z****g 发帖数: 265 | 1 Allegra is good. If you have bad congestion, ask a doctor for a prescription
of Allegra-D. |
Z*******n 发帖数: 694 | 2 还有Allegra。Claritin对某些人有用;Allegra对一些人有用。看起来成分都一样。 |
p********i 发帖数: 12365 | 3 allegra也只对我有用了一年
这个问题应该到求医问药版去问呀。 |
l******k 发帖数: 27533 | 4 来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 泪眼看花 antihistamine没有RX或者behind the counter呀:((
如果allegra maximum dose都用了还没用,那就没什么药更有用了
当然有人用behind the counter加D的,增强作用缓解鼻塞
strength |
l******k 发帖数: 27533 | 5 来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 泪眼看花 不大可能是allegra的副作用
既然进不了你的大脑,就不会作用咳嗽中枢 |
l*******n 发帖数: 293 | 6 自己花粉过敏很严重,同症状者会理解,很多年的经验这里与大家分享。
严格减少户外时间是药物外最有效的办法,... 阅读全帖 |
n******m 发帖数: 719 | 7 来美第七年,出现严重的花粉过敏症状。就发生在一周前。厉害的时候两三分钟内能打
我是去年才出现花粉过敏的症状,吃了Allegra马上就好了,今年产生的效果基本没有。 |
l******k 发帖数: 27533 | 8 雷版的楼太恐怖了,在这里回你吧
antihistamine is really the best drug for your seasonal allergy.
If sedation and dry mouth are very bad, try second generation
antihistamines like zyrtec, claritin, and allegra. People respond
antihistamines differently. Switch to another antihistamine until you
find the one that works.
Allegra causes the least sedation.
If the allergy symptoms are severe, you may need short term
corticosteroids for about 7 to 10 days to alleviate symptoms.
The key is to find out the allergens ... 阅读全帖 |
p********i 发帖数: 12365 | 9 个人认为allegra比claritin和zyrtec强
都不是啦。 claritin一直就是otc的, zyrtec是
小剂量otc品种。 基本上席思敏的强度就是
claritin->allegra->zyrtec, 还有一种Singulair不是
席思敏。 厉害的就要洗鼻子/喷雾nasonax, 再厉害的
就要打针了 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 10 据香港媒体报道,轰动全球的裸照风暴昨日爆发,有外国黑客疑利用苹果iCloud云端系统的漏洞,非法盗取了一班全球当红女星的裸照,继而在讨论区发布。由于受影响的全是世界知名人士,包括奥斯卡影后詹妮弗-劳伦斯、Kate Upton,就连足球员Hope Amelia Solo都有份,加上詹妮弗和女星Mary Elizabeth Winstead亦承认了照片属实,令这批为数约一百多张的艳照迅速流传,尽管twitter已“用尽方法”封阻发布裸照的用户,但亦丝毫无阻艳照流传速度,情况一发不可收拾。
由于昨日有疑似裸照流出的受害者如詹妮弗、“蜘蛛女”克尔斯滕-邓斯特和新晋女歌手Victoria Justice都榜上有名,令这份艳照名单的真确性大大提高。但最令人惊讶的,却是名单中不乏赫赫有名之辈,如人气歌手Riha... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 11 好莱坞女星
詹妮弗-劳伦斯Jennifer Lawrence 演员
凯特-阿普顿Kate Upton 名模
克尔斯滕-邓斯特Kirsten Dunst 演员
玛丽-伊丽莎白-温斯泰德Mary Elizabeth Winstead 演员
泰莉莎-帕尔墨Teresa Palmer 演员
布丽-拉尔森Brie Larson 演员
卡蕾-库奥科Kaley Cuoco 演员
维多利亚-贾斯蒂斯Victoria Justice 演员
丽娅-米雪儿Lea Michele 演员
贝卡-托宾Becca Tobin 演员
克里斯滕-蕊特Krysten Ritte... 阅读全帖 |
P******0 发帖数: 9787 | 12 Allegra 怎么样?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.2.2 |
d*******g 发帖数: 8992 | 13 claritin/benadryl/zyrtec/allegra都试试,都是非处方药,效果因人而异。
本地蜂蜜等等,都没什么太大效果的。 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 14 THE 101 ALLEGED VICTIMS OF THE HACK
AJ Michalka, American actress, singer-songwriter, and musician
Alyson 'Aly' Michalka, AJ's sister, also an American actress
Allegra Carpenter, actress, best known for The Fault In Our Stars
Abigail Spencer, American actress
Alana Blanchard, American professional surfer and bikini model
Alexa Jane, model
Angelina McCoy, actress, best known for Enchanted
Anna O'Neill
Ashley Blankenship, actress, appeared in The Wolf Of Wall Street
Aubrey Plaza, American actress ... 阅读全帖 |
m**i 发帖数: 9848 | 15 什么叫cvs的?
过敏药按成分来有好几种:Clarintin, Zyrtech, Xyzal, Allegra,加上几种喷鼻子的
如果全都没用,就要看医生,开处方药 |
b******t 发帖数: 1271 | 16 allegra
毒性.效果很不错。建议试试。 |
i*****e 发帖数: 2810 | 17 非处方的有一种管24小时的,Allegra。
我感觉复合维他命要坚持吃。 |
M1 发帖数: 2038 | 18 如果是pollen引起的哮喘,吃allegra/claritin有用吗 |
s**c 发帖数: 34339 | 19 我去年吃zyrtec,没用,今年吃allegra,还是没用。
眼药是ketofifen fumarate。
跟鼻子痒,眼睛痒比起来,那种咳嗽起来要吐血的感觉更让人难受 |
s**c 发帖数: 34339 | 20 allegra
上周眼睛痒的恨不得扣出来,用那个ketotifen fumarate eye drops坚持滴,现在也基
本上不怎么痒了 |
s**c 发帖数: 34339 | 21 推荐allegra D + ketotifen fumarate ophthalmic solution |
f*******0 发帖数: 62 | 22 有幸得到一个AP position, 现需要估算个 startup package。 因为我主要是用E.
Coli express and purify membrane proteins,特向有经验前辈们请教几个主要用到
的仪器大概价格 (有个区间就行)。多谢多谢!
1. High performance liquid chromatography
2. 1L bacteria incubation shaker
3. OD spectrometer (for bacteria concentration measurement)
4. Allegra type centrifuge (for protein solution centrifuge/concentrate)
5. Bacteria cell pelleting, harvesting centrifuge
6. ultracentrifuge
7. Benchtop microcentrifuge
8. mechanical bacterial cell breaker
9. UV absorption spectr... 阅读全帖 |
b**********r 发帖数: 2664 | 23 明天可以寄出,应该赶得上过期前用.
TARGET 5颗装的 $7.14,合并TARGET 打印的$2 OFF COUPON, 最后$0.14.
下周Walgreen有店里的COUPON $5 OFF( 周广告上 ),5月小册子上2 OFF,可以合并
用,最后价格不详。Walgreen的5颗装价格好像是7块多。 |
t*********r 发帖数: 845 | 24 哪里有target 2 off coupon 啊?谢谢 |
b**********r 发帖数: 2664 | 25 TARGET 官网上可以打印,主页下方点COUPON就可以打印. |
b**********r 发帖数: 2664 | 26 因为我打印过了,就消失了.所以现在我也不确定还能不能打. |
s********e 发帖数: 1596 | 28 Zyrtec, claritin or allegra during the day, benadryl at night is ok.
Also try hydrocortisone cream for the rash.
Dry skin care is the key. Lots of emollients. |
m*********r 发帖数: 607 | 29 怎么总觉得和CVS处方开的对花粉过敏效果不同呢? 大家有同感吗? |
x*****i 发帖数: 4035 | 31 well, if one is OTC and the other is prescription, then duh... |
N*********c 发帖数: 330 | 36 1, do you have a pet?
2, you may consider change all your pillows, may consider hypoallergenic
3, clean carpet more frequently,
4, may try zyrtec or claritin or allegra first, if not working, may see your
doctor, add a nasal steroids,
5, keep window closed.
6, to narrow it down is less important for most mild allergy patient,
because the treatment is basically the same.
7, desensitization therapy is available, usually is reserved to severe cases
. |
g***r 发帖数: 285 | 37
move away from the allergy source is always the first thing to consider,
over the counter you can get Zyrtec and claritin, allegra and clarinex are
still needing prescription,
nasal inhalers such as nasonex and flonase and rhinocort might help,actually
they are preferred over singulair, the newest inhaled nasal steroid is
veramyst, but these meds are very expensive though, |
c*******n 发帖数: 1214 | 38 claritin.
actually now allegra becomes over the counter. |
d**l 发帖数: 1546 | 39 过敏了五六年了, 现在常见药已经都不管用了, 比如claritin,
allegra, zyrtec
不知道看医生有没有用呢 |
r*******n 发帖数: 3020 | 40 昨晚吃了一片
Allegra Allergy
今天症状明显减轻 |
a*****a 发帖数: 19262 | 41 thank you so much.
I am trying Claritin-D now, and it seems it works better than Allegra which
is recommended by the doctor.
Should I ask the doctor for prescribed medicine.
Are you taking any medicine? |
b*******g 发帖数: 1095 | 42 I used to take Claritin-D pretty often. Whenever I felt uncomfortable I
took it. After few months it was not as effective as beginning. So I
stopped. Now I just use NasalCrom once a day in the morning. And a regular
Zyrtez (not the Zyrtez-D) when I feel I really need it (e.g. before going to
mow the lawn). I never tried Allegra. You may want to try NasalCrom b4
going to see a doc.
which |
f****o 发帖数: 2770 | 46 loratadine
benadryl cream
hydrocortisone cream |
f****o 发帖数: 2770 | 48 非处方药很多啊
都可以寄回国。。 |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 49 Try zyrtec or allegra. Benadryl really works but the drowsiness is
considerable. If OTC meds don't work, go to a doctor and try Rx ones.
Meanwhile stay in rooms with AC as much as possible, wash your face
frequently, and consider getting an air cleaner. |
a****g 发帖数: 3027 | 50 花粉过敏,喉咙鼻子眼睛常年不舒服,想买点OTC试试.
比如:claritin, allegra, zyrtec 等等,他们的成分有区别吗?效果差别大吗?
长期服用有没有什么副作用? |