P*A 发帖数: 7996 | 2 Garage: 2 Car Attached
不过我有些反感什么中学比Clenemts less stressful这种话,骗老外去比较好,跟同
UT is less stressful than Harvard, UH is even less stressful |
o*o 发帖数: 4495 | 6 其实大多人过于关注学区了
1. 大学排名都可以是joke,何况这种中小学。不是说没有参考价值,但过于迷信就没必
3. 这些好高中,每年就那么2个我们还未必看上的大学。有啥好费事的
Garage: |
P*A 发帖数: 7996 | 7 你说得太有道理了
我要是没孩子,或者我卖房子,我也乐意这么说,反正不腰疼 |
i*******d 发帖数: 1430 | 10 同意,看照片的时候就发现了,这个地基不是一般的厚实。 |
i*******d 发帖数: 1430 | 11 这么大的房子没有电影院,比较遗憾。老中少有需要7个卧室的。 |
l**a 发帖数: 384 | 13 男主downtown工作,近来需要很早到公司。女主将带娃回国打理国内生意。 |
m***o 发帖数: 55 | 14 HOA = 0 ?
这个好,最受不了没事找事,花钱找病的HOA. |
q********n 发帖数: 792 | 15 Welcome to Little Dehli! |
r****9 发帖数: 4961 | 16 俺挺喜欢。如果不是上班太远+孩子马上需要要上好点的学区的话,还真可以考虑。 |
M*T 发帖数: 123 | 17 不知道这院子装 sprinkler 了吗,就目前这温度,一星期得多少g. |
b*****u 发帖数: 1978 | 18 提示一下:
1. Brees 4335
2. Brady 4276
3. XXX 4269
(要不是Brady 这周扔了生涯最高的65次传球,XXX 就是第2名了)
4. Stafford 4252
5. Ryan 4202 |
r********m 发帖数: 593 | 19 这楼包括MAC, Natura Bisse, Omorovicza , Origins, Peter Thomas Roth and
=== M A C === 图1
Strobe cream hydratant lumineux
A76, B76
Size 6mL
Value 4.00
Qty 3
Price 3 for 1.00
False lashes extreme black
Size 3mL
Value 12.00
Qty 1
Price 1.00 each
Natural radiance base lumiere
Size 6mL
Value 5.00
Price 0.50
=== Natura Bisse === 图1
小样均... 阅读全帖 |
t******0 发帖数: 3757 | 20
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If this is your file please upgrade to add more bandwidth credits to your
account. Call Sales at 1-877-729-4269 for more information.
无语。。。这世界还真是没有免费午餐 |
a****e 发帖数: 2064 | 21 来自主题: PhotoForum版 - 也跟风贴花 拍的不错。
我喜欢4269那样的花田 |
p*********w 发帖数: 23432 | 24 手机平台禁止发送含有以下词汇的信息zz
ID Content
3124 江独裁
3125 7.31
3126 9.635
3127 13423205670
3128 人民报讯
3129 CDMA
3130 E周刊
3131 fa lun
3132 falun
3133 IP17908
3134 Soccer01.com
3135 罢工
3136 罢课
3137 办证
3138 包赢
3139 暴乱
3140 拨打
3141 博讯
3142 传单
3143 春宵激情
3144 达赖
3145 打倒
3146 大参考
3147 大法
3148 大纪元
3149 大奖
3150 邓小平
3151 弟子
3152 钓鱼台
3153 东突
3154 东突
3155 东突厥斯坦
3156 独立
3157 二手车
3158 发抡
3159 发仑
3160 发伦
3161 ... 阅读全帖 |
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 25 STORM living cell video recording barrier might be fixed by nonlinear
spectroscopy after 2017 AC (possible)
Alán Aspuru-Guzik Harvard Univ
his team one PNAS paper:
Quantum state and process tomography of energy transfer systems via
ultrafast spectroscopy.
Yuen-Zhou J et al. (2011)
PNAS 108:17615-17620.
key words:
processing ∣ open quantum systems ∣ quantum biology>
... 阅读全帖 |
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 26 STORM living cell video recording barrier might be fixed by nonlinear
spectroscopy after 2017 AC (possible)
Alán Aspuru-Guzik Harvard Univ
his team one PNAS paper:
Quantum state and process tomography of energy transfer systems via
ultrafast spectroscopy.
Yuen-Zhou J et al. (2011)
PNAS 108:17615-17620.
key words:
processing ∣ open quantum systems ∣ quantum biology>
... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 31 Hi Guys. I've previously posted a BMW X5 Driving Event, and while the
reviews were mixed, I think enough people appreciated my post that I am
posting this one now.
Doesn't look like you need an invite code, BTW.
Also, while I understand that a driving event is not a typical "Hot Deals,"
a search for "driving event" shows all such posts to be filed in Hot Deals
<-- EMAIL -->
Youre invited to experience the difference when the all-new BMW X3 takes on
the competition. Its an event that will have y... 阅读全帖 |
g******0 发帖数: 1165 | 32 Wall Street Networking
Business - Investing
Inception: Feb 7th, 2007
Find over 100 links in this group to help you with jobs/internships,
Economics, Bloomberg tutorials, excel spreadsheets, fund manager interviews,
interview questions, learning about the industry (investment banking or
trading? You decide), developing contacts & learning how to make money in
the markets.
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