序号 | 主题 | 回帖 | 发帖人 | 最后回复 |
151 | 请教如何把运算放到background? | 2 | y**j 10-02-12 | w*m 02-13 00:51 |
152 | 问题:可以设定SUN T5120 SERVER 的 VIRTUAL PROCESSOR 的数目(转载) | 2 | e*c 09-03-05 | c*c 02-07 16:01 |
153 | 想买个Sun Blade 1500 | 10 | w*m 10-01-17 | w*m 02-04 23:05 |
154 | find command (转载) | 2 | i**p 08-02-28 | c****j 02-04 10:25 |
155 | 欢迎加入俱乐部python (转载) | 0 | i*****f 10-02-02 | i*****f 02-02 14:20 |
156 | VNCServer Help | 2 | w*m 10-01-29 | w*m 01-30 10:01 |
157 | 如何在Soalris 7里装VIM? | 1 | z****t 10-01-23 | c*****t 01-24 01:42 |
158 | Solaris C问题求教:readlink返回空 | 0 | xt 09-12-11 | xt 12-11 14:18 |
159 | 我的cygwin总是发布了email | 0 | r*****u 09-10-31 | r*****u 10-31 15:54 |
160 | 新版msn为何无法接收脱机消息? | 1 | d******g 09-10-25 | d******g 10-30 23:23 |
161 | 如何得到一个进程的CPU运行时间,谢谢 | 4 | s**********s 09-08-24 | n****n 10-30 01:40 |
162 | 求助一个shell script | 1 | j***y 09-10-29 | n****n 10-30 01:36 |
163 | debian和ubuntu相比差异在哪里? | 2 | M***y 09-10-15 | r*******y 10-23 19:22 |
164 | Semaphores in Linux (转载) | 1 | n**d 09-01-10 | l*****g 09-13 09:10 |
165 | Unix跟Linux比到底有啥好? | 15 | r******s 08-04-24 | D**u 08-09 19:09 |
166 | 在linux 和 Unix 上做 C/C++ 有差别吗? | 2 | s********1 08-07-18 | l*********3 07-23 10:55 |
167 | unix下如何获得当前term的背景色? | 1 | b**a 09-07-06 | D**u 07-11 23:01 |
168 | Opensolaris2009安了后,风扇一直转 | 2 | s**c 09-07-02 | D**u 07-11 23:00 |
169 | install grace on fedora core 6 problems (转载) | 0 | l********r 09-07-11 | l********r 07-11 12:09 |
170 | DVD player for RHEL? | 0 | C*S 09-06-14 | C*S 06-14 12:09 |
171 | 怎样创造一个 segv (转载) | 1 | s******e 09-03-02 | t*****g 06-12 16:18 |
172 | 大家发现没有firefox最近非常不稳定 | 1 | t*******n 09-06-04 | w********e 06-11 00:05 |
173 | shell script如何comment out一整段文字? | 2 | s*******g 09-06-09 | s*******g 06-09 18:20 |
174 | 请不要问任何盗版的问题 | 0 | c*****t 09-06-05 | c*****t 06-05 22:50 |
175 | How to use graphic commands when ssh to an solaris terminal | 4 | j*****u 09-05-22 | w********e 05-24 17:25 |
176 | How to extract Last string in one line (Windows NT SHELL script) | 1 | M*****t 09-05-13 | c*****t 05-14 04:58 |
177 | 死机reset后到底需不需要force fsch check? (转载) | 1 | f**c 09-02-13 | n****n 04-24 16:28 |
178 | dtrace问题 | 1 | xt 09-04-23 | n****n 04-24 16:10 |
179 | 大家都用什么Profiler? | 6 | xt 09-04-21 | xt 04-22 13:56 |
180 | Shell script求教 | 3 | xt 09-02-12 | xt 04-21 10:23 |
181 | 如何在系里unix下通过telnet看 mitbbs? | 4 | p********e 09-03-31 | D**u 04-20 09:51 |
182 | about the laptop for using apache software | 1 | p******8 09-04-14 | c*****t 04-14 21:12 |
183 | 请教一个关于nohup的问题 | 3 | C******n 09-02-16 | k****e 04-07 20:13 |
184 | Silicon graphics 倒了 | 0 | l*****g 09-04-01 | l*****g 04-01 22:47 |
185 | 为什么sony的笔记本上xwindow启动不了? | 0 | b*******g 09-03-16 | b*******g 03-16 17:42 |
186 | 怎么从script中把环境变量传回到当前shell中? (转载) | 5 | r*****e 09-02-14 | c********0 02-25 00:45 |
187 | Re: Re: Re: 申请成立MacDev(可口苹果)版-问个MP3 API 问题 (转载) | 0 | c*******9 09-02-02 | c*******9 02-02 04:28 |
188 | HAPPY NIU YEAR~~~~ | 0 | N****g 09-01-26 | N****g 01-26 04:19 |
189 | 还是只认3.6G内存,大虾分析一下把 (转载) | 1 | f**y 08-05-08 | y**b 01-19 23:57 |
190 | 问:direct files to trash but list file names | 3 | l**********n 09-01-16 | c*****t 01-17 17:15 |
191 | 说有unix the textbook这本书啊 | 0 | w*****l 09-01-16 | w*****l 01-16 05:47 |
192 | dos下有类似于 unix "tail" command么? | 1 | l*********r 09-01-07 | c*****t 01-07 20:24 |
193 | gnuplot画图求助 | 0 | s***m 09-01-05 | s***m 01-05 15:56 |
194 | How to find what kind of UNIX I am using ? | 1 | c****r 08-12-18 | c*****t 12-18 16:53 |
195 | opensolaris 2008.11 is out. | 5 | l*****g 08-12-02 | w***g 12-11 21:03 |
196 | how to print the last 2 columns of a text file? | 3 | T***B 03-02-04 | t********m 12-05 00:13 |
197 | what does command 'kill -HUP' means | 1 | h**o 08-12-03 | c*****t 12-03 14:05 |
198 | How to gzip a directory directly ? | 3 | I**A 08-12-02 | c*****t 12-02 21:34 |
199 | 有没有朋友懂yacc,真诚请教 | 2 | s*******2 08-11-11 | s*******2 11-11 21:58 |
200 | 查询一个folder 有多大 | 2 | x******g 08-11-02 | c****v 11-10 07:08 |