j*****n 发帖数: 3052 | 2 有啊有啊。我都没想到自己这么能写,这才刚刚开个头,还有好多精彩八卦哪。前两天
谢谢给我发包子的各位,我就不点名致谢了。不过好像刘文彩们还是一毛不拔。。。 |
Q**J 发帖数: 23283 | 3 这么惨, 发你几个吧。
不过我不是mark了也有包子吃末? |
c****1 发帖数: 5654 | 4
exactly, Banzhu men need to be more generous... not many ppl here like
to write long articles.
now here, the water is smaller than theater's... |
c****1 发帖数: 5654 | 8 i played 2 summers back to 93,94, using a head racket which has very
good power and very good for forehand and serves, i was a fan of
andrew aggassi before..
now i am using Prince POG OS, it has less power for forehand and serves
but very good for backhand and volleys. |
c****1 发帖数: 5654 | 9 for any sports, it is a good idea to stick on one and play at
least 2-3 times/week so that i can improve.. |
M*******0 发帖数: 1502 | 10 膝盖绝对是耗损件!使用膝部的强度越大,损伤就越大。膝伤就是一个人在超越自己体
陈酒和我早已经离不开MOVE FREE了。 |
Q**J 发帖数: 23283 | 13 //kick
害我掉地上了。。。 不给你mark, 包子了。 |
j*****n 发帖数: 3052 | 22 我自己?我是无门无派的,有次在街头捡到一本"如来神掌",照猫画虎的练两下,现在
正等着谁给我打通任督二脉。。。 |
j*****n 发帖数: 3052 | 24 谢了。我就是写着玩,觉得有意思的就多扯点。也是头一次写比较长的帖子。
像垃圾和老张的技术帖,言之有物,切中要害,那才是大牛啊。 |
j*****n 发帖数: 3052 | 25 恩。应该不是,不然早就去灭你了。你有没有,借我看两天? |
c*****e 发帖数: 2043 | 29 一个写的是基本功里的基本元素,另一个我个人感觉像个初学者(根据他提的问题和思
黑暗个法,现在也差不多看明白了,也就那样了。 |
c****1 发帖数: 5654 | 30
u sound like my brother, when we were little, he, who is 2 years
younger than me, followed me in sports, but always lost to me, so
he quit, and started to be interested in CM, QI Gong, Martial art
were his favorite, beat one of his classmates in high school to
hospital for a week...
Joined Shan Da team in his college s.t. he had a chance to meet
his current wife, who was a sprinter from Shangdong. |
s**t 发帖数: 737 | 31 It's always pleasant to read c9's post with interesting Chinese AND English.
'Shan' Da was right. 'Shang'dong was not. :-) |
b*****1 发帖数: 1355 | 36 写得很好。
不死 |
n****l 发帖数: 6652 | 40 顶上。俺说怎么跟你一打,被你那方天画戟反背一戳死得很难看,原来你是摆兵器谱的
不死 |
c**l 发帖数: 9003 | 41 好看。。。比赛某种程度上就是赛的互抓这块肥肉。
不死 |
j*****n 发帖数: 3052 | 42 你这个创意不错。。。不过小师妹结局太惨,我怕马甲拿刀砍我。改过了。
又加了两位,欢迎补充。 |
Q**J 发帖数: 23283 | 44 酱紫啊。。。。。
我看我以后还是换个运动哈。。。。。 |
H******n 发帖数: 4072 | 48 膘肥体壮170磅。
这两天在外面走走那个累啊,不说了。回去减肥加健身去。 |
D***e 发帖数: 48486 | 49 我现在200磅,不过再往下减MS很难了
keke |
Q**J 发帖数: 23283 | 50 add oil, add oil.
我已经减了快10 lb了, 少吃多动。
我每天运动三次。 打球, 或者跑步。
等再减点儿就奔对比照给大家加油。 |