s***w 发帖数: 521 | 2 walmart 刚买的alarm clock有一根长长的细天线,以前的什么也没有,FM/AM也不错,这
是为什么呀? 技术退步了? |
a******7 发帖数: 7936 | 4 这两周警报响了两次了,都是停在停车场的时候,sid上显示 service theft alarm。
网上说好像要拆左前轮。 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 5 HOME Dual Alarm Clock Radio with AM and FM Presets for iPhone and iPod is
for $71 + $7.99 shipping w/ coupon code STBLU
Amazon Price is $90
Wake to AM/FM, iPhone/iPod or buzzer / Bass & treble control / 3D balance /
Reso8 ported cabinet stereo speakers / Time sync / Adjusts to time zone
Reson8 ported cabinet stereo speakers with 10-watt output Remote controls
unit & iPhone/iPod functions and menus Line-in, listen to other audio
https://www.electronics-expo.com/index.php?page=item&i |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 8 This was sitting in the Office Depot CLEARANCE section with $39.99 price
sticker on it and a sign saying 50% off lowest price marked on the item. So
essentially, $19.99 price at register. I had one filler item for $1 and
Coupon for $10 off $20 and the final price was $10.99 + Tax
I know this is not such a great item. However, I think its great as it is a
nice piece of electronics sitting on the night stand.
http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/289437/iHome-iP11-Spac... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 10 Kohl's has the LEGOStar WarsChewbacca& Stormtrooper Alarm Clock Set
for $14.49.
Use coupon FREECCDEC for free shipping and code NEXTORDER20 for 20% off.
http://www.kohls.com/upgrade/webstore/product_page.jsp?PRODUCT<>prd_id=845524892631231&FOLDER<>folder_id=2534374753082024&searchTerm=star wars clock&bmUID=1291422988932
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 12 Kidde KN-COPP-B-LPM Battery-Operated Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Digital
Display for $19.49 - 15% = $16.57.
Extra 15% off shown at checkout.
Large digital backlit display is easy to read, even in low-light conditions
Peak-level memory displays the highest CO concentration measured since the
last reset
Meets the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Battery operated with three AA batteries included
Backed by a five-year warranty
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 18 I got one of these today. Seems pretty good at $0.50 considering it was $19.
99 and $15.90 on clearance for a while as of October of last year.
It works OK, keeps time right, but for $0.50 if you are at staples, worth
picking up.
Kincaid Solar Hybrid Alarm Clock - Was $19.99, now $0.50
SKU: 791501
g******y 发帖数: 2517 | 19 Lightning Deal: iHome for iPod/iPhone, iP92BZ Dual-Alarm Clock Radio, 25%
http://amzn.to/GSxSss |
g******y 发帖数: 2517 | 21 亚马逊Deal of the Day: Kidde Battery-Operated Carbon Monoxide and Smoke
Alarm 67% off
http://amzn.to/LKXwet |
a9 发帖数: 21638 | 22 问alarm system公司,一般应该可以。 |
a9 发帖数: 21638 | 23 问alarm system公司,一般应该可以。 |
a****e 发帖数: 1297 | 24
就这么凑合用吧 |
s***a 发帖数: 7433 | 25 【 以下文字转载自 WenMang 俱乐部 】
发信人: shaya (小胖), 信区: WenMang
标 题: LEGO Star Wars Chewbacca & Stormtrooper Alarm Clock and Darth Vader Watch Combo Set $24.99 Free Ship
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 30 12:54:52 2010, 美东)
http://www.amazon.com/LEGO-900334...403&sr=1-1 |
l*******e 发帖数: 127 | 26 写了一下第三题,基本思路是类似于sweep-line算法,用一个max heap保持当前权重最
高的alarm,按照时间顺序扫描, 碰到alarm start event, add alarm to the heap,
for alarm end event,
remove the alarm from the heap. keep track the top of the heap, which
should be kept.
public class WeightedInterval {
public List removeAlarms(List alarms)
SortedMap> times = new TreeMap<>();
for(Alarm alarm : alarms)
if(!times.containsKey(alarm.start)) times.put(alarm.start, new
Array... 阅读全帖 |
t*****0 发帖数: 264 | 27 发信人: wokaowokao (GaN), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 我的上庭经历+所用文件
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 10 16:00:47 2009)
是motion递交排到1月27号,今天trial.我对本州的speedy trial不是狠了解.由于上一
次也是我的失误,没能按原有排期,所以我也不指望靠speedy trial的trick了.
忙完自己的活,拖着腮帮百无聊赖的在prosecutor的位子上发呆,让我觉得大厅... 阅读全帖 |
j***h 发帖数: 4412 | 28 Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖 |
j***h 发帖数: 4412 | 29 Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖 |
j***h 发帖数: 4412 | 30 Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖 |
j***h 发帖数: 4412 | 31 Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖 |
w***n 发帖数: 4358 | 32 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
Viaaa (大V) 于 (Thu Sep 16 12:25:06 2010, 美东) 提到:
老公大概是没锁车,两个年轻小子,用车里的garage opener把车库开了一小个口子,
再接下来,就是警察来了... 阅读全帖 |
f******e 发帖数: 938 | 33 半年前某晚凌晨2:30分左右,正睡的香,忽然家里security alarm警铃大作。俺一下子
蹦起来,冲出卧室,直奔control panel,经过检查,发现出事区域指向前门,奔向前
发现啥,就说算了吧。后来回想,好后怕,如果没有security alarm,后果会是什么??
俺家security alarm晚上响过几次,通常都是在俺家住的朋友搞的,只有这次好像是真
不过话说回来,那大半夜的security alarm响起来可真吓人,俺每次小心脏突突地要跳
所以奉劝那些没有security alarm的装一个吧,没多少... 阅读全帖 |
f******e 发帖数: 938 | 34 半年前某晚凌晨2:30分左右,正睡的香,忽然家里security alarm警铃大作。俺一下子
蹦起来,冲出卧室,直奔control panel,经过检查,发现出事区域指向前门,奔向前
发现啥,就说算了吧。后来回想,好后怕,如果没有security alarm,后果会是什么??
俺家security alarm晚上响过几次,通常都是在俺家住的朋友搞的,只有这次好像是真
不过话说回来,那大半夜的security alarm响起来可真吓人,俺觉得一般小偷听到这些
所以奉劝那些没有security alarm的装一个吧,没多少钱,并且有这个的话,home
ins... 阅读全帖 |
M*F 发帖数: 1365 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: mrvl (let freedom ring, let freedom win), 信区: Joke
标 题: 说到枪的事,想起半年前的break in
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 20 22:51:35 2012, 美东)
发信人: freelife (对酒当歌,人生几何;譬如朝露,去日苦多), 信区: Military
标 题: 说到枪的事,想起半年前的break in
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 20 22:50:17 2012, 美东)
半年前某晚凌晨2:30分左右,正睡的香,忽然家里security alarm警铃大作。俺一下子
蹦起来,冲出卧室,直奔control panel,经过检查,发现出事区域指向前门,奔向前
发现啥,就说算了吧。后来回想,好后怕,如果没有security alarm,后果会是什么??
俺家security ala... 阅读全帖 |
m**l 发帖数: 11854 | 36 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: freelife (对酒当歌,人生几何;譬如朝露,去日苦多), 信区: Military
标 题: 说到枪的事,想起半年前的break in
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 20 22:50:17 2012, 美东)
半年前某晚凌晨2:30分左右,正睡的香,忽然家里security alarm警铃大作。俺一下子
蹦起来,冲出卧室,直奔control panel,经过检查,发现出事区域指向前门,奔向前
发现啥,就说算了吧。后来回想,好后怕,如果没有security alarm,后果会是什么??
俺家security alarm晚上响过几次,通常都是在俺家住的朋友搞的,只有这次好像是真
不过话说回来,那大半夜的security alarm响起来可真吓人... 阅读全帖 |
w****5 发帖数: 46 | 37 第三题用interval tree,对每个优先级建立一棵interval tree,对任意一个alarm,在
所有比它优先级高的interval tree中搜索,看有没有起始时间小于等于它,结束时间
来的对数方程组很不好解。一个非常rough的upper bound是O(k*k*n*lgn),k是优先级的
数量,n是alarm数量 |
A**M 发帖数: 296 | 38 Dear all,
We are promoting our docking station sale during the Christmas and New Year!
Come and check us out at Westfield North County Mall, 2nd floor, Cart named
Ottavo in front of Apple store and Ben Bridge Jewelry store.
OT1010 white color $45.00 including tax and one free iPhone4 case
OT1040 white/pink color $40.00 including tax and one free iPhone4 case
The OT1010 Audio System is an innovative, elliptical shaped audio system and
alarm clock, engineered and manufacture... 阅读全帖 |
g*****9 发帖数: 4125 | 39 2 solutions:
First, assume your alarm is working only the remote is bad. You can buy
another compatible remote and learn to program it yourself or have a alarm
place do it for you.
Second, if you no longer wish to use the alarm system anymore, you can just
bypass the alarm, you don't even need to uninstall or remove anything, just
bypass the the alarm itself. You will find a wire that goes from battery to
alarm, locate it and bypass it.
Google is your best friend, use the exact alarm model, you |
L*********x 发帖数: 2191 | 40 [root@alarm ~]# uname -a
Linux alarm #99 SMP Sun May 29 03:04:43 EDT 2011 armv6l ARMv6-compatible processor
rev 5 (v6l) Oxsemi NAS GNU/Linux
[root@alarm ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor : ARMv6-compatible processor rev 5 (v6l)
processor : 0
BogoMIPS : 279.34
processor : 1
BogoMIPS : 279.34
Features : swp half thumb fastmult edsp java
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0xb02
CPU revision : 5
Hardware : Oxsemi NAS
Revision : 0000
Serial : 00000... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 41 Will Washington Kill Us All? — Paul Craig Roberts
Did you know that Washington keeps 450 nuclear ICBMs on “hair-trigger alert
”? Washington thinks that this makes us “safe.” The reasoning, if it can
be called reason, is that by being able to launch in a few minutes, no one
will try to attack the US with nuclear weapons. US missiles are able to get
on their way before the enemy’s missiles can reach the US to destroy ours.
If this mak... 阅读全帖 |
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 42 How America Can Rise Again
Is America going to hell? After a year of economic calamity that many fear has sent us into irreversible decline, the author finds reassurance in the peculiarly American cycle of crisis and renewal, and in the continuing strength of the forces that have made the country great: our university system, our receptiveness to immigration, our culture of innovation. In most significant ways, the U.S. remains the envy of the world. But here’s the alarming problem: our governin... 阅读全帖 |
j**o 发帖数: 6425 | 43 帮你放狗了,给俩包子吧
To Reset the Installer Code
Reset the Honeywell security alarm by unplugging the transformer to
disconnect it from the power source. Disconnect the battery. If the
installer code needs to be changed, you will have to reset the entire system
. The alarm company will not give out the installer code, since it is
typically used for the installation of many different alarm systems.
Plug the alarm system transformer back in, then reconnect the battery.
Press * and # simultaneously wi... 阅读全帖 |
i******e 发帖数: 1720 | 44 ADT.
Burglar alarm trigger 了几次,都是自己不小心false alarm. 但前两天真把fire
alarm trigger 了,热剩汤的锅在火上居然忘了。警报叫不停,电话马上跟着响。还好
人在家,不然ADT就叫fire truck了。
装了N年了,第一次真正意义起作用。 我们城市由于false alarm 太多,警察局今年初
就停止了response to burglar alarm 除非有真人确认。本来都犹豫要不要还继续
monitor service. 但现在脑袋越来越不好使,:P 。为了fire alarm,继续交钱了。 |
s*******n 发帖数: 12995 | 45 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
wujin (永远的歌手) 于 (Fri Feb 10 12:29:00 2012, 美东) 提到:
我收到不少网友的邮件,他们都想知道如何安装security system (Do It Yourself,
DIY), 所以,我写上这一贴。我会抽空拟一个device清单供大家参考。
1. Equipment
It totally depends on how much you want to spend, but a very basic home
security system should includes the following:
1) A control console
2) A motion sensor
3) one or more door/window sensors
optionally, you can have:
4) An alarm device
5) Additional motion sensors
6) A Wi/Fi IP camera
7) Home au... 阅读全帖 |
f****l 发帖数: 8042 | 46 前两天版上讨论CO detector的安装位置,有同学建议在有gas设备的房间,后来查了一
# How should I install a CO Alarm?
CO alarms should be installed according to the manufacturer's
instructions. CPSC recommends that one CO alarm be installed in the hallway
outside the bedrooms in each separate sleeping area of the home. CO alarms
may be installed into a plug-in receptacle or high on the wall. Hard wired
or plug-in CO alarms should have battery backup. Avoid locations that are |
r******d 发帖数: 1879 | 47 The monthly cost will be around 45 bucks if you dont have landline, with two
years contract. YOu need to provide 3 or 4 contacts for ADT and they will
contact the names when the alarms is triggered, which means the cops will
not be able to come right away. You need to double check with ADT that if
your city's police will respond to the ADT alarm.
What I heard that if you have ADT installed, the chance for burglar will be
much less than the others since the alarms is quite annoying and you can ... 阅读全帖 |
m*********n 发帖数: 11525 | 48 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
unjun (be simple, be naive) 于 (Wed Dec 21 06:24:57 2011, 美东) 提到:
从CVS出来,买了采血针和血糖仪,想着去菜店看下有什么比较好的清仓,买了就回家。进去的时候门禁响了,我已经习惯了,经常从CVS或者RA出来,在进另一家会叫,叫就叫吧,直接走到清仓区,看着好像还有些值得买的。但是左右肩都已经各背一个大包了,手上还提了一个CVS的br />
经理伸手拿过我的CVS购物袋翻了起来,找到了采血针,而且今天我没在店里把收据都收好,全部乱糟糟和买的东西放在一起。还不罢休,伸手要拿我放广告、胖子等的Tote去,我朝他瞪眼,意思是你都看到... 阅读全帖 |
t****g 发帖数: 35582 | 49 Alarm system响了人家也就是打个电话来,如果应答不对再通知local警察局。等警察
其实老中双职工最关心的是家里没人的时候防盗,装alarm system是一个办法,不想花
那个钱可以自己弄一套survellience camera系统,现在都有自带的移动物体识别和短
online看,确认了赶紧给police打电话。 |