c***c 发帖数: 19 | 1 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002I5QHW/ref=oss_product
Product Description
Nor Pro Meat Grinder/Mincer/Pasta Maker. 7" Height. Ideal for meats, beans,
nuts and many vegetables! Make your own pasta from your favorite recipe.
Includes instruction and recipe booklet. Comes with two screens: Coarse
mincing plate, fine mincing plate, sausage funnel and 3 pasta attachments:
rigatoni, spaghetti and linguine
work great!! |
c********g 发帖数: 15629 | 2 我的意思是说衣服也可以在Gap ON买,BRU怎么会卖Gap的衣服?
同样,其它的商品也可以在Target CVS Walmart Costco买
注册Baby Register可以收到coupon book,去店里买东西店员也经常给coupon booklet。
BRU也卖wii和wii fit,BRU 15% coupon不work。 |
s********z 发帖数: 5411 | 3 Any TRU coupon that works for wii?
want to get a wii for myself
booklet。 |
c********g 发帖数: 15629 | 4 5/8-5/28有个coupon booklet,但里面没有pump的专门coupon。现在可以去ebay或者别
的地方弄15%(也许有20% one item)的coupon。最近有没有5off25一类的coupon我不
然后用GC付,应该beat amazon walmart的价格。你比较一下吧。 |
b*z 发帖数: 48 | 5 you have to be carefull.
recording a prof's lecture is generally not allowed unless you are physically
handicapped. if you do so without the permission of the prof., it is
considered a violation of his copyright. in a booklet titled student conduct
from the dean of student office in our university, there is an example of a
japanese student who has the same issure like you. it says unless the prof.
agrees, he cannot record lectures.
and take it easy, i don't think you'd have problem following a p |
f**********n 发帖数: 15 | 6 话说水星那个套装除了没有单独的BOOKLET外 和单售的盒装版还有啥区别不?
买过史塔克的巴赫大无 对这个系列的印象相当好 这个价格真心心动了 |
w********y 发帖数: 135 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 Accounting 讨论区 】
发信人: woodstocky (woodstocky), 信区: Accounting
标 题: 发一个kpmg inside look的经历
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 11 17:46:52 2010, 美东)
今天距我去kpmg inside look整一周,一周内从期望到失望,到
我去的是chicago office。
Day 1: Progessive Dinner
在kpmg check in 以后,大家一起坐大巴(一共两个大巴)去一
终于人流开始往楼下... 阅读全帖 |
s***a 发帖数: 731 | 8 base + little bonus, no 401K
On benefits booklet, it says "PTO for non-exempt employees" & "Professional
time off (talk with boss) for exempt employees".
So what's the difference between non-exempt and exempt? Thx! |
j****y 发帖数: 1714 | 9 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: joyjoy (joy), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 知道你的权利—当遭遇执法人员时
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 20 01:55:08 2013, 美东)
本文档是 Know your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement 手册的中文翻译。
视性调查的时候处理询问不当, 被执法人员抓住漏洞而被控向联邦执法人员撒谎(
lying to federal agents/officers), 即使执法人员根本没有其他任何证据来逮捕他
们。 最近的例子是NASA合同工姜波的案例: http://bojiangwatch.blogspot.com/ ) 在美国的中国血统人士必须吸取深刻教训防止种族迫害。
This document is the Chinese Translation of the Booklet published by ACLU:
Know your R... 阅读全帖 |
c****d 发帖数: 681 | 10 purchaser information booklet 在我家旁边确实有条trail, 是绕着边画的,
不是现在这样从property中插过去的。 |
L*****8 发帖数: 136 | 11 来美3年多了,找搬家公司搬家还是第一次。主要是觉得朋友同学大多都三十好几
费时间,不知道能不能找到。我跟我的一个朋友也帮忙... 阅读全帖 |
s***g 发帖数: 820 | 12 They have a booklet recording all the owners' names within the community. I
saw one such thing in an open house... |
m*f 发帖数: 8162 | 13 ..............
奖状's became a booklet since middle school. since then my parents never put
that on the wall but in drawers...
The walls in my home were once full of my paintings and calligraphic works... |
f******e 发帖数: 88 | 14 I did same thing " No English".
A few days ago My husband told me a blonde old lady came by who speaks
Chinese and left some Chinese booklet!
Brothers and sisters, any new methods? |
n***s 发帖数: 10056 | 15 Check your home warranty booklet. Most cover roof for 10 years with first 5
years free of charge to you. |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 16 could you read the insurance booklet forst, to see what is covered?
if HMO, you can use it only with designated dentists
if PPO, you have a larger number of preferred providers to choose from |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 17 Read your insurance booklet carefully, to see whether your wife really needs
Public assistance depends on the state you are in. The hospital social
worker may be able to point additional resources. |
h*********n 发帖数: 255 | 18 大家好,我现在入的是Cigna的保险,上次看我老婆去补了牙,医生说都会被cover的。
今天收到receipt,上面写着让我也要交一部分钱。里面有几项是composite filling,没
有被cover. 但是他们的booklet,里写的是Fillings 是100% cover的。我已经给他们
。 原话是这样的,the plan paid $200, customer's responsibility $100.
我只是收到receipt,not bill. |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 19 Double check your booklet: do all composites get 100% coverage, or only the
front teeth? Then, ask insurance for an explanation of benefit, and if it's
in your favor, ask the doctor to file again.
In the end, you pay the doctor, not insurance company.
Copay is a fixed payment which you pay upfront. Fro the rest, the dr's
office needs to file with insurance co, so they cannot tell you how much to
pay up at time of visit. |
l******u 发帖数: 2401 | 21 宝石翅膀,我觉得这是个myth
这是我在myfico网站找到的一个fico score booklet里面的原话:
”note that closing an account doesn’t make it go away. A closed account
will still show up on your credit report, and its history will be considered
by your FICO® Score.“
以我对这句话的理解就是closed account只要一直出现在credit report上面就会一直
你们理解的关卡只算分母有没有什么来源?因为这个问题我也一直没有什么把握 |
p*******r 发帖数: 344 | 22 无论你是在线申请,还是在branch申请的,都会看到这个Schedule of Fee的Booklet吧
What are direct deposits?
A direct deposit is an electronic deposit of funds to a
checking or savings account.
For MyAccess Checking accounts, we waive the monthly
maintenance fee for each statement cycle during which
we receive at least one qualifying direct deposit of $250
or more to your account. Qualifying direct deposits are
deposits of regular monthly income... 阅读全帖 |
D***s 发帖数: 5613 | 23 这种灰色地带你问小二或者经理,95%以上可能性是回答no。
我也犯过这种错误,问小二可以用staples gift card买forever stamp booklet不,小
二问经理,经理很大声的说No;再问小二可以用staples gc付UPS shipping不,小二又
问“可以用staples gc买xxxx吗?”的时候,经理都会回答No。所以我换了时间去做这
些,也不问小二,默默地掏出staples gc结帐,默默地刷过,默默地走人。 |
t*********u 发帖数: 26311 | 24 USPS New US Flag Booklet of 10
Item price $4.90
Quantity 1
Item number 322002874801
Shipping service Standard Shipping |
M****o 发帖数: 13571 | 25 Scanned BRU coupon booklet. Sep 14 - Oct 14 |
m*a 发帖数: 4927 | 26 就是一个折起来的小booklet,上面会有三四个coupons,如果mm看到你拿的小本本里有
20%off的coupon,那就是我说的那个了。。。 |
k*******o 发帖数: 200 | 27 我好像有两张,就是不知道是不是step 2的,昨天刚寄来的,等我回去看看。还有一张
过期的,要吗? |
s**********3 发帖数: 1216 | 28 i saw on Gerber's booklet that they recommend 3 times of formula plus twice
of solid food as snacks (in between formula feedings)
so i think your baby's schedule sounds almost perfect
it is just that my son cannot eat this much, jealous....
? |
b********s 发帖数: 1115 | 29 来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 新糖妈求助 我觉得你可以问一下你的医院,应该会有关于gestational diabetes的booklet,里面有
教你怎么样去算carbohydrate的 |
c*******u 发帖数: 12899 | 30 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
ice2008 (Sophie) 于 (Fri Sep 24 10:11:08 2010, 美东) 提到:
有哪位好心的JM有妊娠糖尿病食谱的么?都快31周了,才确诊,还要等a couple of
邮箱:l**********[email protected] 非常感谢。包子答谢。
blucherrys (blucherrys) 于 (Fri Sep 24 10:30:32 2010, 美东) 提到:
我觉得你可以问一下你的医院,应该会有关于gestational diabetes的booklet,里面有
教你怎... 阅读全帖 |
s********g 发帖数: 3740 | 31 thanks so much. I just requested a booklet online |
a**y 发帖数: 381 | 32 没办法,娃儿要啃,只能小心又小心。
刚才做了下research: 结论是Mats made of latex and PVC should be avoided.
然后发现有人说Dwinguler Eco-friendly Kids Play Mat含有PVC。本来一直很纠结要不要买,因为的确有点贵。
• Possible Play Mat Materials
• Play mats can be made from a few materials, but some are more
common than others. There are also a few materials that should be avoided
when purchasing a play mat. If a mat is for an infant, there should be no
doubt that it will be durable and safe for them completely. ... 阅读全帖 |
T**1 发帖数: 322 | 33 谢谢回复!
我今天是1st prenatal checkup, 验血验尿了,但是护士说不是验孕的。主要是看我本
今天护士给我一个booklet,有多久去一次医院, 和description of visit, 周末有时
为什么。 |
m******i 发帖数: 1185 | 34 【 以下文字转载自 PennySaver 讨论区 】
发信人: mumotiti (nano), 信区: PennySaver
标 题: 墙家的Huggies wipes deal 11/6开始
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 3 15:13:39 2011, 美东)
Huggies Wipes Refill Pack, 184 or 216 ct $4.99
- $0.75/1 Huggies Baby Wipes, 64 ct+ from SS 10/23
- $2.00/1 Huggies Diapers Big Pack or Wipes, 184 to 216 ct (code #5519) from
Walgreens Infant Care Booklet
Final Price: $2.24
比上一次sale贵了一点点,但是这个价格还是不错了。11/6开始,简单易行。 |
R****1 发帖数: 4 | 37 Gestational diabetes mom with twins were recommended by the OB doctor to see
a dietician in earlier pregnancy. I was given a booklet to record what I
ate with the amount of total carb. per meal. Following her suggestions, I
had a very successful diet control on my blood sugar levels throughout my
pregnancy (monitoring before or after each meal). And both of my babies are
very healthy.
Per her suggestion, my total carb. per day needs to be less than 240g. She
suggested 3 meals and 3 snacks per da... 阅读全帖 |
t******m 发帖数: 54 | 38 [Similac 家奶票一共7 张,面值5块一张,3张6月底到期,4张7月底到期。半价出售,
一共$17.5.全要的优先。包邮 [gone]
Enfamil 家6张,5块一张,4/30到期2张,3/31到期4张。$2一张,or best offer.全要
优先。买E家赠送baby'srus 20% off coupon booklet.
包邮 |
l*********e 发帖数: 5385 | 39 来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 产前笔记分享 自从怀孕以后就喜欢每天来宝宝版取经学习,收获了不少有用的信息。求过祝福,问过
,医院等设备供应都不一样。建议待产的姐妹们利用去hospital tour这个机会好好了
解医院的设施,程序和供应,避免到时候的手忙脚乱。 我也有加入一些基本的生产专
1.Laptop, cellphone, chargers, booklet and pen
2.Camera, camcorder
3.Robe/ sleeping gown
4.Tooth brush, tooth paste, body wash, shampoo, brush, etc
5.Hair dryer
6.Nursing bra
8.Mug/cup, vacuum cup
9.Coffer maker (to boil... 阅读全帖 |
z******r 发帖数: 78 | 40 这是我的材料清单。
Basic Document List
1 Application Forms (DS-160)
2 Passports
3 Receipt from CITIC Bank
Invitee’s Document List
1 ID card
2 Permanent Residence Booklet
3 Notary of Parent-Daughter Relationship
4 Family Photos
5 Bank Statement
6 House Property Title
7 Certificate of Medical Insurance
8 Certificate of Retirement and Pension
9 Marriage Certificate
Inviter’s Documen... 阅读全帖 |
s*******1 发帖数: 11216 | 41 Strong Re, I has same problem on my left breast. Then I read booklet
hospital gave me. Let baby open mouth wide enough not just sucking the
nipple. Use lotion as well.
It helped |
p******i 发帖数: 1322 | 42 You might get some information from where you took the shot. They usually
hand out some booklets regarding the side effect. From what I understand,
what your kid has is nothing abnormal. Just take it easy. It is extramly
rare for kid to suffer brain damage or die from this kind of shot. |
a*****a 发帖数: 19262 | 43 不在乎一两天吧
看你的保险,一般immunization cover的还是比较多的,我们公司保险100%cover。放
疫苗也得有记录。 |
m*******1 发帖数: 344 | 44 I saw from a booklet when waiting in our health clinic regarding nose-
1) illness
2) injury
3) nose-picking
3) blow nose
Also, the dryness during winter time contribute too. For the 2-4), majorly
because there are many tiny veins underneath the mucous in the nose. |
m*****u 发帖数: 1342 | 45 I bought some packaging paper at walmart for my daughter, it's good for
casual drawing: crayon and pens. I recall they have drawing paper also (in
booklet), the quality is better, but some already has drawing (can be used
for coloring)
便找废纸上的空白去画。........ |
DQ 发帖数: 1580 | 46 我家娃幼儿园也办过一次,也是某保险公司的。该保险公司在我们这个地区的一个小头
以让保险公司以后联系你卖保险的事情等,选择不要就好了) |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 47 很聪明啊。
我正在设计一个新的 mini-booklet,用围棋直观展示的乘法口诀表 |
a***d 发帖数: 1347 | 48 1, National Zoo,
indoor play area at visitor center: How Do You Zoo (weekend 10 – 4 only),
outdoor play area: Kids Farm, Giant Pizza,
bird house (feeding), Invertebrates (spiny lobsters to giant African
millipedes to tarantulas to a giant Pacific octopus feeding 11AM and 3PM
daily, building is right behind reptile and exit to butterfly ), Amazonia (
sting ray, birds, monkeys and scientist, weekday is wonderful as the birds
are much closer to see if it is quite),
2, Natural History Museum, 2nd fl... 阅读全帖 |
a*****a 发帖数: 19262 | 49 我们家几乎不过母亲节,至少从来没买东西,老公没买东西给婆婆,女儿也不会买东西
My mom is nice.
我很感谢女儿说妈妈nice,我问女儿,妈妈有时候也会打你的小手,有时候会out of
My mom loves to hug me.
每天晚上雷打不动的会跟女儿深深的拥抱,然后互相说 I love you, good night.除非
My mom loves to ask all my questions.
我自己是engineer,所以我很喜欢回答这样的问题,我还会尽量去网上搜一下视频给她... 阅读全帖 |