m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 1 [Football] bison Dec 31 ● 迎新年双黄包
成功奖励 20 伪币的用户: aaayyy, alderson, andysun, aniee, backtou, Ballack5, beifang2008, bigbaozi, bison, blahblah, blyuyu, Bohr, BrandonMinor, BRavens, brmj, c8, camoufleur, ccbbstod, crystalcock, dango, dawangtoo, dcw, doomed, dreamer6, drew, DXY, fan, ffbf, FTSCI, Genghis, gloomyturkey, GoHokies, goldmetal, Grange, grape, guaichong, guanjiu, haiduc, happydawn, hbcco, hhzgz, huanghd, jjneimei, junfeng, Juve, karajan, kenwaiting, ketall, ldxk |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 2 [Seattle] thinboy Jan 1 ● ☆☆☆☆☆ 新年快乐 恭喜发财 ☆☆☆☆☆
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: abrahamfeng, AgentJ, bahasa, beifang2008, bemoonlight, birdbird, Bohr, cdxt, cnexplorer, crystal88, cynthiaj, dadandan, dameizi, dayzzz, dcw, delldell, dragon2008, drew, echocc, EmeraldFish, fishinwater, FTSCI, funsports, Genghis, getty, goldmetal, GoodMom, habbit, haiduc, Hangzhouren, happyfisher, happyness, hengjihengji, iamfifa, iPC, iTodd, jadewater08, jiyou, junfeng, KaQi, kejieer305, lachance, laridoff, L |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 3 [ChinaStock] Metronic Dec 31 ● 预祝大家在2010年里帐户大涨,新年快乐(包子)
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: ACTSAT, aii, aniee, aOzu, armilla, atu2010, baozi2009, bealst222, beifang2008, billred, biomass28, Bohr, bridgechang, buyforsale, camoufleur, cannotsleep, catdoudou, chaselife, clavichord, codycody, cookiesweet, cosame, DabaoSODBoy, daledale, datetime, dawangtoo, DBguy, dcw, deskew, dou2000, EAdreamer, Esparanza, Eyt, fengfenger, FRJJ2009, Genghis, geon, guaichong, guanjiu, haiduc, HangGator, happywowo, HiT |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 4 [ChinaNews] shaver Feb 11 ● 中新版奉送虎年好运包子!
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: abulldog, adots, aga, aii, alligator, AmberMM, andysun, aniee, anniee, aquarise, aranyakay, atu2010, Augustine, babby, baozi2009, befast, beingfly, Bibibaba, bigbaozi, bison, blueaqua, Bohr, bsmajia, BTS, Castaway, catchafish, CharlesSong, chemV6, chouxiaoyu, cjiayun, codycody, cookiesweet, crashinfo, crf, CSEH, CYG, DabaoSODBoy, darkdragon, DarkHill, dcw, dong, DQatBR, dragon2008, |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 5 [Basketball] leonking Feb 19 ● 一扫阴麦,重现光明!散尽家财庆祝!
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: Acartia, afish, alexwan, anarchy, anniee, AquamarinE1, aquarise, BalTMac, baozi09, beka, BigM, biooo, blehum, blueli, Bohr, BRavens, bscco, caoren, Casillas, casio, cdxt, charles116, chemV6, closeforever, codit, coldknight, coldspring08, coolhunter, crabghh, dango, darkwhitet, davidyulei, DAYAO, dcw, diehard, Drake, dreamer6, easylifee, enantiomers, equator, esperlada, EternalLife, eulerw, fanfan3200, fi |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 6 [Basketball] peopleocean Mar 18 ● 版主得奖俺来隆重恭喜!优秀版主!
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: andysun, AngelMAC, Antoine, anubiswu, AquamarinE1, baybear, Bohr, bond7, Brabit, BRavens, bruclee, Casillas, casio, chahu, circus, codit, convolve, crabghh, davidyulei, diehard, Drake, equator, esperlada, FinalFantasy, flashdog, flyer, gaons, Genghis, godorme, goubeibei, Grange, hsh, iso35, JianlianYi, Jingqg1979, jl0913, K24, kickkaka, laomaomao, ldxiek, ldxk, lg, lucky8, LutherHead, luxilon, lxinzheng, ma |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 7 [Family] T76879297 May 9 ● 母亲节包子
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: allspark, aniee, atu2010, bactive79, better222, BianBianBao, Bohr, ccyang59, clickclick, coask, crashinfo, cynthiafan, dadandan, daydream000, didiwo, driftuconn, erjie, foser, gejingliang, Genghis, Goodgood2010, guaichong, gy0016, haiduc, hinterlandy, hottea09, jaff1973, jjneimei, jokeyzhu, kat80, Katiee, koosunlei, laodie, largewolf, linglingQ, lipoigm, liuxiahui, Lotusfly, loveoov, lxinzheng, lyufeng, massach, mitbbssdc |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 8 [Stock] OILOIL May 26 @● 裸奔并发包子!!--包子很多!
成功扣除 3850 伪币的用户: OILOIL
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: Dec2008, abbabb, abigcat, afang2009, AGilardino, airforce, alanguo88, albertchang, aniee, ankyrin, anniee, antijaus, anura, apple987, appril, AprilSummer, AprilWind, ashdown, asimove, atu2010, badcompany, baltray25, bankrupcy, battlenet, benbenben, bianren, bigpig66, binbinz, bluecollar, bobo153, Bohr, bread22, Bridgewatre, Buffett, bugsrabbit, bull2007, bushbreeze, BZD, cacu, caishen, can |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 9 [Basketball] pandamalone Sep 2. ● 庆祝中国队小组出线,版面奖励一百个包子:D
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: aaayyy, aassas, ada0001, AdvancedEdu, alexx,
alvincy79, amin, amorcat, andysun, angelsun, anniee, Antoine, anubiswu,
apex2009, ashdown, bactive79, banli, baozi09, baybear, bbccer, BigM, BigWei,
blueli, blyuyu, BobButtons, Bohr, BoomerSooner, brave, Brutus, BSG,
bulletin, Canales, Casillas, chahu, charmdream, chasedreamer, chenguang,
ciera, circus, codycody, coldknight, contax85, cookiex, Corolla, cowboys,
cowgir |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 10 [Basketball] pandamalone Nov 15. ● hahahahaha!!! 刚打完比赛,进校16强了:D
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: pandamalone, hs, shuihaizi, YaoReturn, NKlaker, GoRockets, fightzheng, LiWan, livbai, sunwufan, usfish, hubn, lancelotg, phila, FlyingAngels, caoren, physician, pontiac, phenixsun, goubeibei, huamei91106, pandamalone, woollybugger, WindyHan, gowithball, esperlada, surely, lingyunxie, nimble, longxi, hayescola, circus, JackJones, radiometrix, crmcat, intoStrong, sckyo, atwood, milanese, flyer, Manuel, s... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 11 [JobHunting] pyhome Nov 19 ● 今天onsite,求祝福
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: inspire, missniu, blackadwhite, doublev, vsfan, sheng, mmitbbs, ldsd, Belichick, tennisboy, Pavonia, lary88, adamli629, Quaker, seraphpang, massach, Bayesian1, Bohr, PERSIST, MyGod, wqlys, mymovie, Ava2010, ZOI, relemand, donquixotic, SixthSense, Genghis, gzou, story9988
成功扣除 330 伪币的用户: pyhome |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 12 [Money] phynix Dec 31. ● happy new year
成功奖励 16 伪币的用户: yccycc, iCure, busby, zkjeffrey, zengdl, lakefrog, ttgl, denny, Genghis, Muro555, scorpic, zirconia, PERSIST, hs, abbabb, massach, diamondking, skyfree, rockme, nosema, AE, denville, ChenHil, Hilfiger, DaMaoDing, upthecloud, dmso21101, pettybaby, aeolian, lynn2007, mywish, ZOI, bbcoming, ybgx, relemand, bluesz, mean6, antony, SigmaPlot, happymorning, mymovie, dadandan, philosze, hwlv, craaazy, nuannuan039, littlestone, daxu... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 13 [Family] T76879297 Dec 27 ● 2011新年包子
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: boysa, victoh, Zzl, snowxy, LiWan, h60375, ladyred, upsidedang, itiger, GEENU, riverabc, everafter, emilymis, siebens, shinai, zoja, foxcry, didiwo, cappucino, fionana, coalpilerd, Haowan888, axyxy, Babel, Lotusfly, donthurtme, lovebaby2009, bigbigapple, happybaby111, happy6666, koox, YDXH, lifesmile, jwmm, lllyyyt, variance, ysc123456, vonda, daxue, linklisa, viviwu, shark, sillybird, cyw, changling, feelfree, daxu06, dr... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 14 [EmergingNetworking] zher Dec 31 ● 咱小板过年也发个包子吧
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: joa, chongqi, he, saiwong, kittyes, Genghis, Bohr, mast, LieHeart, Belichick, waves, tonyblair, story9988, llin, Pontiff, zher
扣除版面:(EmergingNetworking)160伪币成功 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 15 [Basketball] pandamalone Jan 1 ● 新年快乐!
成功奖励 20伪币的用户: aaayyy, Drake, CTU, K24, dreamsun, jewwel, chahu, Catskill, goubeibei, Portugal, sioc, TheAnswer, andysun, vvinter, xiaoxixiao, s3, esperlada, nimble, starfallymh, chilema, nocworker, haleluyak, grapeshot, hh, mitshui, LiWan, EOC, happyfather, zirconia, phenixsun, cnbuff410, Yolanda11, yueke, fatbeaver, arity, roodmurning, ldxk, nne3016, Spain, shuihaizi, Manuel, bmwcar, usfish, littlefool11, playonpaper, smokefly, WindyHan, ... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 16 [Military2] pandamalone Jan 11 ● s散尽家财发不限量包子祝贺我国四代隐身重型战
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: xlin, tin, pontiac, scoffield, leshan, axii, randomlove, cosame, Eghost, skycolor, laomo840, DarkHill, zysteel, ccdmj, Notsaw, BenW, y13560407813, netll, sillyfish, EZbiz, wangwangkid, zaoqi, paramecium, qianwang, zfwang, junwater, andrews, chebyshev, dadonggua, kacaca, vanddany, cnnssb, stariver, happigee, szbd, blueclassic, mammom, quicktrade, skythunder, blueli, colon, marcheast, ay, redflag11, earthquake... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 17 [WBCenter] biok Jan 29. ● tennis 版申请代发包子
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: XS2009, Lukas, alay, simon1000, lxinzheng, Jackguy, foxboro, odome, biok, fairchild, haiduc, bee, Carrpool, gosummerod, dpg, chilema, berylyytt, churchance, praetor, Subboy, diehard, tobenoir, chp, gogle, smthiid, fifaxyj, asus, KevinGarnet, tottizl, streetl, captainli, vernon, taolele, QuK, zaoqi, siriusliu, round2, clive, code11, djmj, novastar, bahou, windmill, fortys, elmtang, ZOI, wanjeep, peachgcm, wilsontour,... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 18 [Money] phynix Feb 2 ● 过年好~拜年啦~
成功奖励 18 伪币的用户: scorpic, SimoneVerdi, ketall, flycolor, zkjeffrey, N007, foxboro, sioc, brightblue, aitian, smart1118, phila, linger0223, Casillas, taolele, duckegg, iSeven, ashdown, busby, Psyduck, bbcoming, shan, kellywin, didiwo, JianlianYi, loveyu, tjphoton, Lotusfly, Gforce, chentia, RedShark, NYwsn, niubisile, does, slimdisk, lakefrog, AJ0000000000, watermoon, ankyrin, skyfog, Catskill, bluesz, stoneincrazy, lycsky, AMEXWL, Jingqg1979, lia... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 19 [LosAngeles] corazhu Feb 14 ● 情人节快乐(发包子!
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: haihai, wh, corazhu, eastfire, gardenerla, quietrain, Jane123456, poppy2011, HoneyDates, realman888, routing, BeverlyHill, vics, HifoCH, simon1000, sweetie69, Rodimus, graceWA, newtiger, sdfarmer, jkwan090, jjl231, iSeven, dearmouse, babymill, lawyer520, daxue, changling, Guyver, yaoming11, lifesmile, flyingTomato, wine999, mariah, chilema, guaichong, sunnybirdfly, stinkbug, sanbaoma, appril, dewrosy, atu2010, candy8... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 20 "【Military】
TempBM Nov 15. ● 【军版包子帖】祝贺新一届中央政治局常委今天亮相"
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: TempBM, lasagne, Diaz, saturnV, reversebell, jocy,
flychina7, conTT, jeanvaljean, zach88, sponge, laohuangniu, GIML, mmxmw,
jayyummy, franklin2, realsun, axolotl, humbledude, VitaminDSD, littleqoo,
shychild, classik, dg22, backpacking, arthir, llsunspot, caoyu, PaiMei,
mihoutaoboy, Fallapart, xzhishya, aptx4689, xinhaodan, etpacino, fcsea,
abcxyz111, whoswhom, finex, linji, Acartia, easylifee, qxdren, greenspring,
gangwei... 阅读全帖 |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 21 "【Military】
TempBM Nov 15. ● 【军版包子帖】祝贺新一届中央政治局常委今天亮相"
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: TempBM, lasagne, Diaz, saturnV, reversebell, jocy,
flychina7, conTT, jeanvaljean, zach88, sponge, laohuangniu, GIML, mmxmw,
jayyummy, franklin2, realsun, axolotl, humbledude, VitaminDSD, littleqoo,
shychild, classik, dg22, backpacking, arthir, llsunspot, caoyu, PaiMei,
mihoutaoboy, Fallapart, xzhishya, aptx4689, xinhaodan, etpacino, fcsea,
abcxyz111, whoswhom, finex, linji, Acartia, easylifee, qxdren, greenspring,
gangwei... 阅读全帖 |
f**d 发帖数: 768 | 22 这是一本计算神经科学的优秀著作,全文拷贝这里(图和公式缺),有兴趣的同学可以
From Computer to Brain
William W. Lytton
From Computer to Brain
Foundations of Computational Neuroscience
William W. Lytton, M.D.
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Downstato, Brooklyn, NY
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Visiting Associate Professor, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY
Staff Neurologist., Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
In From Computer to Brain: ... 阅读全帖 |
p*******m 发帖数: 20761 | 23 日前,Intel公开表示将为ARM阵营IC设计厂商代工生产芯片。且还公开叫板“友商”,
此外,不知道是否因为台积电和三星制造工艺注水的问题,Intel的专家Mark Bohr还发
尔特拉这类IC设计公... 阅读全帖 |
v**********m 发帖数: 5516 | 24 Sir Karl Raimund Popper, CH FRS[1] FBA (28 July 1902 – 17 September 1994)
was an Austro-British[2] philosopher and a professor at the London School of
Economics.[3] He is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science
of the 20th century;[4][5] he also wrote extensively on social and
political philosophy.
Popper is known for his attempt to repudiate the classical observationalist
/ inductivist form of scientific method in favour of empirical falsification
. He is also known for his oppo... 阅读全帖 |
O*****a 发帖数: 11621 | 25 Niels Bohr 说,There are trivial truths and profound truths. The opposite of
a trivial truth is false. The opposite of a profound truth is also true. |
e***e 发帖数: 3872 | 26 The role of measurement in quantum mechanics is so critical and so
bizarre that you may well be wondering what precisely constitutes a
measurement. Does it have to do with the interaction between a micro-
scopic (quantum) system and a macroscopic (classical) measuring
apparatus (as Bohr insisted), or is it characterized by the leaving of
a permanent "record" (as Heisenberg claimed), or does it involve the
intervention of a conscious "observer" (as Wigner proposed)?
[ David Griffiths, "Introduc |