我把我的修车经历写下来, 以免你 成为 下一个 victim
大概过程是, 3个多礼拜前, 车打不着 (2001 Toyota)
拖到 KMart Tyre & Auto Service (Canberra Braddon)
1. 电话告知我是distributor坏了, 要300$ (second-handed,新的
要1600$). 那就修吧, 心想还不错。 比换新的要省下1300
2. 一天以后告知可能还有别的问题,要找electrician检查后才能
3. 3,5天后告知,车的computer也坏了。 新的要~1500$. 他们现办法
4. 我去他们那里, 告知 computer was already sent to Sydney
because no one in Canberra is qualified to repair car computer.
They didn't inform me before they sent the computer out.
可能要1000 $, 如果sydney repaired it
5. 又