P*****r 发帖数: 252 | 1 One Year Anniversay Party in Sat Jul, 30
On the Jul,31,2004,the dance club had it's first party.
Time flies, one year has gone, we got 20 parties, 200 members and countless
To celebrate all these, we will have a Specail Anniversay party on Sat, Jul,
30,2005,8:00 pm at Stewart 302.
Please come to be eyewitness of this special party.don't miss it!
Dance Club of PUCSSA.
Http://www.purduedance.com |
d*********5 发帖数: 53 | 2 问下旧车residual value跟新车的一样? 另外 这个anniversay cash怎么拿? 跟
dealer说 还是提前准备好quote?谢
五月36/10的residual是66%,不是63%.还有一个 $1000 anniversary cash。你问问
dealer,自己最好也再算一下。 |
l*******s 发帖数: 3562 | 3 我收的每对儿都不一样的. 有series80, S1, S2, S3, 25 year anniversay signature
大名琴也未见的比800要好. |
s**********t 发帖数: 455 | 4 1号:LS35a
2号:Jim Rogers jr149
3号:Pioneer bs41
4号:Wharfedale denton 80 Anniversay
5号: fostex bk-12 full range |
m*****a 发帖数: 2609 | 5 将Credit card Churn进行到底
Key info:
-50K after $2K spending in first 3month, which is redeemable for 2 domestic
roundtrip flights
-Both Personal and Business card available.
(so you can get both, 100K! No "two browser trick" as they belong to two
separate depts)
- $69 annual fee NOT waived (for both personal and business)
- 3K bonus pts on anniversay (for both personal and business)
Plus Personal:
Plus Business:
http... 阅读全帖 |
e*****r 发帖数: 621 | 6 我的 USAirways Mastercard 的 Annual Fee 和 statement 要等到4月30日 post, 但
此卡貌似在3月底已经转成AAdvantage卡了。这种情况是不是那个 anniversary bonus
谢谢! |
f****y 发帖数: 2196 | 10 13年开的卡, 帮亲戚问的, 因为10k anniversay miles在网页上移除, 就想以这个理由
关卡, retention offer有就有没有就关, 反正没什么压力. 转到specialist, 我们一
开始没查aa, 直到specialist提醒然后登陆aa才发现10k确实给了, 查完之后不好意思
再提免年费或者关卡了, 不过specialist主动提出免年费+ 5k miles (90天内消费$1k)
, 也算是不错了...13年或者之前开卡的可以看看, 10k miles还honored... |
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 11 A good read.
Happy anniversay on Monday!
You are not from Tsinghua for sure! (Not to belittle any school at all, just to
present a fact or an inference) |
w******t 发帖数: 471 | 12 Sears :)
There will be a Kenmore Anniversay sale |
s********b 发帖数: 2494 | 13 超sweet的一对couple,每人一份free photo CD & video CD!赞赞赞!!!
celebration。 |
P**0 发帖数: 223 | 14 卖2006 american eagle 20th anniversary silver coin set and 2000 american eagle proof silver coin,各一套,coin set $400, 单币$50,最好一起走,可以再优惠10刀,不贴图了,反正见面可以看品相,在center ave和negley路口附近,不远的话可以送送货上门,站内信联系,支付方式再议。 |
r****y 发帖数: 1437 | 15 又要出差去三藩,正好带老婆孩子去逛逛。
u***t 发帖数: 3986 | 17 Included in this bundle sale, are some of my new and used pong stuffs, they
4 New rubbers
Tibhar 1Q Blk MaX 2
Nittaku Fastarc S-1 Red MAX 2
9 highend Setups
Butterfly 60 Anniversay Limited 3
Nittaku Barwell Fleet 2
Butterfly Zhang Yiningn Limited 1
Nittaku Ludeack Fleet 1
Stiga CL-CC 1
Stiga Dynapower Wood (extinct) 1
1. Deal as whole, no seperate sell
2. All blades and rubbers are new or like-new, due to slight usage and good
3. All setups incl... 阅读全帖 |
C*********i 发帖数: 543 | 18 IP is definitely a backup,just because of its location, it will be more
convenient to access both side of street.
Anniversay day will be in B, i am alreay very happy. |
m**********g 发帖数: 146 | 19 这种经过千分之一秒思考在网上不缴税的话,明显不靠谱。不过这种拿老爷话当真的直率我还蛮欣赏地。
楼了一眼,那个帖子里的情况只能是缺乏沟通。有很多人心思细腻而且敏感,窝在被窝里看什么白雪公主白马王子海枯石烂的长大的。这没有什么问题。可是想当然,潜意识里把那种状况当作现实,拿浪漫当作家常便饭觉得才天经地义才正常。而且不善表达,严重地说不善于表达需求。这样一来,撞大运遇上了嘴甜的大情圣还则罢了,否则就是整个一林黛玉。为什么喜欢揣摩别人的心思,而不去问清楚,说明白呢,长嘴难道不就是为了沟通。我就想,心理医生在现实生活中真的很重要,不管是那方面,可惜咱们东方人太(请帮我填一下空),还是家丑不能远扬?大家看two and half man,会不会觉得上面那种marriage counseling是摆设(想起来那个高大精瘦的女counselor还是个多面手,什么counseling都能应付,拿富人当白痴,骗钱啊,哈哈)?如果海龟当心理医生,不知道这会儿是不是太晚了,还是太早了?
爱情是棵苗,需要浇灌培养,等开花结果了,结婚了,生孩子了,难道就不要维护了,不需要养料,浇水,除草,摘去枯叶了吗?靠,真tm... 阅读全帖 |
j**n 发帖数: 13789 | 20 没有经过思考讲出来的话才是真心话
东方人太(请帮我填一下空),还是家丑不能远扬: 看蠹铱磘wo and half man,会
不会觉得上面那种marriage counseling是摆设(想起来那个高大精瘦的女counselor还
让很多神经大条的... 阅读全帖 |
o*******g 发帖数: 1300 | 23 I did not buy the other 2 as they asked too much.
bin 1500 |
o*******g 发帖数: 1300 | 24 Also have 1984 1 oz also 1500 bin. |
G*********o 发帖数: 49669 | 26 来自主题: MiddleSchool版 - 11/30 你什么时候anniversay
anniversary的人发.. |
M******n 发帖数: 138 | 27 While we are busy in sorting many things out after our successful ceremony
held during the weekend, I understand our valued OCEFers deserve to have a
sneak peek on it. More reports and photos coming soon.
We have approximately 230 people coming in our ceremony, and many were
impressed and improved by our great achievement in the past 20 years.
Chinese Consulate, US representative and State Congress have representatives
to our event for recognition and declaration. We collected over $6000 (we
... 阅读全帖 |
M******n 发帖数: 138 | 28 http://my.backchina.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=268649&do=blog&i
OCEF(Overseas China Education Foundation)成立于1992年11月3日,今年,是其20
遍,... 阅读全帖 |