e*******e 发帖数: 1837 | 1 please show me an eukaryotic whole-genome sequencing paper from any place
that have less than 20 authors.
Runmao |
m*****a 发帖数: 26 | 3 I do not think sequencing a genome can mean a lot.Look at the silkwork
genome sequenced by Southwest U, they did that only for a Science paper,and
nothing else. In China, this type of labor work is no need, and should never
get more funding. |
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 4 测序非常重要。只不过技术上没有以前的光环了,所以很多人就忽略了它的重要性。 |
p*****m 发帖数: 7030 | 5 我觉得测序在国内 自从杨焕明搞了1%然后被fzz追着屁股骂说欺世盗名没有技术含量以
后在一般人眼里就臭掉了 其实两方面宣传自己都是唯恐用词不够极端不够震撼 |
m*****a 发帖数: 26 | 6 I do not think sequencing many genomes is important/necessary. I agree that
some important orgainism like rice, human, virus shoule be sequenced.
As far as I know, the first-author, who wrote the Science paper on silkworm
and also a big boss, switched to tobacco project now. This means that after
sequencing, he has nothing interesting else to do. you can not believe this.
in a developing country like China, money should not be put on sequencing
more and more genomes. this just make them possible |
p*****m 发帖数: 7030 | 7 作者本人转了方向 不意味着家蚕测序就是纯粹为了paper 更不说明家蚕基因组没有
用处 想想看你想要对家蚕作任何遗传改进 不管是让蚕丝更坚固更长 还是让蚕丝五
颜六色 或者让蚕可以吃桑叶以外的食物还能吐丝 没有基因组测序工作量该大多少
至于国内有没有人在做这些事情 这个要责怪做家蚕的人没有现代生物学眼光 或者
作生物的人不知道和产业结合 怪不到测序的人头上
日本有很多lab在做silkworm的genetics 日本人也测了基因组。
and |
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 9 fzz越来越让人受不了了。这家伙靠啥养活自己呢?也不好好做点事情。 |
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 10 不过以后测序应该是越来越便宜了吧。再说了,很多生物,真的不定哪天就重要起来了,
所以序列放在那里,总还是有些用处的。至于家蚕的重要性,真是不用多说。 |
c***o 发帖数: 19 | 11 fzz is good person, at least I think. He disclosed many academic corruptions
in China; without him, those bad guys will be more "嚣张“。
I support fzz, as always. |
p*****m 发帖数: 7030 | 12 这家伙也不总是打对人 而且最可恶的是他打错了也绝对不会认错 这样搞下来被他
错打的人是很郁闷的。这一点很讨厌。别的不说 他打施一公没有全职回国 打颜宁
corruptions |
n****g 发帖数: 1063 | 13 disagree
and |
c***o 发帖数: 19 | 14 they just do sequencing, utilizing machines from USA and contributing to USA
economy. what else have they done? any follow-up work? Nothing. |
p*******r 发帖数: 4048 | 16 确实就是为了paper。 有了paper他们就可以忽悠更多钱。有了钱他们就可以买机器。
用处倒是有的。我们不必美化,也不必丑化。 |
p*******r 发帖数: 4048 | 18
你小看他们了。 他们还高价帮国内的人测序,发大了。
他们告诉国人,想发nature, science吗,找我。
这种商业模式至少在暂时是会很成功的。 |
l*****c 发帖数: 17 | 19 De novo assembly of a 40 Mb eukaryotic genome from short sequence reads:
Sordaria macrospora, a model organism for fungal morphogenesis. Minou
Nowrousian, Jason E Stajich, Meiling Chu, Ines Engh, Eric Espagne, Karen
Halliday, Jens Kamerewerd, Frank Kempken, Birgit Knab, Hsiao-Che Kuo, Heinz
D Osiewacz, Stefanie P?ggeler, Nick D Read, Stephan Seiler, Kristina M Smith
, Denise Zickler, Ulrich
De novo assembly of human genomes with massively parallel short read
sequencing. Ruiqiang Li, Hongme |
a***e 发帖数: 1010 | 20 看看国内结构试验室,可能更狠。
等 BGI 的 128 台机器到位后,另一类做 bioinfo 的高级民工也会出来的。 |
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 21 http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100922/full/467380a.html
China pushes for the proteome
Strategy to build a complete catalogue of human proteins could put the c
ountry in a leading position.
David Cyranoski
Proteomics could turn up biomarkers to help diagnose disease faster than
current tests.Xinhua/LANDOV/PA
First the genome; now the proteome. China has already established a lead
ing position in DNA sequencing through the work of the BGI in Shenzhen (
formerly the Beijing Genomics Institute), wh |
a***e 发帖数: 1010 | 22 BGI 有 3500 人, 1500 人做 bioinfo. 每年工资上亿。
生物学的未来在中国, 弟兄们, 给我上。 :) |
T****i 发帖数: 15191 | 23 wsn包括千老 :D
No offense, 本人也是。不是说他们做的简单,只是觉得华大更象工厂,能产生很多
data, 不象能产生原创性成果的样子。
听 |
l******n 发帖数: 520 | 25 BGI的价格有绝对优势,他们按数据量收费,好像20G的数据5-8万RMB
而且测序后的生物信息分析支持比美国的傻逼公司要好很多 |
l******n 发帖数: 520 | 26 好像可以直接寄样品给大陆的BGI吧
测序结果直接登录服务器 |
s*********e 发帖数: 399 | 27 补充一下,因为细菌的genome比较小,所以一般的NGS,一个round就可以很多次.
这样,bgi不推荐reseq, 更推荐直接de novo. 这样的费用和reseq差不多. |
j****x 发帖数: 1704 | 28 恩,我还是认同你这里所说的,但是很明显在上一个帖子中你一开始就把别人对BGI的
信你们不会做国内国外客户区别对待的事情。 |
h***0 发帖数: 248 | 29 have a look at the maize resequencing paper from BGI
they have done some analysis on the distribution of SNPs on coding and non-
coding regions |
j****x 发帖数: 1704 | 30 如果本身是合作性质,那么共同署名天经地义,如果只是作为单纯的service provider
我反正是没听说过哪家commercial service provider正经收费的最后还主动要求
coauthorship,这个比较败RP了。 |
r*****m 发帖数: 231 | 32 找他们做了个whole exome, 结果拿回来coverage 60%,对比实验室其他人老老实实在
我老板嘴上虽没说什么,心里一定巨不爽! |
M*****n 发帖数: 16729 | 33 you should ask money back. |
s*********e 发帖数: 399 | 34 甭管大项目小项目,从美国这边走的项目,如果任何人有任何问题,pm我。
谢谢大家 |
b****r 发帖数: 17995 | 36 cft
我也知道有一人去我们学校core lab做NGS,结果也就是60%的样子。不过据说现在买了
水平可能有所提高 |
s*********e 发帖数: 399 | 37 客户支持。有什么问题直接找我们沟通就好。
另外我们不取样 :)
样品直接送香港。 6月左右可以在美国建立一个lab,然后美国直接测序了。 |
m*********r 发帖数: 2456 | 40 It is based on how depth of analysis you want.
sequencing? |
m*********r 发帖数: 2456 | 42 average?Do you want to find SNPs?
I think this depth is not enough . |
w******y 发帖数: 8040 | 43 more than enough unless you want to find rare mutations |
m*********r 发帖数: 2456 | 44 read more CNS paper, you will find it~!
The point is you should believe it is true~! |
m*********r 发帖数: 2456 | 45 It's not true about the 98-99% coverage, you should take the sequencing
depth into account as threshold. |
m*********r 发帖数: 2456 | 47 God, please read the paper more carefully, this paper using the target exome
sequencing, it is different
whole-genome exome capture sequencing~~ |
l*****a 发帖数: 1431 | 48 we have genetic disorder families. some AR, some AD. most of them have
linkage information. So I think 40x is enough.how many do you recommend? |
m*********r 发帖数: 2456 | 49 where are you? I think if you used Agilent kits for exome capture, per lane
for per person is enough, the raw
data would cover over 40X |
l*****a 发帖数: 1431 | 50 This is exactly what we plan to do. Agilent 50M kit, BTW. how much do you
charge with or without bioinformatics support?
lane |