l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 1 By Larrey Anderson
Venture capitalism is, and always has been, the heart of capitalism. There
is nothing "new" or modern about it.1 Venture capitalism is one or more
private investors financing a risky new venture (thus, the "venture" in
venture capitalism) -- or a private investor's attempt to salvage an already
existing, but troubled, business. Venture capitalism takes the risks that
banks won't and that governments shouldn't. Crony capitalism is the system
of politically motivated handouts fr... 阅读全帖 |
a*********n 发帖数: 602 | 2 The path out of capitalism's second crisis
By Edmund S. Phelps
director of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, and
of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economics
In countries operating a largely capitalist system, there does not appear to
be a
wide understanding among its actors and overseers of either its advantages
or its
hazards. Ignorance of what it can contribute has in the past led some
countries to
throw out the system or clip its wings. Ignorance of the hazards has ma... 阅读全帖 |
Y******u 发帖数: 1912 | 3 我对bank运作也不是太懂,给点意见供你参考
capital是用来absorb loss的,就是说bank一定要拥有一定量的capital才能保证当bad
loan或者couterparty default的时候偿付liability不会受到影响,也就是你说的不
他被认为是riskless asset,对于regulator来说,银行hold cash和hold treasury是
一样的,所以银行买riskless asset不需要占用capital,因为本身就是capital
capital全部都买corp bond,那如果corp bond default了,银行的capital就没了(或
这和是银行钱或不是银行钱没有关系,capital本来就是银行... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 4 By Christopher Chantrill
I've been worrying for months about Romney and the Bain Capital problem.
How was Romney, if nominated for President of the United States, going to
deal with Democrats trying to hang Bain Capital layoffs round his neck?
Paul Kengor goes into great detail on this.
This week Mitt Romey, in an "informal" campaign plane interview, showed us
how it is going to be done. Said he:
Well, I'd like to look at Barack Obama's record, and so as we talk about
my experience in the... 阅读全帖 |
f****9 发帖数: 506 | 5 下面转自:http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardID=336&ID=211960&page=1
再8一下capital one!!!大家注意~capital one的信用卡对信用分数可能有负面影响。
大家都知道每个月用的钱和你总的credit limit的比值影响信用分数。
capital one的伎俩是,在card holder的信用记录上,capital one的这张card是不显
示credit limit的。有他家卡的人可以看看你的信用记录,一定是别的卡都有limit和
balance,capital one的只有balance,limit后面通常不是空的就是n/a。这样一来,
假设你只有2张卡,一张chase,limit $1000,一张capital one,limit $2000,如果你
主要使用的是这张capital one,假设一个月用capital one花$1000,另一张卡不用,
照理说limit使用比例应该是1000/(1000+2000)=33.33% 但是由于capital one只上报
balance不上报credi |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 6 By Christopher Chantrill
British conservative Charles Moore visited the Occupy chaps at St. Paul's
Cathedral in London and came away a bit bemused.
The protesters seem to imagine that, without their tented witness to the
wickedness of the rich, no one would have noticed that capitalism is in its
biggest crisis since the early 1930s. "Abolish wealth," cried one of their
posters. Don't the angry campers realise that the West's bankers and
politicians are managing it nicely without needing any extr... 阅读全帖 |
w********0 发帖数: 1211 | 7 首先感谢大家的回复。刚开始的时候我对前几位的回复还有疑问,但一直忙着没空发帖
Asset - Liability = Capital
能大... 阅读全帖 |
B**W 发帖数: 2273 | 8 WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The Federal Reserve on Tuesday proposed new capital
and liquidity rules for the largest American banks that would be rolled out
in two phases and would probably not go further than international standards.
The Fed said that both the capital and liquidity requirements required by
last year’s Dodd-Frank financial oversight law would be carried out in two
The first phase would rely on policies already issued by the Fed, like the
capital stress-test plan it released in... 阅读全帖 |
s*******n 发帖数: 4605 | 9 HSBC的信用卡业务被capital one收购了,几个月后HSBC的信用卡将全部换成capital one信用卡,policy暂时不变,但几个月后不知道会怎么样。没有拿满本年度cashback的这几个月可以尽量使用HSBC卡。
Dear xxx,
We've got some important news to share with you--here's what you need to
Your Orchard Bank account ending in xxxx is changing. On or about May 1,
2012, Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. purchased credit card accounts from HSBC
Bank Nevada, N.A.. This means that Capital One is now the issuer of your
account. Please carefully read over all the information enclosed with and ... 阅读全帖 |
n********r 发帖数: 719 | 10 都知道short term capital gain税是和其他个人收入一起算总收入,然后按累进税制
但是long term capital gain的税就不一样了,就三档,15%和20%这两档之间的分界线
是家庭年收入48万,假设某人除股票收益以外其他所有年收入28万,然后long term
capital gain 21万, 结果导致他总收入49万,结果他所有的这21万块capital gain都
而如果他long term capital gain只有20万的话,那么就可以只交15%capital gain 税
按道理说,累进税制不会出现这种情况,但是long term capital gain的bracket是按
照总收入划分的,好像没办法累进啊 |
z*****y 发帖数: 554 | 11 右派要承认,希拉里的Tax Proposal至少有一个方向是对的:降低Long-Term Capital
Gain Tax的优惠。巴菲特什么的主要靠这个优惠,才能使得自己比劳苦大众交得税率低
ordinary税率交税而不是Long-term capital gain。这只能说明Long-Term Capital
期望老床识时务,借鉴希拉里这个方案,减小Long-term capital gain和ordinary
“Under current law, such c... 阅读全帖 |
z*****y 发帖数: 554 | 12 Real right will support lower tax rate for all not lower tax rate for some.
This is my point.
I think Lao Wang's point is about the existence of capital gains tax is
double taxing. I do agree that it is doubling taxing and whether we need to
have capital gain tax at all is debatable and deserve a separate thread.
However, I am arguing a simple cut at 1 year holding period is absurd and
the comparative tax benefit of long-term capital gain is too much.
Ultimately, it should be the same as short-t... 阅读全帖 |
c******z 发帖数: 1230 | 13 我的问题是:
1、在个人的非IRA Brokerage账户内 ‘主动(自主买卖股票、债券、基金等)’ 和
‘被动(ETF,MF,或者管理型账户的portfolio所产生的capital gain以及dividends
)’ 的情况下产生了realized capital gain,有没有必要和如何实施reinvest
capital gain呢?
2、是否有可能利用reinvest capital gain推迟交税时间且降低税率呢(即把当年
short term capital gain在未来变成long term capital gain)?
笔新投资里(或者只需在年终报税时计算 ‘当年总的收益’ 和 ‘当年进行所有
4、是否需要区别 '用于reinvest的收益' 和 '新存入账户用于投资的新的现金'?
在网上搜了一些文章,看的有点糊涂,特别是遇到dividends的情况。谢谢大家!!! |
s**********e 发帖数: 207 | 14 请问作为F1投资股票期权要不要为capital gain交税?
1.F1属于non-resident alien
3.炒股所得capital gain属于not effectively connected类别.
4.在美待少于183天的non-resident alien不需要为capital gain交税.
结论F1股票期权capital gain不需要交税
这样假如产生的capital gain是不要填入1040nr的表格里面还是填好了哪里有填exempt
另外身在中国的人在ib开户是不是肯定不会被收capital gain的税?
假如没有提交w-8ben是不是ib会不仅仅withhold divident还会withhold gross
诚恳求教,希望有类似经验的前辈们指点 |
s******0 发帖数: 1269 | 15 原贴在这里:http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/TAX/31283595.html
我的情况是这样,2006年8月来美,2011按照resident allien报税,2009和2010有
capital loss,2011有capital gain,想用2009或者2011的capital loss carryover来
今天问了学校的tax specialist,他说即使是nonresident allien也可以claim
capital loss,需要先file 1040x,然后重新填写1040NR。股票的损失可以计入在内。
但是回来读1040 NR的instrution觉得不对,上面说必须是effectively connected
capital gain/loss.
如果我没有记错的话,根据pub519,股票交易应该不算effectively connected。
根据上面的信息,是不是说只要你是nonresident allien,就没有办法claim股票交易
的capital loss carryover?所以我这种情况根本不... 阅读全帖 |
m*****t 发帖数: 697 | 16 我记得journal entry 是
dr. capital lease assets
cr. capital lease obligation
然后每个月capital assets 要depreciate 按照years of useful life, capital
obligation 要amortize 按照payment schedule.
但是我发现我现在公司每个月直接就dr. capital lease obligation cr. capital
lease assets. 让我有点困惑。 难道是useful life 和payment schedule 刚好 一样
么。depreciation 是straight-line. payment schedue 里不是还有interest factor
么? 总之有些困惑。 这种作法常见么? |
w********0 发帖数: 1211 | 17 这个问题问出来可能让很多人惊诧,但的确困扰我多年了。
RMBS之类的securitized products得按regulatory rule的一个表格,主要取决于
rating, 从0.56%到100%的market value不等。一些其他的product, 像coporate bond,
rate derivative, equity等等,只要有经批准的model, 可以通过算VaR,SVaR,IRC等
而不会变成负数的(只要没别的债务)。除非你是问人借钱炒股票,那的... 阅读全帖 |
r**********9 发帖数: 19633 | 18 弗吉尼亚州两名华人于日前被美国证交会(SEC)指控利用职务便利获取大量内幕信息
据法庭文件显示,被告黄伯南(音,Bonan Huang)和黄楠(音,Huang Nan)是美国
最大的信用卡公司之一——Capital One的高级数据分析员,其职责包括调查针对公司
诉状提到,两名被告在2012年1月至2015年1月期间,对Capital One的销售数据库进行
非公开信息;被告实施上述搜索也并非是为了完成其本职工作,而Capital One明令禁
元,获... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 19 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/capitalism-is-killing-americas
Yes, capitalism is working ... for the Forbes Global Billionaires whose
ranks swelled from 322 in 2000 to 1,826 in 2015. Billionaires control the
vast majority of the world’s wealth, 67 billionaires already own half the
world’s assets; by 2100 we’ll have 11 trillionaires, while American worker
income has stagnated for a generation.
But for the vast majority of the world, capitalism is a failure. Over a
billion live on less than two ... 阅读全帖 |
z***t 发帖数: 10817 | 20 The tax plan does not make direct changes to how income on investments is
taxed, but what people will pay could change as a result of other provisions
in the plan.
Today, the same rules apply to dividends and capital gains, but differ
depending on an individual’s earnings and how long they have held an asset.
Individuals who make under $37,950 a year pay no taxes when they sell an
asset after holding it for a year. Individuals who earn more than that but
less than $418,400 a year pay a 15 percen... 阅读全帖 |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 21 Michael Moore出了新片Capitalism: A Love Story大骂资本主义.
不过,这次连左派标志网评员都看不下去了.下面是Arianna Huffington的评论.道出了
照我说,不用躲躲闪闪,其实就是big government的共产独裁.government picking
winners and losers. 上到政府决定如何共产,让哪些企业拿到救助,下到政府决定如何
government control! government control! and government control!
In the film, Michael describes capitalism as evil. I disagree. I don't think
capitalism is evil. I think what we have right now is not c
发帖数: 1 | 22 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 23 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
c*****n 发帖数: 1347 | 24 http://www.capitalone.com/directbanking/offers/interest-online-
存一笔$250 DD就有100bonus.
*The payroll/direct deposit promotion begins on 9/1/2011 and ends on 9/30/
2011. The promotion is available to new Capital One Bank checking customers
only and is limited to consumers who have not opened a personal checking
account and received a cash incentive in the previous 12 months. Direct
deposit is subject to your employer or other payor offering the direct
deposit option. A payroll/direct deposit transa... 阅读全帖 |
j****2 发帖数: 759 | 25 ing direct被capital one买了,改名叫capital one 360,其实还是一个自己独立的银
行,你去capital one的branch都办不了capital one 360的业务,capital one 360是
/* */) 的大作中提到: 】 |
h*********o 发帖数: 1265 | 26 这位说话经常说半句,不用理了!
Capital One is the latest credit card issuer to offer digital coupons
through a mobile app.
The company said it recently rolled out the new program called "Mobile Deals
," which can be accessed by smartphone or via email. Cardholders simply
download the app, click on the deal icon and start getting discounts from
Cardholders don't have to actively accept deals to get them. All they need
to do is shop at the retailer offering the deal -- either at the store or
o... 阅读全帖 |
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 27 SAC Vet's Ping Capital Up Over 100% For Second Straight Year
Dec 9 2010 | 1:59am ET
He may be best known for the lurid accusations leveled at him by a former
employee, but hedge fund manager Ping Jiang is doing quite a job making a
name for himself in his chosen field.
The former SAC Capital Advisors money manager's Ping Capital Management is
on its way to its second-straight triple-digit year. The New York-based fund
is up 103.45% through October, AR magazine reports. The fund began the year
wi... 阅读全帖 |
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 28 如果take profit的话就会有capital gain tax。有没有什么好办法能造成capital
loss,而且还不引起wash sale的?当然,这个capital loss是表面的,实际上要有一
个相应的没有take的capital gain。
我想过找三个相似的etf,叫A,B,C。拿A的long position,B的short position。这样当
需要capital loss的时候这两个很可能有一个是loss的。把那个position适当减仓,
take loss,然后开一个C的大致相当的仓。这样就不会wash sale。这个方法的比较大
有没有人想到更好的方法的? |
k******a 发帖数: 2436 | 29 The problem is for $ you pay as tax is also part of AGI, not outside of AGI.
The steps are:
Decided non capital gain AGI
Add capital gain to AGI (this is unfortunate)
Decide bracket tax rate using AGI and other info
Decide long term capital gain tax rate based on marginal bracket
Decide the capital gain tax amount
In other words, your long term capital gain tax rate is a fixed %. Your
income tax rate is a list of % numbers, each with an associated dollar
amount. |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 30 October 22, 2015 — 12:25 AM CDTUpdated on October 22, 2015 — 4:55 AM CDT
General Views Of Shanghai As China's Lingering Deflation Risks Offer Room
For More Easing
square before the information
China’s leaders are poised to announce a 2020 deadline to dismantle
currency controls that have kept the world’s second-largest economy from
fully integrating with global financial markets.
At a gathering next week, top officials in the Communist Party will discuss
pledging to “make the yuan convertible un... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 31
Here is the answer. 所以如果在美国没有超过 183天,按中国的税率。
中国没有 capital gain tax, 那就不用报税了。
The tax implications for a foreign investor will depend on whether that
person is classified as a resident alien or a non-resident alien. To be
considered a non-resident alien, a person must meet several guidelines.
First of all, the person cannot have had a green card at any time during the
relevant tax reporting period (e.g 2005) and cannot have resided in the U.S
. for more than 183 days in the past three years, ... 阅读全帖 |
b********a 发帖数: 66 | 32 请教一个 long term capital gain 报税的问题,
2017年收入$20K, long term capital gain $200K,这个情况大约该怎么报税?
一种是 按照 $20K 算出 Tax Bracket 是低于 10%,那 long term capital gain $
200K 的税率就是 0。
另一种是按照 $20K $200K 算出 Tax Bracket 是 25%, 那 long term capital gain $
200K 的税率就是15%。
上面哪种计算方式正确? 主要的关键问题,是否应该把long term capital gain放入
income 中计算 Tax income 。
上面是联邦税的问题,还有加州州税该怎么报? 请专家建议。 |
n**p 发帖数: 1150 | 33 都对。。
所有的long term capital gains和long term capital losses之和是
net long term gain(或loss,取决于这个数值是正还是负)
Schedule D 第七行
所有的short term capital gains和short term capital losses之和是
net short term gain(或loss,取决于这个数值是正还是负)
Schedule D 第十五行
net capital gain (or loss)就是这两个值之和,Schedule D 第十六行 |
f*******s 发帖数: 153 | 34 去年一整年都住在加州,这是算california resident还是不算?
填Fed的税的时候确认还是non-resident alien,所以填报州税的时候用了540NR (
short)来报的,里面好像没有关于capital gain or loss相关的部分,看了看540NR
Long发现里面好像也没有关于capital gain or loss。不过看到有540NR Schedule CA
里有关于capital gain or loss的内容,然后还看到有540NR Schedule D是相关的。
但是在报Fed的税的时候用的是1040NR的表格,股票收益里面根本就不叫Capital gain
or loss,而是叫Income Not Effectively Connected With a U.S. Trade or
Business,里面用到的是Schedule NEC,而且是固定30%的税率的。
所以这是不是说,既然1040NR里面填的不是capital gain or loss,已经交了固定的30
多谢多谢! |
发帖数: 1 | 35 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 36 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
c**********l 发帖数: 606 | 37 sounds like a very friendly system.
there must be a limit for the loss that you could claim per year. . . or it
's a huge loophole.
Capital Gains tax
In Japan the capital gains are added to the regular income and tax are then
payed on the total sum of capital gains and income. Same tax rate is used
for both capital gains and income. Japan has two types of capital gains tax
applying to the sale of shares and, get this: You can take your pick!
Type A
The first type, Withholding Tax (GENSEN) requi |
发帖数: 1 | 38 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 39 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 40 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 41 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 42 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 43 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 44 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 45 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 46 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 47 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 48 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 49 Freedom Capital is seeking a motivated self-starter interested in an intern
position in finance. This is an opportunity to participate in all areas of
operation in a financial firm, including financial analysis, marketing and
client relations. The ideal candidate is motivated about working in a start-
up atmosphere and has a desire to grow their professional skills and
Freedom Capital is an asset management firm in Arlington, Virginia. Freedom
Capital Investment Management is the... 阅读全帖 |