

全部话题 - 话题: apologised
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发帖数: 4889
London riots: BBC apologises for accusing Darcus Howe
The BBC today apologised for a live interview on its news channel in which
the veteran campaigner Darcus Howe was accused of taking part in riots.
4:40PM BST 10 Aug 2011
The writer and presenter was a guest during a discussion about the unrest on
the streets of London when he was challenged by presenter Fiona Armstrong.
The corporation apologised for any offence caused following complaints from
During the interview yesterday, studio-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
Fat. Pig. Dog. Slob. Disgusting animal.
These are just some of the names that Donald Trump has called women over the
years. Yes, a man who's hoping to become President of the United Statesand
presumably persuade a few women to vote for him, too.
The billionaire has been widely called out for his objectification of women
- he has a tendency to criticise them for their looks - and sexist rem... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Facebook sorry for Tiananmen picture frame rejection
5 hours ago
From the section China
Image caption
Hong Kong activist Fung Ka Keung's profile picture frame was later approved
Facebook has apologised for "incorrectly" rejecting a Hong Kong activist's
profile picture frame referencing the Tiananmen massacre.
Fung Ka Keung had designed a layer of text, known as a frame, for his
profile picture to commemorate the inciden... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 876
来自主题: Military版 - 哈登代替莫雷道歉
We love China’: NBA star James Harden apologises for manager’s tweet
supporting Hong Kong protests
“We apologise. We love China,” he said, standing alongside fellow Rockets
guard Russell Westbrook.
“We love playing there. Both of us, we go there once or twice a year. They
show us most support so we appreciate them.”
发帖数: 2153
Croatian football chief says sorry for anti-gay comments
The president of the Croatian Football Federation, Vlatko Markovic, has
apologised for offending gay people after he said that there was no place
for homosexuality on the country’s national team.
According to AFP, he wrote in a statement on the federation’s website: “I
apologise to all those who were hurt by parts of my interview.”
Gay groups were infuriated by Mr Markovic’s original comments and said they
would sue him for discrimination.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Facebook为删掉佩林的帖子道歉
Palin Censored: Facebook Says Sorry To Sarah
8:16pm UK, Friday July 23, 2010
Johanna Kippo, Sky News Online
Social networking site Facebook has apologised to former US politician Sarah
Palin for deleting one of her posts about a mosque at G
发帖数: 810
In 2008, D party's propaganda machine - CNN apologises to Chinese over
host's 'goons and thugs' outburst
发帖数: 343
真正的好文啊! 把苏亚雷斯咬人事件当笑话看看太可惜了。 对他行为深层次的分析发
The Psychology of Luis Suárez's Flawed Genius
24 Apr 2013 By Paul Waring
Luis Suárez is once again in the news for the wrong reasons. The latest
incident involving Suárez allegedly biting Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic was
captured by TV cameras at Anfield and has led to a media furore. There have
been calls for the severest possible action by both Liverpool and the FA.
This article considers how Suárez's genius is often accompanied by... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19309
Ubisoft DRM was "attacked" at weekend News
PC News by Tom Bramwell
Today 13:25
Ubisoft has blamed problems with its controversial digital rights management
solution for PC games on outside attacks.
The publisher told Eurogamer that very few players were unable to access PC
versions of Assassin's Creed II and Silent Hunter 5 yesterday due to the
outage, but apologised to those who did experience problems.
"Ubisoft would like to apologise to anyone who could not play ACII or SH5
yesterday," the co
发帖数: 2555
来自主题: Joke版 - 川普动口,老布什动手
Former US President George Bush Senior has apologised for any distress
caused after an actress accused him of sexual assault.
Heather Lind said the 93-year-old former president had "touched me from
behind from his wheelchair" and told a "dirty joke" while posing for a photo.
Ms Lind made the allegation on social network Instagram, in a post which has
since been deleted.
A spokesman for Mr Bush said the incident was an attempt at humour.
"President Bush would never - under any circumstance - inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25615
Pope Francis: ‘One in 50’ Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals is a
paedophile Francis I pledges to drive out the 'leprosy' of child abuse from
the Church Adam Withnall @adamwithnall Sunday 13 July 20140 comments

Pope Francis says his advisors have told him two per cent of the clergy are
paedophiles Pope Francis has revealed that “reliable data” collected by
the Vatican suggests that one in every 50 members of the Cat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5008
来自主题: _Inter版 - 修身养性,十分必要啊。
Chivu: "I apologise to Rossi and to everybody"
BARI - "It's hard to explain: I'm here because I want to say sorry to
Marco Rossi, with what little dignity I have left. I want to apologise to
everyone, to the people who watched the game and especially to my two
daughters, who will see it one day." Cristian Chivu was speaking to
Italian channel Sky Sport 24 after the Bari game, in which he
intentionally struck his opponent.
发帖数: 1233
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ZZGR (闲逛), 信区: Military
标 题: 【BBC】欧盟特使为巴林警方辩护:开枪只是accidents happen
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 24 09:13:59 2011, 美东)
EU envoy defends Bahrain police amid unrest
A top EU diplomat says the police in Bahrain have had a "difficult task"
dealing with opposition protesters and in such situations "accidents happen".
Robert Cooper, special adviser to EU foreign policy chief Baroness Ashton,
was briefing Euro MPs about his fact-finding visit to Bahrain last weekend.
Bahrain's ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Executive officer of the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering, Win
Clark, said the problem started with the first clause of the New Zealand
Building Code, which worked on the basis that modern one-storey houses
needed to be built on good ground. But there was nothing about liquefaction
in the code, Clark said. He described those omissions as "oversights".
Christchurch earthquake: Homes failed by 'standards oversight'
New Zealand Herald By Lydia Jarman
5:30 AM Sunday Feb 27, 2011
The Sou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1233
EU envoy defends Bahrain police amid unrest
A top EU diplomat says the police in Bahrain have had a "difficult task"
dealing with opposition protesters and in such situations "accidents happen".
Robert Cooper, special adviser to EU foreign policy chief Baroness Ashton,
was briefing Euro MPs about his fact-finding visit to Bahrain last weekend.
Bahrain's Sunni Muslim king called in Saudi and Emirati forces last week to
help quell Shia-led demonstrations.
The harsh crackdown has claimed several li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
来自主题: Military版 - 王教授的言论自由不受权力压制
Top surgeon forced to resign after comment that semen makes women happier
By Rachel Quigley
Last updated at 4:51 PM on 18th April 2011
Comments (30)
Add to My Stories
Controversy: Dr Lazar Greenfield was forced to resign after his article
about semen
Controversy: Dr Lazar Greenfield was forced to resign after his article
about semen
A top surgeon has been forced to quit over comments he made regarding semen
and its effect on women's health, commenting on research that it made t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 886
David Lewis collapsed near one of the pharmacy chain’s stores and its
employees declined to give him a £1.35 bottle of Lucozade.
Mr Lewis’s wife, Carol Anne, rushed to the shop after her husband had a
hypoglycemic seizure but she did not have enough money to buy the drink.
Staff called an ambulance for Mr Lewis, 63, and his wife went to a cafe,
where she was given money for the Lucozade.
Mr Lewis’s blood-sugar level returned to normal 30 minutes after drinking
‘I’m disgusted after the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5601
BBC: 法国就未允许玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯专机过境表示道歉
3 July 2013 Last updated at 18:02 ET
France has apologised to Bolivia for refusing to allow President Evo Morales
' jet into its airspace, blaming "conflicting information".
Bolivia accused France, Italy, Spain and Portugal of blocking the plane.
It is said some people wrongly believed Edward Snowden was on board.
Speaking in Berlin, French President Francois Hollande said he granted
permission as soon as he kne... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17243
来自主题: Military版 - 法国向玻利维亚道歉了
France has apologised to Bolivia for refusing to allow President Evo Morales
' jet into its airspace, blaming "conflicting information".
Bolivia accused France, Italy, Spain and Portugal of blocking the plane.
It said some wrongly believed US fugitive Edward Snowden was on board.
Speaking in Berlin, French President Francois Hollande said he granted
permission as soon as he knew it was Mr Morales' plane.
President Morales ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5601
3 July 2013 Last updated at 18:02 ET
France has apologised to Bolivia for refusing to allow President Evo Morales
' jet into its airspace, blaming "conflicting information".
Bolivia accused France, Italy, Spain and Portugal of blocking the plane.
It is said some people wrongly believed Edward Snowden was on board.
Speaking in Berlin, French President Francois Hollande said he granted
permission as soon as he knew it was Mr Morales' plane.
Pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?
What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is
finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates
Japanese man and woman lean away from each other
Arm’s length: 45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 are ‘not interested in or
despise sexual contact’. More than a quarter of men feel the same way.
Photograph: Eric Rechsteiner
Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works out of her narrow
three-storey home on a Tokyo back st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
来自主题: Military版 - 英国小报报道了Jimmy Kimmel
ABC apologises after child on Jimmy Kimmel Live skit jokes about reducing US
debt by 'killing everyone in China'
PUBLISHED: 15:56 EST, 28 October 2013 | UPDATED: 15:57 EST, 28 October 2013
发帖数: 780
英国每日邮报Daily Post的报道(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2478571/ABC-apologises-child-Jimmy-Kimmel-Live-skit-jokes-reducing-US-debt-killing-China.html)中,
有一句图片注释 Petition: This petition was put together by pan-Asian-
American political organisation 80-20, demanding an apology from ABC
这个签名到底是谁发起的? 是80-20搞的吗? 他们怎么put together的?
with due respect, 我觉得是大家到处转才搞起来的。
发帖数: 59
来自主题: Military版 - Enough is enough
Are Chinese Americans overreacting by comparing Jimmy Kimmel to Hitler?
More than three weeks after the fact, America’s Chinese community is still
up in arms over Jimmy Kimmel’s perceived anti-Chinese skit.
Thousands of protesters in 27 different US cities took to the streets last
week demanding for more apologies by both Kimmel and television network ABC.
People are claiming that the Jimmy Kimmel Live skit, wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
Schizophrenic fake signer who stood next to President Obama at Mandela
memorial 'was once charged with MURDER and was sentenced to three years for
Thmsanqa Jantjie, 34, faced charges for murder in 2003 and rape in 1994
Interpreter at memorial said he may have suffered episode on stage
Jantjie said he started hearing voices in his head during event
Also claimed that he saw 'angels' during the event on Tuesday
He has apologised and said he did not know what triggered attack
It has been clai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 纽约时报公开威胁习近平了
SL Kuala Lumpur
"I guess the Chinese can learn from the Americans and send over 100 000
reporters over to the US and encourage the minorities/ dispossessed and poor
to revolt, encourage insurrection, forment dissent and provide financial
and even military support to these groups covertly.
But luckily for the US, the Chinese do not interfere in American domestic
policy and respect their sovereignty.
Imagine if Chinese war ships sailed in international waters a 100 km from
the US coast, disrespect... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Liz Hurley and Bill Clinton 'affair' was all made up, admits Tom Sizemore
Bill Clinton's alleged love affair with Liz Hurley sounded too good to be
true - and it was, says Tom Sizemore as he admits making up the story
Tom Sizemore has admitted that his claims of an affair between Liz Hurley
and Bill Clinton were nothing more than fantasy.
Those hoping the former US President really did send a private jet to whisk
Miss Hurley to the White House – and was wont to utter such lines as: “You
dumb mot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 816
来自主题: Military版 - 新加坡阿三欺负华人教师
Chinese 和Indian 真是不对路啊。连新加坡也这样。
Student scolds teacher and demands teacher to apologise! http://youtu.be/29K5seMlY1o
发帖数: 3530
Robert Fisk: Sinister efforts to minimise Japanese war crimes and portray
the empire as a victim must be exposed
The man known as Abe’s ‘brain’ says Japan has become ‘a hopelessly
pacifist nation’
I had to go to California to learn that Michiko Shiota Gingery, who lives in
the Central Park area of Glendale City, suffers “feelings of exclusion,
discomfort and anger” because her local authority unveiled a memorial to
the innocent Asia... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 330
看看下面连接,能看懂英文不? 尼玛你看到谁的海湾战争的书了? 是米油版的还是正
"The book makes the situation painfully clear: Washington sent many messages
to the Iraqi leader, all of them with the same theme. 'We won't interfere.
We apologise for anything the nasty journalists have written about you, we
prefer you to those fanatic Iranians.' This is the 'how' of American
diplomacy. The reasons are now clearer.."
http://rense.com/general69/4... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7039
Malaysian Plane Crash: Lies and Sinister Political Agenda by the West
by: Alexander Clackson
Almost immediately after the news began to spread that a Malaysian Airlines
plane was apparently shot down over Ukraine, Western media and politicians
blamed Russia for the event, claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin
should be directly responsible, despite complete lack of concrete evidence
about who is to blame. This event is being used by the United States and its
Wes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1165
明明OSI 是他妈的美国全资公司,狗操的Bloomberg 非说是中国supplier, 后面还一
若一特也不是东西,本来是美国scandal,楞给说成是 中国scandal
发帖数: 3513
“On 26 June 2014, the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, reported
on the findings of the investigations led by Kate Lampard. He said that
Savile had sexually assaulted victims aged between five and 75 in NHS
hospitals, and apologised to the victims.”
发帖数: 30882
字号:小中大2014-08-26 11:37:36
关键字 >> 澳大利亚帕尔默辱华矿业大亨道歉正式道歉驻澳大使
造成的伤害表示最诚挚的道歉。(I most sincerely apologise for any insult to
the Chinese people caused by any of the language I used.)”
及各界人士一致予以谴责,强调帕尔默的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8463
‘This is not a university anymore but a business, with a very few, up in
the hierarchy, profiteering, and the rest of us milked for money.’
发信人: foxn4 (狐狸和舫), 信区: Biology
标 题: 经费不达标,迫于领导压力英国帝国理工肿瘤学教授自杀
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 5 18:06:42 2014, 美东)
Professor found dead after cash row: Cancer scientist said to have told
fellow academics that chiefs treated hi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Israel minister's wife sorry for 'Obama Coffee' gag
Jerusalem (AFP) - The flamboyant wife of Israeli Interior Minister Silvan
Shalom published an "inappropriate joke" Sunday about US President Barack
Obama on her Twitter account, only to later delete it and apologise.
"Do u know what Obama Coffee is? Black and weak," Judy Shalom Nir-Mozes
wrote to her 74,400 followers.
Online shock, condemnation and accusations of racism later led h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Seventy years after the end of World War Two, the voices of revisionism in
Japan are growing stronger and moving into the mainstream, particularly on
the issue of comfort women, who were women forced to be sex slaves for
Japanese soldiers during the war.
One of the most eloquent voices of revisionism is Toshio Tamogami.
Mr Tamogami is well-educated, knowledgeable and, when I meet him,
exquisitely polite. The former chief of staff of Japan's air force b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5516
After theKokang incidentin August 2009 which gained international
media interest, some experts questioned its impact on Burma–China relations
, which were considered to be strong.[13]Bertil Lintnerstated that
Burma was prioritizing internal conflicts over its ties with China,[14]
however some Chinese analysts, such as Shi Yinhong, played down the
relationship between Burma and China, saying "They're not great friends.
They don't listen to wha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7349
来自主题: Military版 - 林丹承认出轨了
"As a man, I will not defend myself," he wrote. "But my behaviour has hurt
my family. I apologise to my family here. Sorry."
发帖数: 4796
Judges have ordered Russia international football players Alexander Kokorin
and Pavel Mamayev be detained in custody prior to being tried on accusations
of carrying out violent attacks in central Moscow.
The pair will be in pre-trial detention until Dec. 8 on the orders of two
judges in a Moscow court on Thursday (Oct. 11). Russian police said on
Wednesday they had opened a criminal investigation and detained the players.
The attacks, allegedly perpetrated by Zenit St. Petersburg forward Kokorin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 俞敏洪事迹上BBC了
China tycoon Yu Minhong caught up in sexism row
The education billionaire Yu Minhong has courted controversy with comments
he made about Chinese women on Sunday.
The founder of the New Oriental Group claimed during an education forum that
Chinese women were partly responsible for declining moral standards in the
"Chinese women pick men based on their ability to make money and they
don't care if they are good people," Mr Yu told the conference. "
;Chinese women's depravity has... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
"Well done mate. I had her youth and beauty, you will have her menopause and
her old age (have you seen how Chinese women age!)."
英国威尔斯班戈大学(Bangor University)校长休斯(John Hughes)原本在明年夏季退
65岁的休斯出任班戈大学校长8年,大学一些教职员据报收到休斯发给前妻Xinyu Wu及
较你年轻10年”的句子。英国广播公司(BCC)报道,Xinyu Wu在2016年收到这些电邮
,然后转发给班戈大学,并且要求大学当局采取行动,制止休斯... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17328
来自主题: Military版 - 这回轮三星哭了
The moment 5G fails live on air - BBC News
The BBC's Clive Myrie was attempting to talk to a reporter about the launch
of 5G whilst using the technology to broadcast live from central London, but
the network cut out. The presenter apologised to viewers saying, 'I'll have
to interrupt you because bizarrely the 5G line isn't working properly'.
发帖数: 1220
来自主题: Military版 - 这回轮三星哭了
At lunch time, BBC tried 5G live broadcasting again in the same location.
Ten seconds after BBC News anchor Clive Myrie turned to journalist Sarah
Walton at the scene, the image became blurry. At 13 seconds, the image was
lost for about 1.5 seconds, then became unstable. At 42 seconds, the image
was totally lost.
After another 13 seconds, BBC stopped the live broadcasting even though
Walton was still talking about 5G. “Bizarrely, the 5G line isn’t wor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 为堵机场道歉了。
"It is not our intention to cause delays to your travels and we do not want
to cause inconvenience to you," said an emailed statement from a group of
protesters. "We ask for your understanding and forgiveness as young people
in Hong Kong continue to fight for freedom and democracy."
发帖数: 2202
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 英报为登出“露鸟图”而道歉
Now that's REALLY going Commando! Radio Times forced to apologize after
printing image of soldier's privates
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2091211/Radio-Times-forced-apologise-printing-image-soldiers-privates.html#ixzz1nF3zbBp6
They're well known for macho Their humor and crude practical jokes Often, I
know maybe the Radio Times Should Have seen this one coming.
However, the TV listings magazine has-been forced to apologize after it
failed to notice That one cheeky... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
Tabloid claims global Grindr outage caused by overactive Olympic athletes
The arrival of thousands of athletes and their national support staff caused
the gay networking app Grindr to crash a British tabloid newspaper claims.
According to The People newspaper, ‘technical experts’ said the Grindr
outage was caused by athletes and others trying to logon to the service all
at the same time. Grindr works by displaying the 100 guys closest to you
based on GPS data. The proximity of athletes in the Ol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
Liz Hurley and Bill Clinton 'affair' was all made up, admits Tom Sizemore
Bill Clinton's alleged love affair with Liz Hurley sounded too good to be
true - and it was, says Tom Sizemore as he admits making up the story
Tom Sizemore has admitted that his claims of an affair between Liz Hurley
and Bill Clinton were nothing more than fantasy.
Those hoping the former US President really did send a private jet to whisk
Miss Hurley to the White House – and was wont to utter such lines as: “You
dumb mot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3205
来自主题: Salon版 - Enough is enough
Are Chinese Americans overreacting by comparing Jimmy Kimmel to Hitler?
More than three weeks after the fact, America’s Chinese community is still
up in arms over Jimmy Kimmel’s perceived anti-Chinese skit.
Thousands of protesters in 27 different US cities took to the streets last
week demanding for more apologies by both Kimmel and television network ABC.
People are claiming that the Jimmy Kimmel Live skit, wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3096
Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?
What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is
finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates
Japanese man and woman lean away from each other
Arm’s length: 45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 are ‘not interested in or
despise sexual contact’. More than a quarter of men feel the same way.
Photograph: Eric Rechsteiner
Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works out of her narrow
three-storey home on a Tokyo back st... 阅读全帖
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