

全部话题 - 话题: bacoma
发帖数: 918
来自主题: TeX版 - 谁用过lyx1.5了?
I would not use Bacoma because of my working style (90% linux, 10% windows),
and because of my strong preference towards open source applications.
Anyway, you have triggered enough of my curiosity so I just gave Bacoma a
20min testdrive.
1. Downloading and installing was fine. It did not offer to use my existing
miktex though. (Made me wonder how to update packages...)
2. Open bacoma, propser.tex, I tried to change BaKoMa to 'BaKoMMa', but it
added the 'M' before \maketitle, and gave me a Latex
发帖数: 918
来自主题: TeX版 - 谁用过lyx1.5了?
\input fails because that document does not have \begin{document} so Bacoma
does not recognize it as a valid latex document. For the reference problems,
I was thinking something like that, but I did not try hard enough.
Anyway, Bacoma's instant-DVI approach makes it especially suitable for
presentations, maybe lyx can borrow some ideas from it.
发帖数: 547
来自主题: TeX版 - 谁用过lyx1.5了?
I think lyx now has update, but not automatically, can't see the current
position. but it's ok, since lyx is already graphically display text.
Haven't tried latest version yet, but modifying generated latex code and
reflect back simultenuously would be very attractive, as bakoma did.
