d**w 发帖数: 14889 | 1 以前一直以为swaddler没有3号的。。。。amazon好像就没有。。。。
个,但是不干爽。宝宝的屁股总 |
a**b 发帖数: 293 | 2 汗,我囤的pure & natural 3号啊,怎么办!
个,但是不干爽。宝宝的屁股总 |
N******u 发帖数: 11939 | 3 就是说swaddle sensitive三号的质量真的因为是drymax就比1,2号掉好多?俺哭了,
俺屯了3,4箱呢:( |
b****b 发帖数: 4338 | 4 3号开始用baby dry,一开始很杯具,娃的大大太稀,很多时候拉一次换一次衣服。现
在娃的大大稠了,好很多很多。 |
m****o 发帖数: 5689 | 5 娃跟娃不同
软和,吸力强劲~~~ |
c*****n 发帖数: 1539 | 6 P家的baby dry很好很好,比sensitive要软和,还便宜。可惜我以前太亲妈了,给娃屯
的都是sensitive,又贵又不如baby dry好用。H家的太硬,不予考虑。 |
l*****2 发帖数: 987 | 8 mark~
个,但是不干爽。宝宝的屁股总 |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 9 现在看下来pure and natural最贵,其次是swaddlers。 |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 11 amazon有,我就在那买的。50多一箱,原价。 |
f********n 发帖数: 1561 | 14 写得很好。我3号全部屯的cruiser dry max,感觉一般般,凑合着用吧。希望能有人推
荐更好的尿布来。接双黄包 |
N******u 发帖数: 11939 | 15 你不是说sensitive3号潮么?sensitive3号就是dry max呀。而且我最近在drugstore看
到有两款sensitive swaddler3号4号的大箱的,一种是标了dry max的,一种是不标的
包装不同,价钱一样,片数多的不亏了? |
l********e 发帖数: 1118 | 18 我老觉得cruisers dry max吸了尿之后,表面虽然不湿,但油乎乎的,所以相比之下我
也更prefer baby dry,感觉更软更细 |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 19 潮不是因为drymax,swaddlers和cruisers都是drymax的。
新包装也是drymax的。 |
N******u 发帖数: 11939 | 21 哦。看你总结的好像基本上3号都比较潮,为什么呢?是娃尿多? |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 22 不是。因为一号二号我们都用的pampers sensitive的,那个网面真的很干爽。三号尿
想像一下带网面和不带网面的卫生巾,还是网面的比较干爽。 |
V***a 发帖数: 11942 | 24 我家倒是没用过很多种尿片,也不知道是不是因为一生下来我就给她用PN,把她的屁股
养娇贵了,中途换过huggies little mover和huggies的夜用(PN没夜用啊),结果都
试别的了,浪费钱啊。 |
n****a 发帖数: 2462 | 25 mark
个,但是不干爽。宝宝的屁股总 |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 26 babydry确实是软,真软,我特喜欢,就是没有swaddlers干。 |
s*******2 发帖数: 652 | 27 我是我家娃唯一不红屁股的,小时候用pamper sensitive,3号以后就开始红屁股,用p
我还是觉得这个好用 |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 29 对,就是这个。该死的ipad,键盘一点也不好使。
products&ie=UTF8&qid=1302719106&sr=1-5 |
N******u 发帖数: 11939 | 30 卫生巾分棉面和网面。个人体会棉的不容易过敏,网的干爽。
一直没太清楚,swaddle sensitive是不是属于sensitive系列的? |
c****b 发帖数: 3362 | 31 谢谢分享。
了,最后就用baby dry了。
r**3 发帖数: 1779 | 33 问一下:LZ说的这个swaddler和swaddler dry max是一个货么?究竟两者有啥区别?多
谢。 |
c*****n 发帖数: 1539 | 34 恭喜你,不标且数量多的是老版的,是最好的那种。赶紧拿下。 |
r****y 发帖数: 327 | 35 pure & natural 我用着就蛮好的,从来没有见过什么颗粒。
所以没有比较。 |
W***e 发帖数: 5422 | 36 现在所有swaddlers都是drymax的。 |
E*****1 发帖数: 60 | 38 美妈们轻拍我哈~
Pollia 谢谢你的支持,画我刚才已经邮寄走了,你星期三就会收到,Tracking Number
我发你信箱里了。 |
g****n 发帖数: 8093 | 39 看完了完稿,一直没机会跟你交流,最近每天来上网都23:00过后了,唉。
.. |
c*******e 发帖数: 9475 | 40 都完稿了啊,赶紧去看。。。偶像到底是谁啊,看来是中国人,
.. |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 41 假期快结束的时候,孩子的第一本小说正式结稿。这还是LZ以一个IPOD TOUCH钓的。当
初说好,如果SPELL BEE第一能代表学校参加全州的比赛,就送个IPOD TOUDCH,结果最
后功亏一篑,拿了个第二。但孩子还是特别想要这个IPOD TOUCH,自己提了个条件,要
写小说,写完后还是要个IPOD TOUCH。LZ当时心里也是狂喜,知道孩子英语的听说读都
还凑合,但一直不知道写作能力怎样,没想到孩子自己提出来了。一台IPD TOUCH能钓
SINGLE SAPCE, 近三百页纸。LZ大约看了一下,内容稍简单了一些,但对于同龄人的心
自娱自乐,锻炼一下了。 |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 42 Just How Spoiled the First Day of School Can Be
Jonnie Henderson woke up with a cry and a hurting back. He had once
again fallen of the bed while sleeping. He checked his clock. It was 6:42 in
the morning.
Just then, a slight little knock on the wooden door in Jonnie’s room got
Jonnie’s attention. He slowly walks to the door and asks in a low voice, “
Who is this?” But no answer came.
Jonnie slowly opens the door, but only sees a black hooded figure with a
scythe in a hand. The figure leaped... 阅读全帖 |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 43 Jonnie found breakfast on the dinning room table. It is pancakes topped
with honey and butter, hot and ready for eating. A cup of chocolate milk is
next to the meal.
“Well, Lily. If you had read the ‘Sweet Breakfast’ that I wrote, you
should know that chocolate milk is not as healthy as 0% white milk. It makes
you fat!” Jonnie’s dad, Josh Henderson (Dad), came out of the bathroom
with a newspaper folded under his armpits.
“So, our sweet little Jonnie likes my chocolate milk better than your... 阅读全帖 |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 44 The second Jonnie saw what was going on inside the bus, he became scared:
kids throwing pieces of cakes across the bus; kids standing up and fighting;
some kids are having a rubber band war, shooting rubber bands everywhere;
and worst of all, the driver is not even paying attention, he is listening
to music on his ipod and shaking his head with the beat.
I’m not a really a rule-keeper myself, but this is way over the line.
How in the world am I going to make it through this? Jonnie thought. ... 阅读全帖 |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 45 Jonnie walked to the big black board in the 6th grade hall, trying to see
whose class is he in. He squished and pushed until he was in the front of
the crowd. He searched for his name on the six white papers what is covered
with black words and found his name on Mrs. Turner’s paper, which is a
really bad news, horrible news actually, since last year’s 6th graders
voted that Mrs. Turner is the meanest of all the 6th grade teachers. They
say that Mrs. Turner gives a referral just for speaking when... 阅读全帖 |
e*****o 发帖数: 552 | 46 直接贴片断很难招大量人围观,特别是如果不是在亲友团的版面的话。写个摘要要不?
文学创作这个东西,其实被拍特别锻炼人,真实体会。。。呵呵。 |
H****3 发帖数: 7936 | 47 孩子多大了?能自己push自己的娃都很了不起。 |
e*****o 发帖数: 552 | 48 读完了,呵呵。孩子在创作,挺好的,继续坚持呗。娃小学生中学生?
to |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 49 七年级了。如果孩子真能自己PUSH自己就好了,那LZ就烧高香了。每次做点事都是胡萝
卜加大棒。 |
D**********s 发帖数: 125 | 50 谢谢。孩子中学了。摘要的事跟孩子商量一下,反正LZ是写不出来。 |