2012, 美东)
发信人: NWWolf (西北の狼), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 8 01:27:12 2011, 美东)
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most
celebrated scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in
a long line of inquirers who have asked this historian about the
mys... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141625
来自主题: _WHandFriends版 - 【版庆活动】版史旧文重贴 (转载)
发信人: wh (wh), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: Re: 【版庆活动】版史旧文重贴
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 6 18:07:30 2012, 美东)
发信人: Dome (河东狮不吼~~给我打分吧 :P), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: 国史文情群英传:开国篇--翻译狼兄大作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 10 00:42:22 2011, 美东)
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in a long line of
inquirers who have asked this histo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6300
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: jmsma2007 (James), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: “马利亚无罪成孕”信条的制成
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 5 18:22:26 2013, 美东)
第十五章 “马利亚无罪成孕”信条的制成
出“马利亚也不应该有原罪”的念头来,他们并没有想到马利亚自己并不是... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1994
The following is from SCIENCE Vol 296, P267 of April 12, 2002
A Hawking-eye View of the Universe
A review by Marc Kamionkowski*
The Universe in a Nutshell
Stephen Hawking
Bantam, New York, 2001. 224 pp. $35, C$53, ?20. ISBN
In the world of Newton and Galileo, space and time were the
flat, featureless canvas on which were painted the then-known
celestial objects. Einstein's canvas was curved and it had bumps
and wiggles caused by the presence of matter. During the past
few decades,
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Stunning View of the Whirlpool[zz]
An X-ray of the Whirlpool
By David Tytell
July 2, 2002 | Few celestial objects capture the essence of astronomy. These
are the fundamental images — views that invoke both wonder and familiarity.
Surely on that list is the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). It practically defines
spiral galaxies, and it has been seen by nearly every telescope ever built,
from backyard scopes to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Now Andrew Wilson (University of Maryland) and his colleagues using the
Chandra X-ray Observatory have,
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Contemplating Sky
Contemplating the Sky
Credit & Copyright: Sebastien Gauthier (Astrolab du Parc du Mont-Megantic)
Explanation: Have you contemplated your sky recently? Last night was a good one for
midnight meditators at many northerly locations as meteors from the Perseid meteor shower
frequently streaked through. The Perseid meteor shower has slowly been building to a
crescendo but should continue to be rewarding tonight and into the week. Pictured above on
August 1, a group of celestial sightseers near Q
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon, Mars, Venus
Moon, Mars, Venus, and Spica
Credit & Copyright: Larry Koehn
Explanation: Gliding toward today's total eclipse of the Sun, the crescent Moon has been
rising early, just before dawn. And as a prelude to its close solar alignment, the Moon also
completed a lovely celestial triangle, closing with bright planets Mars and Venus on the
morning of December 1. While the total solar eclipse can only be seen from a narrow
corridor, skygazers around the globe could appreciate this lunar-
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Assessing Hazards
A Year of Assessing Astronomical Hazards
Drawing Credit: Dan Durda (SWRI)
Explanation: Could an asteroid destroy civilization on Earth? Mountain-sized space rocks
could potentially impact the Earth causing global effects, and perhaps even be mistaken for a
nuclear blast of terrestrial origin. Such large impacts are rare but have happened before.
Modern telescopes have therefore begun to scan the skies for signs of approaching celestial
hazards. Over the past year, projects suc
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Sunrise Analemma
Sunrise Analemma
Credit & Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis
Explanation: Astronomically speaking, at the Equinox on March 21, 0100 UT (March 20,
8:00 PM ET) the season changes. For this Equinox the Sun rises due east as it crosses the
celestial equator heading north. In celebration, consider this spectacular sunrise analemma!
An analemma is the figure-8 loop you get when you mark the position of the Sun at the same
time each day throughout the year. In this remarkable case, 38 separ
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Jupiter in Hive
Jupiter in the Hive
Credit & Copyright: Tung Tezel
Explanation: If you can find planet Jupiter in tonight's sky, then you can also find M44,
popularly known as the Beehive star cluster. In fact, with a pair of binoculars most casual
skygazers should find it easy to zero in on this celestial scene. It should be easy because after
sunset Jupiter presently rules the night as the brightest "star" overhead. Now near the
stationary part of its wandering path through the heavens, Ju
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: M106
M106 in Canes Venatici
Credit: Bernie and Jay Slotnick, Adam Block, AOP, NOAO, AURA, NSF
Explanation: Close to the Great Bear (Ursa Major) and surrounded by the stars of the
Hunting Dogs (Canes Venatici), this celestial nebula was discovered in 1781 by the metric
French astronomer Pierre Mechain and later added to the catalog of his friend and colleague
Charles Messier as M106. Modern deep telescopic views reveal it to be an island universe -- a
spiral galaxy around 30 thousand light-year
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon Slide Slim
Moon Slide Slim
Credit & Copyright: Doug Murray
Explanation: No special filters - or even a telescope - are required to enjoy a leisurely lunar
eclipse. In fact, watched from all over the night side of planet Earth, these regular celestial
performances have entertained many casual skygazers. Still, this eye-catching picture of a
lunar eclipse may look unfamiliar. To make it, astrophotographer Doug Murray set his camera
on a tripod and locked the shutter open during the total
发帖数: 1994
Ring of Fire Revisited
Credit & Copyright: Dennis Mammana (Skyscapes)
Explanation: Early on Saturday, May 31 (UT) the new Moon will once again slide across the
Sun's fiery disk, and once again an annular solar eclipse will be the result -- since the Moon's
apparent diameter will be a little too small to completely cover the Sun. But this time celestial
geometry has conspired to produce a broad D-shaped region for viewing the annular phase
that extends into the far northern hemisphe
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
Eclipse in the Mist
Credit & Copyright: Olivier Meeckers (Groupe Astronomie de Spa)
Explanation: The Sun and Moon rose together over much of Europe on the morning of May
31st with the first solar eclipse of 2003 already in progress. And while sightings of the full
annular phase of the eclipse were restricted to far northern regions, early morning risers were
still treated to inspiring views of two celestial bodies which are most important to life on
planet Earth. Following the dawn's spe
发帖数: 612
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - 月亮、太阳和热气球
发信人: asteroid (小行星), 信区: Astronomy
标 题: Re: 看看这位搞出什么创意的了?
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Jun 11 08:30:59 2003), 转信
Sun, Moon, Hot Air Balloon
Credit & Copyright: Thilo Kranz
Explanation: Anticipating the celestial shadow play of a solar eclipse,
sky gazers across Germany watched the Sun rise on May 31. In Bonn,
astrophotographer Thilo Kranz had set up his small refractor telescope
and camera on the Kennedy Bridge across the Rhein river t
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Dark City New York
Bright Lights, Dark City
Credit & Copyright: Bill Rosen
Explanation: Last Thursday, millions of people had an unexpectedly good view of a dark
night sky. Usually, the reflection of city lights off of local air impurities makes it hard for
casual observers to see more than a handful of stars from a bright urban area. A large power
outage in northeast North America, however, dimmed most city lights and brought
unfamiliar celestial wonders to many who looked up. The unexpected
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxy & Comet
A Galaxy is not a Comet
Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado
Explanation: This gorgeous galaxy and comet portrait was recorded on April 5th, 2002, in the skies over the Oriental Pyrenees near Figueres, Spain. From a site above 1,100 meters, astrophotographer Juan Carlos Casado used a guided time exposure, fast
film, and a telephoto lens to capture the predicted conjunction of the bright Comet Ikeya-Zhang (right) and the Andromeda Galaxy (left). This stunning celestial scene would also have bee
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Equinox+1
Equinox + 1
Credit & Copyright: Joe Orman
Explanation: Twice a year, at the Spring and Fall equinox, the Sun rises due east. In an emphatic demonstration of this celestial alignment, photographer Joe Orman recorded this inspiring image of the Sun rising exactly along the east-west oriented
Western Canal, in Tempe,Arizona, USA. But he waited until March 21st, one day after the northern Spring equinox in 2001, to photograph the striking view. Why was the rising Sun due east one day after the equin
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Big Dipper Castle
Big Dipper Castle
Credit & Copyright: Till Credner (AlltheSky.com)
Explanation: The stars of the big dipper, a well known asterism in the
constellation Ursa Major, are easy to recognize in this dramatic skyscape.
In fact, northern hemisphere skygazers often follow along the line indicated
by the two stars at the far right. Extending off the top of this image,
that line leads to Polaris, the North Star, conveniently located near the
north celestial pole. Following the arc of the dipper's handle a
发帖数: 1994
Galactic Magnetar Throws Giant Flare
Illustration Credit & Copyright: Robert Mallozzi (UAH, MSFC)
Explanation: Was the brightest Galactic blast yet recorded a key to connecting
two types of celestial explosions? Last December, a dense sheet of
gamma rays only a few times wider than the Earth plowed through our Solar System,
saturating satellites and noticeably reflecting off the Moon. A magnetar near
our Galactic Center, the source of Soft Gamma Repeater (SGR) 1806-20,
had unleashed its largest
发帖数: 1994
Eclipsed Moon and Stars
Credit & Copyright: Johannes Schedler (Panther Observatory)
Explanation: This dramatic image features a dark red Moon during a total
lunar eclipse -- celestial shadow play enjoyed by many denizens of planet
Earth last Saturday. Recorded near Wildon, Austria, the picture is a
composite of two exposures; a relatively short exposure to feature the lunar
surface and a longer exposure to capture background stars in the
constellation Leo. Completely immersed in Earth's cone-sha
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Goa Silhouettes
Goa Silhouettes
Credit & Copyright: Joerg Schoppmeyer
Explanation: On Moonday, March 19, shortly before the equinox, locations in
Asia and the Arctic were favoured by the New Moon's shadow during a partial
solar eclipse. Although the view from Goa, India found the eclipsed Sun near
the horizon, photographer Joerg Schoppmeyer was still able to capture this
lovely image, combining celestial with terrestrial silhouettes. The next
eclipse season will begin in late August this year, featuring a total
发帖数: 1994
The Milky Way Near the Southern Cross
Credit & Copyright: Yuri Beletsky
Explanation: The glow of the southern Milky Way and the well-known Southern
Cross are featured in this colorful skyscape recorded in April over La
Frontera, Chile. The Southern Cross (Crux) itself is at the right of the 20
degree wide field of view, topped by bright, yellowish star Gamma Crucis. A
line from Gamma Crucis through the blue star at the bottom of the cross,
Alpha Crucis, points toward the south celestial pole. Ag
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