a***e 发帖数: 1010 | 1 your sample --> company --> FQ or FA file
--> blat or bowtie or Tophat to align --> (.sam, .bam file)
--> Samtools or GATK to call variants --> .vcf file (excel file)
--> igvtools or genome browser to visualize
or it is said u can use CLC to replace the last three steps. |
v***r 发帖数: 1046 | 2 就是说公司给的是aligned好的bam文件,接下来不就是用samtools, GATK做snp
calling吗?为什么不是很容易搞定呢?难点在哪? |
k****z 发帖数: 1863 | 3 you have bam files ?
then use IGV |
w****w 发帖数: 521 | 4 仪器自带的软件可以输出fastq,连bam都可以帮你产生。 |
C*********s 发帖数: 31 | 5 才知道cell line原来这么翻译的。。。
cbioportal很不错 TCGA的分析结果基本都在了 来源应该是Broad 只是不支持大规模的
数据下载 可以自己写写script去query 用不着cs master
TCGA的原始数据 如果是bam file 是需要账号的 我记得只有美国的pi才行 也用不着cs
从cghub下载 https://cghub.ucsc.edu/docs/user/download.html |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 6 我说了, NGS的BAM和FASTQ都在CGHub; 所有其他能infer sequence的东西,比如
genotype, vcf,要password;其他的一切东西,包括蛋白分析,methylation, cnv,
maf(tumor - normal), gene表达, 等绝大多数,都在open access, 基本上都能
你的450k,估计你不会自己去分析raw data吧,分析过的beta value啥都很小的。
用assembler搞450k尤其方便,因为它可以帮你搞gene level的平均,然后把gene
名字搞成hugo. TCGA的gene model是GAF2,那个是用起来相当的头痛,和其他地方
matrix |
s*****5 发帖数: 52 | 7 同问。请问各位行家,umanpped.bam文件能直接用trinity做分析吗?trinity是不是必
须linux环境运行?谢谢。 |
x*****d 发帖数: 704 | 8
你得先用bam2fastq之类的软件把bam转成fastq,然后才能导入trinity。 |
r**********e 发帖数: 587 | 9 说下我的comments吧
DELLY其实是比较新的软件,综合了paired-end discordant和split-read两种signal来
make calls,自然是不错的,而且也是1000genome使用的软件之一,而且最后结果提供
vcf format
同小异,很多都是为了发文章而发文章的trash paper。上面说的三个软件,虽然都是
structural variation,因为big SV的computational cost太高
还有一个超级好的... 阅读全帖 |
m******c 发帖数: 830 | 10 Sounds interesting. Do you offer bam file, other than GATK best practice? |
b********w 发帖数: 334 | 11 Beta 期间,你要求bam文件,我们会提供的。版上已经至少有三位得到原始数据了。 |
b********w 发帖数: 334 | 12 直接面向个人
Tech Details:
- FDA approved Saliva collection kit.
- Agilent SureSelect V5 50MB chip
- 75x on target coverage (after mapping, filtering, and duplicate removal,
130-140x raw throughput)
- 99% Coverage > 1x
- 90% Coverage > 20x
- CLIA certified Illumina sequencing.
- Ownership of your genome
- VCF file (Beta 期间你要原始数据 BAM,我们也可以提供。)
- CLINVAR, CGD summary about your variants
- Traits
- Beta 期间你要原始数据,我们也可以提供。
Public exposure
https://www.genomeweb.com/molecular-diagnost... 阅读全帖 |
m******c 发帖数: 830 | 13 Sounds interesting. Do you offer bam file, other than GATK best practice? |
b********w 发帖数: 334 | 14 Beta 期间,你要求bam文件,我们会提供的。版上已经至少有三位得到原始数据了。 |
t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 15 BAM文件应该对beta用户继续提供吧。
刚刚请求了数据, 信发到support了。请楼主能不能回答我的邮件? |
b********w 发帖数: 334 | 16 Bam会继续给beta user提供。
还是其他账户? |
b********w 发帖数: 334 | 17 try Genos 吧
我们给原始数据,现在beta中,bam, fastq你要也会给。 |
b********w 发帖数: 334 | 18 对一般消费者
1. 我们会提供一个界面去浏览你的variant信息,我们会报告你的exome里面和CLINVAR
数据库匹配的结果,一般大致有1000-1500 个位点, 按照pathogenic, likely
pathogenic, VUS, likely benign, 和benign分类。忠实反映CLINVAR的结果没有多余
2. Genos给VCF文件,VCF包括所有位点的信息,不仅仅是界面展示的位点。你自己下载
partner. (目前有在谈,10刀左右吧)
3. 不排除以后我们给报告。
如果你是bioinformatician, 我强烈推荐Genos
现在是beta, Genos可以提供更原始的数据 比如,bam文件。分析自己的数据比分析别
可以私信一下email, 我给你发内测VIP invitation. |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 19 这个东西的主要问题是储存,分析不难,现有的分析流程有很大的优化,或者
要么有其它的高压缩格式,不必要capture所有的BAM信息;要么直接保存variant。 |
c******o 发帖数: 1184 | 20 连bam都要省掉?
variant calling 选项那么多,光package就好几个,而且还要根据平台和coverage微
调,这样没法重复阿,过几年你人一走或者package一更新,后面的人就傻眼了 |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 21 偶像啊。
Heng Li的影响还是远远超过一个BWA的,虽然这个就已经很夸张了。要知道GRCh38
很多序列也不过是Heng Li在N年前做的37的decoy序列。要知道SAM/BAM以及VCF这
种二代分析的标准格式都是那个小团队的(最近刚送给GA4GH). 可以这么说,他基本
PI? |
发帖数: 1 | 22 GoooG:sam,bam和samtools是一起做的。没有先后。一直都是公开的。
cellcreator:可以试试stampy,毕竟它是少数考虑了高突变率的short-read mapper。
dimorphism:我很欣赏跟生物密切结合的应用,所以Erez Lieberman更牛。
profile:谢谢你的鼓励和你前面的祝福,谢谢! |
f********r 发帖数: 30 | 23 cram 只能压缩SAM/BAM吧?他们这回的目标是fastq。做压缩MPEG那边是在行的。缺的
应该是第一线分析数据的人。不过现在有UK Sanger的人在一起做。 |
发帖数: 1 | 24 做一回雷锋
如果你想从raw fastq data到结果,大概两个步骤:
1. raw fastq--bwa--mutation/gene expression
主要是read mapping,把GB level的原始数据BWA mapping得到bam file,然后如果你
1a. 对于你来说,这个步骤里你主要需要学会linux environment,bash,学会用HPCC
来submit job,学会tune BWA/GATK的参数,是很容易的。
1b. 同时你要学会面对big data,都是比如300 million行的数据,处理一个全基因组
1c. 什么BWA/GATK这种复杂算法高级原理C/JAVA的你不需要care
2. gene expression---统计分析/美丽的图图
这个主要是RNA-seq,你tophat之类的得到一堆基... 阅读全帖 |
l*******e 发帖数: 1485 | 25 学物理的做什么的都有,关键是要看具体经历。
【 bams (初来匝道,请多关照~~),
我认识不少几个以前学物理的,现在做circuit design。还有,如果数学比较好的话,
可以考虑signal processing。 |
g*******a 发帖数: 1383 | 26 i'll search around
i was wondering if a scanner can do this, why not w/ some kind of
special camera, taking a pic of some surface and bam! you got the
point-cloud on the computer |
w*********l 发帖数: 5144 | 27 多去参加local会议, 有bams, CACO和别的. |
s**a 发帖数: 8648 | 28 政治局是核心,但是核心里面还有胡核心呀。就那么几个人,就都变成informal的东西
了,都是informal negotiation,threat,guesswork了吧。这件事情,美国的大报都
下面是victor shih blog上面的评论,
So, here I was, going about my boring life, and BAM, we find out that
Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Liangyu has been dismissed. This time, there
would be no face-saving "illness" or "promotion" to the CPPCC. Like Chen
Xitong before him, the Hu-Wen leadership is using Chen as a way to send a
credible signal to all of the local officials about who is in charge. Chen
will |
a****1 发帖数: 160 | 29 BAM is very good, but the pay for risk people is not as good as investment
people. |
a****1 发帖数: 160 | 30 BAM is very good, but the pay for risk people is not as good as investment
people. |
r**********d 发帖数: 510 | 31 Is bam still hiring?
fund |
m*********k 发帖数: 10521 | 32 [Donation] tin Nov 6 ● 热烈庆祝OCEF和OSCCF夺得总冠军和季军
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: a9254678, absmit, acetone316, Achu, ADME, ADOMET, ADSP, advisor, Against, AirJordan, akju, aladdin, alicelast, alive, allein, allthesame, amethystor, AmFarmer, amy2009, andreth, angelflaree, aniee, anonymaus, aoyiwumi, apple51, applebigbig, AprilFlower, aprilmom, aragorn, Ardone, ariescb, armslave, arnao, asdl, astro, asus, Auction, AUV, avon810808, Awen, ayoung17, badcompany, bam |
z*******n 发帖数: 1034 | 34 Did you know that Android has a built-in mechanism for locating or locking
your lost phone? Google hasn’t done the best job marketing it, but it’s
actually been baked right in since the release of Android 4.4*.
(It works with older Android phones, too — you just have to install the
free app yourself)
Today that feature gets even better, thanks to the addition of a trick that
seems so obviously great in hindsight: your lost phone can be set to call
you — and only you — as soon as someone finds it... 阅读全帖 |
R*******e 发帖数: 25533 | 35 Mark Knopfler - Boom, Like That
I'm going to San bernardino ring-a-ding-ding
Milkshake mixers that's my thing, now
These guys bought a heap of my stuff
And I gotta see a good thing sure enough, now
Or my name's not kroc that's kroc with a 'k'
Like 'crocodile' but not spelled that way, yeah
It's dog eat dog rat eat rat
Kroc-style boom, like that
The folks line up all down the street
And I'm seeing this girl devour her meat, now
And then I get it, wham as... 阅读全帖 |
l****r 发帖数: 21884 | 36 管子上面的, 只说官方mv.
论点击率小有其中的一个版本有5万多, 小孤单1万2, 小冬天接近8千, 考虑到时间因素
, 小冬天未来超过小孤单应该是肯定的.
三个对比, 发现我最满意的是小孤单的mv, 胜在与歌曲融合的好,男主在里面非常帅而且
玩得很开心的样子. 小有里面陈里很帅可是mv拍得实在不知所云, 小冬天倒是有内容可
是陈里那个时候他可以说是身心交瘁, mv里面掩饰不住的憔悴也是情有可原了.
小孤单的mv评论中还有一个孤单粉, 呵呵.
"I can't believe I like his song this much.
I never got how he was such a big deal, wasn't imrpessed with You mei you
gao shu ni and then, bam! Now I'm freaking in love with this song."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LCoASVrjF4 |
z**l 发帖数: 1192 | 37 哦... 偶没秤. 估计 7lb 左右.
一个30ft抛钓(over a kelp bed), 线刚收紧, BAM! 80lb braid 都有些失控, 感到鱼
在水下巨大的摇动. 偶接连紧线, 竿高举, 弯90度... PENG, PENG, PENG...PENG,
最后鱼卡在15ft远的Kelp里,是还看不到头, Cabezon? Lingcod? 感紧呼唤队友划过去.
没有抄网, 仗着竿硬线粗, 拖出Kelp入船, Big Fat Grass.
秘密武器等包子, 嘿嘿嘿. |
V**C 发帖数: 239 | 38 来自主题: _Auto_Fans版 - 疯了。。。 no no, u should leave it to him...
he needs to show up in his convertable wearing the jacket pimping like a
rock star...bam, girls dig tat..lol... |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 39 Via facebook deals Chipotle will be giving BOGO burritos on11/13-14 and 11/
20-21. All you need to do is use facebook mobile and use places to find
deals. Show employee your phone and bam BOGO! They have a few other deals
available immediately but none as good as this
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 40 Saw the Zipcar folks at the mall showing off the new Prius Plug-In Hybrid.
They were handing out flyers--I'm not sure what the code is for new signups,
but for existing members:
Go to Link:
and enter code TRYAPRIUSPHV. Bam $14 free.
I'm not sure what markets this will work in. The flyer doesn't list
anything specific.
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 42 Target (in store only) has Brightboxe DLP Projector on clearance for $89.99,
it was originally $179.99.
You can search in the inventory checker near your zip or city.
I've originally purchased one at target last year and thinking that a
projector for $180? must be junk. Because I've heard others purchased the
discovery projector for $99.99 at FYE or even lower at other stores.
Needlessly to say, I got it out of curiosity because I've never heard of
this brand before. When I turned it on at home ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 43 Strawberry is backordered but other are available
add myofusion 5lbs protein to your cart
add code
and bam
cheap VERY good tasting, better than ON, Dymatize or others
for around $103 + tax
you can ever do mr rebate too if you want for 10% off, i did an order
similar to think 2 days ago and received my 10lbs but ordered 20lbs today
including 1 Combat Powder Triple Berry
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 44 I just got this in the email, I was skeptical but when I actually clicked it
and opened it
and bam! surprise a $3 off any purchase coupon, the code seems generic and
its valid in store only
I've attached a PDF of it as well.
I noticed you can change location so to the weekly ad located near you, so
it looks its for that store only ( depending on where you go )
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 45 Link:
Microcenter B&M has a refurbished Xbox 360 120GB HD for only $9.99!
This is perfect for tearing apart and putting into a Xbox 360 4GB slim model.
Why pay $100 for a new 250GB when you can have a 120GB for $10?
I recently bought the 4GB Xbox 360 slim only to find out that it will NOT
play the old Xbox games (even the ones that are compatible) without an HD.
Well, I didn't want to pay $100 for a HD just play some old Xbox games... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 46 Office Depot currently has the Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012 1
User for FAR
++ Advertised as "FREE After $3 Instant, $30 Mfr. Mail-In & $20 Mfr.
Current User
Price match it to Sears
They have it for 14.11 , My rep on chat somehow said was for $11. something
so he issued me a $40 credit.
BAM $4... 阅读全帖 |
N***i 发帖数: 2063 | 47 Best-Rated Financial Stocks Updated June 23, 2010
Ranking | Company (Ticker) | Average Rating Value | Average Rating
1 IRSA Inversiones Representaciones (ADR) (NYSE:IRS) 1.00 Strong Buy
2 Primus Guaranty, Ltd. (NYSE:PRS) 1.00 Strong Buy
3 China Life Insurance Company Ltd. (ADR) (NYSE:LFC) 1.00 Strong Buy
4 National Bank of Greece (ADR) (NYSE:NBG) 1.00 Strong Buy
5 HDFC Bank Limited (ADR) (NYSE:HDB) 1.00 ... 阅读全帖 |
w***y 发帖数: 2537 | 48 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: ll111 (Stealth), 信区: Stock
标 题: Events and ER for week August 2-6
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 1 22:47:17 2010, 美东)
Monday, Aug. 2
10 a.m.: ISM Manufacturing index on business activity in July, released by
the Institute for Supply Management.
10:15 a.m. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke speaking on "challenges for
the economy and state governments."
4 p.m. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner speaking on the next steps for
financial reform.
Tuesday, Aug. 3
8:30 a.m.: P... 阅读全帖 |